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A sober assessment of what it will take to end the War in Ukraine.
18 June 2023, 04:55
shanksponyA sober assessment of what it will take to end the War in Ukraine. June 2023, 05:07
Magine EnigamIMO, this is clarity and reality, as of now.
I read a lot on this topic. None is as satisfactory as this video, IMO. But, I assimilate it all, best I can.
The question of Putin going away -- the scary part is who or what replaces him. We can not assume that will be less malignant.
Degenerate 1:1
1 Then Trump said, "Let Us re-make a Nation in MY Image, after My likeness, to rule over everything in the Nation, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it".
Degenerate 1:2
2 Then Trump said, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay on your behalf."
Degenerate 1:3
3 "My Kingdom come, my will be done."
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
"Stupid is as stupid does". Forest Gump
"Fascist is as fascist does". Magine Enigam
D.J. Trump aka Trumpism's Founding Farter, aka Farter Martyr. Qualifications: flatulence - mental, oral and anal.
18 June 2023, 05:18
shanksponyThere are two ways to get rid of Putin and one is supply Ukraine with an advantage that makes his office untenable. Thats what is building I think. I see ATACMs are now in the US budget for Ukraine.
Anyone coming along after Putin will probably look to remove themselves from the Ukraine situation in order to make at least their start look better too the russian people Id imagine. Of course they will likely be scumbags as well and the best we can hope for re russia is a decade of quiet sulking.
18 June 2023, 05:50
Magine EnigamIMO, NATO has been stingy so far with enough weapons to Ukraine.
Degenerate 1:1
1 Then Trump said, "Let Us re-make a Nation in MY Image, after My likeness, to rule over everything in the Nation, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it".
Degenerate 1:2
2 Then Trump said, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay on your behalf."
Degenerate 1:3
3 "My Kingdom come, my will be done."
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
"Stupid is as stupid does". Forest Gump
"Fascist is as fascist does". Magine Enigam
D.J. Trump aka Trumpism's Founding Farter, aka Farter Martyr. Qualifications: flatulence - mental, oral and anal.
18 June 2023, 08:02
shanksponyYes. But if you look at whats coming out, many of the Nato countries have let their militaries degrade too the point they have bugger all themselves. And yes they were leaving their defence up too the US. Sadley NZ has acted the same and we have next too nothing. This war is a timely warning that I hope many nations take heed of.
18 June 2023, 09:14
LHeym500I am very impressed how Western Europe has responded to Putin; especially Germany and France.
I am proud the US has met the commitment, and engaged Western Europe.
I did not and would not support unilateral, singular US support.
Has it been perfect? No, but a far cry from what the initial conversations were when Germany was not even going to send helmets.
18 June 2023, 09:52
Scott Kingquote:
Originally posted by shankspony:
And yes they were leaving their defence up too the US.
Shocking! Shocking I say!

18 June 2023, 10:39
Originally posted by LHeym500:
I am very impressed how Western Europe has responded to Putin; especially Germany and France.
I am proud the US has met the commitment, and engaged Western Europe.
I did not and would not support unilateral, singular US support.
Has it been perfect. No, but a far cry from what the initial conversations were when Germany was not even going to send helmets.
Yes I think Europe and the States have been pretty much on the ball on this for some time. We have not seen such a united front in a long while. Yes pity it was a bit slow, But caution is not often a bad thing.
Another load of bullshit of course.
Why wasn't Bush and Cheney triad for war crimes?
Why wasn't the whole US Congress tried for war crimes against all the senseless wars they started.

Originally posted by Saeed:
Another load of bullshit of course.
Why wasn't Bush and Cheney triad for war crimes?
Why wasn't the whole US Congress tried for war crimes against all the senseless wars they started.

