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Don't question the queen?

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10 March 2023, 20:49
Aspen Hill Adventures
Don't question the queen?
Today News Africa Says He's Being Removed From White House Correspondents Association for Challenging KJP

POLITICS Published March 10, 2023 8:39am EST

Reporter accuses Karine Jean-Pierre of trying to 'silence' him after removal from WHCA
'I never believed that this could happen to me in the United States,' African reporter Simon Ateba told Tucker Carlson.

Today News Africa reporter Simon Ateba's longtime feud with White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre is now coming to a head.

Ateba claims he is being removed from the White House Correspondents Association (WHCA) as retribution for pressing Jean-Pierre on tough issues and asking hard questions.

"They refuse to renew my membership," Ateba told Tucker Carlson on Thursday. "They are trying to help the press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, because when you do the right thing, when you ask the right question, they try to silence you and try to censor you."


"The only thing they are doing to me right now is trying to punish me for trying to be a real journalist for asking the question that the American people really care about," he continued. "And it's shameful. It's a disgrace, and the president of the White House Correspondents Association, Tamara Keith, who worked for NPR, a publicly funded media organization, should be ashamed of herself."

In a letter Ateba posted on Twitter, WHCA Executive Director Steven Thomma wrote Ateba's membership was being revoked over concerns with his employment qualifications and past behavior.
"The committee noted repeated instances where your behavior violated the expectations for membership outlined in our bylaws, which have been detailed to you previously," the letter read.

The association was founded to ensure journalists have access to their First Amendment rights by covering the White House, and it also controls access to Jean-Pierre's regular press briefings.
"The White House Correspondents’ Association exists to promote excellence in journalism as well as journalism education, and to ensure robust news coverage of the president and the presidency," the website reads.

It continued, "Each day, we work to ensure that the men and women who cover the White House have the ability to seek answers from powerful officials, up to and including the President."
But Ateba said Keith, who is the White House correspondent for NPR and the association's president, refused to renew his WHCA membership as punishment for asking tough questions that Americans want answers to.

Back in January, Ateba said Jean-Pierre had not called on him during press briefings for months.
She even rebuked Ateba in December 2022 for speaking out of turn after he asked why Daily Caller White House correspondent Diana Glebova couldn't ask Dr. Anthony Fauci a question about the origins of COVID-19.

"You need to call people across the room. She has a valid question; she's asked about the origin of COVID," Ateba said.

"It is not your turn," Jean-Pierre retorted back. "I hear your question, but we're not doing this the way you want it. This is disrespectful … Simon, I'm done. Simon, I'm done. I'm done with you right now. You're taking time away from your colleagues."

Ateba expressed disbelief that he has experienced censorship in the United States after fleeing Africa to come to what he called the "beacon of free speech."

"Karine Jean-Pierre, she's totally incompetent, she can't even answer basic questions," Ateba said. "She lies a lot… She's lied repeatedly about the classified documents, even other things… I never believed that this could happen to me in the United States."

"In Africa, when we look up to the U.S., we saw the beacon of light, the beacon of excellence, the beacon of free speech, but here I am, right in the White House, in the most powerful house in the world, being censored, been punished by Tamara Keith of NPR, the WHCA, who are totally incompetent and colluding with the White House to punish someone who is doing the right thing."
Ateba claims Jean-Pierre refused to meet with him until 2024 over the pair's frequent clashes.


11 March 2023, 02:51
P. Jilek
When I saw the thread title, I thought this was going to be about Buttigieg.
11 March 2023, 16:07
What is queen of?


That is about as much brains she has!

Most likely why she got the job!

Bloody hell, when deranged, self obsessed idiots like Trump become president, that country deserves anything it gets! clap
Instagram : ganyana2000
11 March 2023, 18:31
KJP has to be one of the worst Whitehouse Press Secretaries in history.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
11 March 2023, 20:25
I expect the WHPS to toe the White House line and not come off it regardless of who holds the office. That is the job. To tell what White House position on X or Y is right, wrong, or not true. I could not be a WHPS because some narratives I would refuse to sell. The job is to sell White House Narratives. You are not to think for yourself as to what the White House position should be.

However, trying to bust this guy for doing his side of the business being trying to push for facts or through those narratives in that game is deplorable.

Everyone has a job to do. This gentleman was just doing his in the dichotomy we have set up.
11 March 2023, 23:54

12 March 2023, 00:15
Thomas "Ty" Beaham
Oh look, a cute cartoon that has fuck all to do with this discussion.

12 March 2023, 07:52
Cartoon arguments should not be permitted.
12 March 2023, 21:22
Originally posted by Thomas "Ty" Beaham:
Oh look, a cute cartoon that has fuck all to do with this discussion.


Really, you don't know what the White House Press Secretary has to do with the Press.

What a dumb shit.
13 March 2023, 00:02
Thomas "Ty" Beaham
Next time, I'll consider the source.