18 June 2023, 13:46
Originally posted by Saeed:
Another load of bullshit of course.
Why wasn't Bush and Cheney triad for war crimes?
Why wasn't the whole US Congress tried for war crimes against all the senseless wars they started.
What on earth do those two questions have to do with the subject at hand?
I'll indulge you with an answer, so you don't have to repeat yourself yet again. Bush and Cheney might have been indicted by the International Court of Justice, but they weren't. Regardless, the ICJ isn't big enough to come get them.
All of the subsequent presidents including Trump could have handed the two culprits (who, I'll concede, were indeed guilty of war crimes) over to the ICJ, but they didn't. Trump comes to mind because he was very critical of the war in Iraq--one of the few policy issues I agree with him on. He could have walked his talk...but he didn't. The culprits remain at large. But perhaps a president wouldn't have the legal authority to turn Bush and Cheney over to the ICJ. Probably a Supreme Court issue.
As for Congress, much as I despise the members of, I can't think of any wars they've started. But if you can give some authentic examples, I'd be glad to add them to my personal list of Congress's sins.
Originally posted by shankspony:
Originally posted by LHeym500:
I am very impressed how Western Europe has responded to Putin; especially Germany and France.
I am proud the US has met the commitment, and engaged Western Europe.
I did not and would not support unilateral, singular US support.
Has it been perfect. No, but a far cry from what the initial conversations were when Germany was not even going to send helmets.
Yes I think Europe and the States have been pretty much on the ball on this for some time. We have not seen such a united front in a long while. Yes pity it was a bit slow, But caution is not often a bad thing.
The Uk has been training Ukrainian troops since 2014 but agreed the initial response in the provision of the equipment they need was far too slow.
The web of export permission requirements each manufacturing country holds was partly to blame. Once Germany agreed to supply Gepards the issue was the Swiss wouldn’t approve reexport of the ammunition they manufactured.
This has made countries re-examine the resiliency of stocks of consumables they hold.
Originally posted by RolandtheHeadless:
Originally posted by Saeed:
Another load of bullshit of course.
Why wasn't Bush and Cheney triad for war crimes?
Why wasn't the whole US Congress tried for war crimes against all the senseless wars they started.
What on earth do those two questions have to do with the subject at hand?
I'll indulge you with an answer, so you don't have to repeat yourself yet again. Bush and Cheney might have been indicted by the International Court of Justice, but they weren't. Regardless, the ICJ isn't big enough to come get them.
All of the subsequent presidents including Trump could have handed the two culprits (who, I'll concede, were indeed guilty of war crimes) over to the ICJ, but they didn't. Trump comes to mind because he was very critical of the war in Iraq--one of the few policy issues I agree with him on. He could have walked his talk...but he didn't. The culprits remain at large. But perhaps a president wouldn't have the legal authority to turn Bush and Cheney over to the ICJ. Probably a Supreme Court issue.
As for Congress, much as I despise the members of, I can't think of any wars they've started. But if you can give some authentic examples, I'd be glad to add them to my personal list of Congress's sins.
They are talking about trying Putin for war crimes!
What Putin has done pales in comparison to what American has been doing for years!
Of the glove fits, put them against the wall and shoot them!
Putin and all invaders!

18 June 2023, 14:13
RolandtheHeadlessPlease name the country or territory the US has invaded and kept in the last few decades.
18 June 2023, 14:36
Originally posted by nute:
Originally posted by shankspony:
Originally posted by LHeym500:
I am very impressed how Western Europe has responded to Putin; especially Germany and France.
I am proud the US has met the commitment, and engaged Western Europe.
I did not and would not support unilateral, singular US support.
Has it been perfect. No, but a far cry from what the initial conversations were when Germany was not even going to send helmets.
Yes I think Europe and the States have been pretty much on the ball on this for some time. We have not seen such a united front in a long while. Yes pity it was a bit slow, But caution is not often a bad thing.
The Uk has been training Ukrainian troops since 2014 but agreed the initial response in the provision of the equipment they need was far too slow.
The web of export permission requirements each manufacturing country holds was partly to blame. Once Germany agreed to supply Gepards the issue was the Swiss wouldn’t approve reexport of the ammunition they manufactured.
This has made countries re-examine the resiliency of stocks of consumables they hold.
Yes and examine there onsale agreements. I understand the swiss armaments industry has near sunk as countries realise the worthlessness of holding thier products.
18 June 2023, 14:38
Originally posted by Saeed:
Originally posted by RolandtheHeadless:
Originally posted by Saeed:
Another load of bullshit of course.
Why wasn't Bush and Cheney triad for war crimes?
Why wasn't the whole US Congress tried for war crimes against all the senseless wars they started.
What on earth do those two questions have to do with the subject at hand?
I'll indulge you with an answer, so you don't have to repeat yourself yet again. Bush and Cheney might have been indicted by the International Court of Justice, but they weren't. Regardless, the ICJ isn't big enough to come get them.
All of the subsequent presidents including Trump could have handed the two culprits (who, I'll concede, were indeed guilty of war crimes) over to the ICJ, but they didn't. Trump comes to mind because he was very critical of the war in Iraq--one of the few policy issues I agree with him on. He could have walked his talk...but he didn't. The culprits remain at large. But perhaps a president wouldn't have the legal authority to turn Bush and Cheney over to the ICJ. Probably a Supreme Court issue.
As for Congress, much as I despise the members of, I can't think of any wars they've started. But if you can give some authentic examples, I'd be glad to add them to my personal list of Congress's sins.
They are talking about trying Putin for war crimes!
What Putin has done pales in comparison to what American has been doing for years!
Of the glove fits, put them against the wall and shoot them!
Putin and all invaders!
So the size of the war crime should determine whether its prosecuted or not? If theirs is smaller than the USA's then ignore it?
18 June 2023, 14:44
RolandtheHeadlessI note that Saeed didn't list any wars started by US Congress.
Originally posted by RolandtheHeadless:
I note that Saeed didn't list any wars started by US Congress.
Does the US Congress rule America?
If so, every single they have started, from Vietnam to Afghanistan, they are responsible for.
Of yours, you Americans so full of yourselves, total cowards.
Vietnam stuck up your rear ends.
Same thing.
The memory is still fresh how you ran off in such a cowardly manner you left all your equipment behind!
Probably your under wear too!
I know.
It wasn’t your fault.
It was Biden’s!
But YOU put him there to rule you!

18 June 2023, 18:48
TumbleweedWell, so much for a sober assessment.

No wonder these conflicts never end.
18 June 2023, 19:03
Magine EnigamSome day THIS conflict WILL end, somehow.
It should have never started.
But it did.
Putin. ways the Russia-Ukraine war could play out in the wake of Ukraine's counteroffensive
Story • 23m ago
Degenerate 1:1
1 Then Trump said, "Let Us re-make a Nation in MY Image, after My likeness, to rule over everything in the Nation, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it".
Degenerate 1:2
2 Then Trump said, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay on your behalf."
Degenerate 1:3
3 "My Kingdom come, my will be done."
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
"Stupid is as stupid does". Forest Gump
"Fascist is as fascist does". Magine Enigam
D.J. Trump aka Trumpism's Founding Farter, aka Farter Martyr. Qualifications: flatulence - mental, oral and anal.
18 June 2023, 20:34
Magine Enigam Brief History Of Ukraine (And Why Russia Wants To Control It)
Degenerate 1:1
1 Then Trump said, "Let Us re-make a Nation in MY Image, after My likeness, to rule over everything in the Nation, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it".
Degenerate 1:2
2 Then Trump said, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay on your behalf."
Degenerate 1:3
3 "My Kingdom come, my will be done."
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
"Stupid is as stupid does". Forest Gump
"Fascist is as fascist does". Magine Enigam
D.J. Trump aka Trumpism's Founding Farter, aka Farter Martyr. Qualifications: flatulence - mental, oral and anal.
Ukraine has always been occupied by one power or another.
Now they are America’s and NATO puppet!
And as usual, the people there are suffering, to please their masters.
The West, and America, need something to distract from the sorry state of their countries!

18 June 2023, 21:11
Magine Enigam https://timesofindia.indiatime...cleshow/90141825.cmsFrom 'puppets' to players: Ukraine war reveals shift for US's Gulf Allies ..
Read more at:
http://timesofindia.indiatimes...t&utm_campaign=cppst============================================== Is A Puppet Government? and current examples
Russian invasion of Ukraine/Date
Thu, Feb 24, 2022
On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded and occupied parts of Ukraine in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War, which had begun in 2014. The invasion has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths on both sides, and instigated Europe's largest refugee crisis since World War II.
Timeline - EU response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine was Natos response to Russian invasion of Ukraine?
NATO rapidly established four new multinational battlegroups in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia, in addition to the existing battlegroups in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. The eight battlegroups extend all along NATO's eastern flank, from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south. Apr 4, 2023
How NATO Is Responding to Russia's Invasion of Ukraine Department of Defense
TIMELINE The events leading up to Russia's invasion of Ukraine
March 1, 2022 4:03 AM EST Updated a year ago
Degenerate 1:1
1 Then Trump said, "Let Us re-make a Nation in MY Image, after My likeness, to rule over everything in the Nation, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it".
Degenerate 1:2
2 Then Trump said, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay on your behalf."
Degenerate 1:3
3 "My Kingdom come, my will be done."
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
"Stupid is as stupid does". Forest Gump
"Fascist is as fascist does". Magine Enigam
D.J. Trump aka Trumpism's Founding Farter, aka Farter Martyr. Qualifications: flatulence - mental, oral and anal.
Originally posted by Saeed:
Originally posted by RolandtheHeadless:
I note that Saeed didn't list any wars started by US Congress.
Does the US Congress rule America?
If so, every single they have started, from Vietnam to Afghanistan, they are responsible for.
Of yours, you Americans so full of yourselves, total cowards.
Vietnam stuck up your rear ends.
Same thing.
The memory is still fresh how you ran off in such a cowardly manner you left all your equipment behind!
Probably your under wear too!
I know.
It wasn’t your fault.
It was Biden’s!
But YOU put him there to rule you!
If you Arabs would refrain from engaging in your favorite pastime, terrorism, invasions would happen quite a bit less.
No 9-11, no Afghan invasion. No Iraqi attempt to kill the POTUS, no Iraq invasion.
Hard for you to understand Saeed, after all your country has been sponsoring schools for Jihad in Afghanistan for a long time with little repercussions, must have come as shock to you seeing what our military can do to your piss ant allies. Seems you still have not gotten over it.
I won't be shedding any tears for Muslim terrorists, we should not have invaded, but should have just turned both countries into a parking lot, along with Saudi Arabia.
Originally posted by skb:
Originally posted by Saeed:
Originally posted by RolandtheHeadless:
I note that Saeed didn't list any wars started by US Congress.
Does the US Congress rule America?
If so, every single they have started, from Vietnam to Afghanistan, they are responsible for.
Of yours, you Americans so full of yourselves, total cowards.
Vietnam stuck up your rear ends.
Same thing.
The memory is still fresh how you ran off in such a cowardly manner you left all your equipment behind!
Probably your under wear too!
I know.
It wasn’t your fault.
It was Biden’s!
But YOU put him there to rule you!
If you Arabs would refrain from engaging in your favorite pastime, terrorism, invasions would happen quite a bit less.
No 9-11, no Afghan invasion. No Iraqi attempt to kill the POTUS, no Iraq invasion.
Hard for you to understand Saeed, after all your country has been sponsoring schools for Jihad in Afghanistan for a long time with little repercussions, must have come as shock to you seeing what our military can do to your piss ant allies. Seems you still have not gotten over it.
I won't be shedding any tears for Muslim terrorists, we should not have invaded, but should have just turned both countries into a parking lot, along with Saudi Arabia.
We didn’t have terrorism until you created it.
Every single terrorist war fare yiu had your fingers in.
In the Congo the CIA was using UN markings on cargo planes to deliver weapons to your puppets!

Udder horse shit, Arabs have been using terrorism for political gain for at least 1200 years. First with the sword and the Koran, now with bombs. Just own it, it is the rich history of your culture.
Yemen anyone? Syria? The list is too long to type out.
Yours is a culture built upon terrorism, and it is a documented fact that your country has been footing the bills in Afghanistan and Pakistan to train the next generation. These are your people as it were. You are fooling nobody with your sad story about how your poor Muslims have been victimized, hardly the case. You should have seen what our military is really capable of, then you would have something to cry about.
Originally posted by Saeed:
They are talking about trying Putin for war crimes!
What Putin has done pales in comparison to what American has been doing for years!
Of the glove fits, put them against the wall and shoot them!
Putin and all invaders!
Saeed, I have a suggestion to make your life easier. Just put all of the above in your sig line, then you wouldn't need to type it hundreds of times a week

18 June 2023, 22:45
Originally posted by shankspony:
Originally posted by Saeed:
Originally posted by RolandtheHeadless:
Originally posted by Saeed:
Another load of bullshit of course.
Why wasn't Bush and Cheney triad for war crimes?
Why wasn't the whole US Congress tried for war crimes against all the senseless wars they started.
What on earth do those two questions have to do with the subject at hand?
I'll indulge you with an answer, so you don't have to repeat yourself yet again. Bush and Cheney might have been indicted by the International Court of Justice, but they weren't. Regardless, the ICJ isn't big enough to come get them.
All of the subsequent presidents including Trump could have handed the two culprits (who, I'll concede, were indeed guilty of war crimes) over to the ICJ, but they didn't. Trump comes to mind because he was very critical of the war in Iraq--one of the few policy issues I agree with him on. He could have walked his talk...but he didn't. The culprits remain at large. But perhaps a president wouldn't have the legal authority to turn Bush and Cheney over to the ICJ. Probably a Supreme Court issue.
As for Congress, much as I despise the members of, I can't think of any wars they've started. But if you can give some authentic examples, I'd be glad to add them to my personal list of Congress's sins.
They are talking about trying Putin for war crimes!
What Putin has done pales in comparison to what American has been doing for years!
Of the glove fits, put them against the wall and shoot them!
Putin and all invaders!
So the size of the war crime should determine whether its prosecuted or not? If theirs is smaller than the USA's then ignore it?
Saeed is this how it works?
Bath House Barry was buying oil and armed ISIS. Now Briben just armed the Taliban!!!
hahahaha wake up clowns, the war machine needs their narratives and you’re more than happy to push them for your puppet masters hahahaha
Chew on this, our Faggity Bunch of Inbreds…… short, instead of an actual terrorist - or terrorist adjacent, Ventura's case is yet another example of the FBI grooming a mentally unfit young man to commit a crime that would not have other wise occurred.
America has a sheep problem!!!!!

18 June 2023, 23:22
Steve Ahrenbergquote:
Originally posted by regor:
Bath House Barry was buying oil and armed ISIS. Now Briben just armed the Taliban!!!
hahahaha wake up clowns, the war machine needs their narratives and you’re more than happy to push them for your puppet masters hahahaha
Chew on this, our Faggity Bunch of Inbreds…… short, instead of an actual terrorist - or terrorist adjacent, Ventura's case is yet another example of the FBI grooming a mentally unfit young man to commit a crime that would not have other wise occurred.
America has a sheep problem!!!!!
“Don’t confuse them with the facts”, they want to hate you, period.
BTW, do they celebrate Fathers Days in Russia Russia Russia?

Formerly "Nganga"
Originally posted by Steve Ahrenberg:
Originally posted by regor:
Bath House Barry was buying oil and armed ISIS. Now Briben just armed the Taliban!!!
hahahaha wake up clowns, the war machine needs their narratives and you’re more than happy to push them for your puppet masters hahahaha
Chew on this, our Faggity Bunch of Inbreds…… short, instead of an actual terrorist - or terrorist adjacent, Ventura's case is yet another example of the FBI grooming a mentally unfit young man to commit a crime that would not have other wise occurred.
America has a sheep problem!!!!!
“Don’t confuse them with the facts”, they want to hate you, period.
BTW, do they celebrate Fathers Days in Russia Russia Russia?
Why yes we do, my little Bolshevik’s bought me a tanker of vodka!!!!

19 June 2023, 00:57
Originally posted by skb:
Originally posted by Saeed:
Originally posted by RolandtheHeadless:
I note that Saeed didn't list any wars started by US Congress.
Does the US Congress rule America?
If so, every single they have started, from Vietnam to Afghanistan, they are responsible for.
Of yours, you Americans so full of yourselves, total cowards.
Vietnam stuck up your rear ends.
Same thing.
The memory is still fresh how you ran off in such a cowardly manner you left all your equipment behind!
Probably your under wear too!
I know.
It wasn’t your fault.
It was Biden’s!
But YOU put him there to rule you!
If you Arabs would refrain from engaging in your favorite pastime, terrorism, invasions would happen quite a bit less.
No 9-11, no Afghan invasion. No Iraqi attempt to kill the POTUS, no Iraq invasion.
Hard for you to understand Saeed, after all your country has been sponsoring schools for Jihad in Afghanistan for a long time with little repercussions, must have come as shock to you seeing what our military can do to your piss ant allies. Seems you still have not gotten over it.
I won't be shedding any tears for Muslim terrorists, we should not have invaded, but should have just turned both countries into a parking lot, along with Saudi Arabia.
If you want to be honest about terrorism, you have to turn back one more page of history to when the Jewish terrorists (called the Irgun) led by Menachem Begin invaded the British Protectorate of Palestine and started their slow motion holocaust on the Palestinians, which continues to this day. Islamic terrorists arose in response.
The icing on the cake happened when the U.S., prompted by Jewish American bankers controlling the Federal Reserve Bank, recognized the ‘New State of Israel’ on May 14, 1948.
There’s not been a single day of peace in the Middle East since, and every terrorist attack on U.S. interests world wide is directly linked to that point of origin. That was the seed that grew into al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and every other band of vengeful west-haters.
History is fascinating, but honest history requires an unprejudiced examination.
19 June 2023, 01:01
Steve Ahrenbergquote:
Originally posted by Tumbleweed:
Originally posted by skb:
Originally posted by Saeed:
Originally posted by RolandtheHeadless:
I note that Saeed didn't list any wars started by US Congress.
Does the US Congress rule America?
If so, every single they have started, from Vietnam to Afghanistan, they are responsible for.
Of yours, you Americans so full of yourselves, total cowards.
Vietnam stuck up your rear ends.
Same thing.
The memory is still fresh how you ran off in such a cowardly manner you left all your equipment behind!
Probably your under wear too!
I know.
It wasn’t your fault.
It was Biden’s!
But YOU put him there to rule you!
If you Arabs would refrain from engaging in your favorite pastime, terrorism, invasions would happen quite a bit less.
No 9-11, no Afghan invasion. No Iraqi attempt to kill the POTUS, no Iraq invasion.
Hard for you to understand Saeed, after all your country has been sponsoring schools for Jihad in Afghanistan for a long time with little repercussions, must have come as shock to you seeing what our military can do to your piss ant allies. Seems you still have not gotten over it.
I won't be shedding any tears for Muslim terrorists, we should not have invaded, but should have just turned both countries into a parking lot, along with Saudi Arabia.
If you want to be honest about terrorism, you have to turn back one more page of history to when the Jewish terrorists (called the Irgun) led by Menachem Begin invaded the British Protectorate of Palestine and started their slow motion holocaust on the Palestinians, which continues to this day. Islamic terrorists arose in response.
The icing on the cake happened when the U.S., prompted by Jewish American bankers controlling the Federal Reserve Bank, recognized the ‘New State of Israel’ on May 14, 1948.
There’s not been a single day of peace in the Middle East since, and every terrorist attack on U.S. interests world wide is directly linked to that point of origin. That was the seed that grew into al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and every other band of vengeful west-haters.
History is fascinating, but honest history requires an unprejudiced examination.
All true, but it goes back further than that. Much further
Formerly "Nganga"
19 June 2023, 01:18
TumbleweedYeah, well there was that Cain and Abel incident…

Degenerate 1:1
1 Then Trump said, "Let Us re-make a Nation in MY Image, after My likeness, to rule over everything in the Nation, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it".
Degenerate 1:2
2 Then Trump said, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay on your behalf."
Degenerate 1:3
3 "My Kingdom come, my will be done."
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
"Stupid is as stupid does". Forest Gump
"Fascist is as fascist does". Magine Enigam
D.J. Trump aka Trumpism's Founding Farter, aka Farter Martyr. Qualifications: flatulence - mental, oral and anal.
19 June 2023, 03:57
Originally posted by Steve Ahrenberg:
Originally posted by Tumbleweed:
Originally posted by skb:
Originally posted by Saeed:
Originally posted by RolandtheHeadless:
I note that Saeed didn't list any wars started by US Congress.
Does the US Congress rule America?
If so, every single they have started, from Vietnam to Afghanistan, they are responsible for.
Of yours, you Americans so full of yourselves, total cowards.
Vietnam stuck up your rear ends.
Same thing.
The memory is still fresh how you ran off in such a cowardly manner you left all your equipment behind!
Probably your under wear too!
I know.
It wasn’t your fault.
It was Biden’s!
But YOU put him there to rule you!
If you Arabs would refrain from engaging in your favorite pastime, terrorism, invasions would happen quite a bit less.
No 9-11, no Afghan invasion. No Iraqi attempt to kill the POTUS, no Iraq invasion.
Hard for you to understand Saeed, after all your country has been sponsoring schools for Jihad in Afghanistan for a long time with little repercussions, must have come as shock to you seeing what our military can do to your piss ant allies. Seems you still have not gotten over it.
I won't be shedding any tears for Muslim terrorists, we should not have invaded, but should have just turned both countries into a parking lot, along with Saudi Arabia.
If you want to be honest about terrorism, you have to turn back one more page of history to when the Jewish terrorists (called the Irgun) led by Menachem Begin invaded the British Protectorate of Palestine and started their slow motion holocaust on the Palestinians, which continues to this day. Islamic terrorists arose in response.
The icing on the cake happened when the U.S., prompted by Jewish American bankers controlling the Federal Reserve Bank, recognized the ‘New State of Israel’ on May 14, 1948.
There’s not been a single day of peace in the Middle East since, and every terrorist attack on U.S. interests world wide is directly linked to that point of origin. That was the seed that grew into al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and every other band of vengeful west-haters.
History is fascinating, but honest history requires an unprejudiced examination.
All true, but it goes back further than that. Much further
This sounds a lot like Israel does not deserve to Exist, and Anti-Semitic propaganda.
The Fault lies upon those Nation-States that seek Israel destruction.
Britain called for the Establishment of an Israeli State in 1917 in the Balfour Declaration. This was due to the Pre-State, Yishuv community and Jewish assistance in taking Palatine.
Oh yeah, it is all American-Jew Bankers’ Fault.
Let us not forget all the mud to high Nazis the Middle Eastern States took in as advisors.
You people wonder why the term Nazis gets used.
19 June 2023, 04:07
Magine EnigamBack to the OP premise: is and will be no alternative to our steps for de-occupation – Zelenskyy
Story by Ukrainska Pravda • 3h ago
Degenerate 1:1
1 Then Trump said, "Let Us re-make a Nation in MY Image, after My likeness, to rule over everything in the Nation, and over all the earth itself and every creature that crawls upon it".
Degenerate 1:2
2 Then Trump said, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay on your behalf."
Degenerate 1:3
3 "My Kingdom come, my will be done."
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis
"Stupid is as stupid does". Forest Gump
"Fascist is as fascist does". Magine Enigam
D.J. Trump aka Trumpism's Founding Farter, aka Farter Martyr. Qualifications: flatulence - mental, oral and anal.
19 June 2023, 05:01
Originally posted by Tumbleweed:
Originally posted by skb:
Originally posted by Saeed:
Originally posted by RolandtheHeadless:
I note that Saeed didn't list any wars started by US Congress.
Does the US Congress rule America?
If so, every single they have started, from Vietnam to Afghanistan, they are responsible for.
Of yours, you Americans so full of yourselves, total cowards.
Vietnam stuck up your rear ends.
Same thing.
The memory is still fresh how you ran off in such a cowardly manner you left all your equipment behind!
Probably your under wear too!
I know.
It wasn’t your fault.
It was Biden’s!
But YOU put him there to rule you!
If you Arabs would refrain from engaging in your favorite pastime, terrorism, invasions would happen quite a bit less.
No 9-11, no Afghan invasion. No Iraqi attempt to kill the POTUS, no Iraq invasion.
Hard for you to understand Saeed, after all your country has been sponsoring schools for Jihad in Afghanistan for a long time with little repercussions, must have come as shock to you seeing what our military can do to your piss ant allies. Seems you still have not gotten over it.
I won't be shedding any tears for Muslim terrorists, we should not have invaded, but should have just turned both countries into a parking lot, along with Saudi Arabia.
If you want to be honest about terrorism, you have to turn back one more page of history to when the Jewish terrorists (called the Irgun) led by Menachem Begin invaded the British Protectorate of Palestine and started their slow motion holocaust on the Palestinians, which continues to this day. Islamic terrorists arose in response.
The icing on the cake happened when the U.S., prompted by Jewish American bankers controlling the Federal Reserve Bank, recognized the ‘New State of Israel’ on May 14, 1948.
There’s not been a single day of peace in the Middle East since, and every terrorist attack on U.S. interests world wide is directly linked to that point of origin. That was the seed that grew into al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and every other band of vengeful west-haters.
History is fascinating, but honest history requires an unprejudiced examination.
And now Israel has those damn pesky Jewish space lasers……… The violence never stops and it’s all Israel’s fault.

Vote Trump- Putin’s best friend…
To quote a former AND CURRENT Trumpiteer - DUMP TRUMP
Putin, and China, are only trying to catch up with all the crimes against humanity America has committed!
A long way to go to catch up.

Originally posted by Saeed:
Putin, and China, are only trying to catch up with all the crimes against humanity America has committed!
A long way to go to catch up.
You've got that right!!
Well this should help things......... has issued a fresh warning amid new accusations that Kiev is planning major missile attacks on Russian-controlled Crimea.
Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said Tuesday that Ukrainian forces are plotting attacks with HIMARS long-range artillery systems and Storm Shadow missiles against the Crimean peninsula. Crucially Shoigu said that this would mean full-scale involvement of the United States and Britain in the war, given their military systems would be utilized.
You stupid ass imbeciles are going to get us in a full scale WWIII, just like you said Trump would.
You scumbags ALWAYS accuse Trump of EXACTLY what you do!!!