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The sense of the man!

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16 November 2023, 18:19
The sense of the man!
I'm liking Joe Manchin more each day.

There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.
– John Green, author
16 November 2023, 19:21
If he runs on the No Label ticket, I would gladly vote for him. The other 2 choices are no choice at all. Chicken shit or dog shit… barf

Vote Trump- Putin’s best friend…
16 November 2023, 21:22
Mike Mitchell
I'm not sure how much sense it takes to make those statements. Pretty obvious to anyone paying attention.

As I have stated, my fear is that Manchin pulls enough traditional Dem voters away from Biden to get trump elected. Not attacking Manchin. Anybody that doesn't think that is a real possibility is ignoring history and reality.

-Every damn thing is your own fault if you are any good.

16 November 2023, 21:25
I will either vote for someone or not vote at all, not voting for the lesser of two evils any more.

16 November 2023, 21:42
Mike Mitchell
Originally posted by MJines:
I will either vote for someone or not vote at all, not voting for the lesser of two evils any more.

I rest my case.

-Every damn thing is your own fault if you are any good.

16 November 2023, 22:07
Eating the turd burgers the two parties serve up is largely what has gotten us into the mess we are in. A turd burger with cheese and one without cheese neither hold any appeal to me.

16 November 2023, 22:39
Mike Mitchell
Originally posted by MJines:
Eating the turd burgers the two parties serve up is largely what has gotten us into the mess we are in. A turd burger with cheese and one without cheese neither hold any appeal to me.

When one of the shit-sandwich choices poses a fundamental threat to the fabric of our democracy, we don't solve the problem by voting for the ham sandwich that has no chance of winning.

-Every damn thing is your own fault if you are any good.

16 November 2023, 22:41
Mike Mitchell
Maybe I'm wrong. We'll see what kind of poll numbers Manchin starts pulling when he declares. But, running a third party campaign is challenging. He's going to need a lot of money and a campaign organization for starters. I'd be more comfortable with the idea of him declaring for the Dem nomination and if he wins, so be it. That would probably guarantee him a victory in the general.

Be a whole lot easier if Biden would just wake up and go home.

Job No. 1 is to beat trump.

-Every damn thing is your own fault if you are any good.

17 November 2023, 01:03
I'm liking him too!

He'll be replaced with a republican Senator.
17 November 2023, 06:15
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Mike Mitchell:
Maybe I'm wrong. We'll see what kind of poll numbers Manchin starts pulling when he declares. But, running a third party campaign is challenging. He's going to need a lot of money and a campaign organization for starters. I'd be more comfortable with the idea of him declaring for the Dem nomination and if he wins, so be it. That would probably guarantee him a victory in the general.

Be a whole lot easier if Biden would just wake up and go home.

I’m gonna agree with you on this one
Third party ticket is nonsense

Nothing like standing over your own kill
17 November 2023, 18:43
Manchin is a fucking attention whore. No chance of winning, this gadfly is a lying sack of shit. He claims that he wants to stop Trump from being president, when his candidacy would be the red brick road for a Trump presidency.
17 November 2023, 19:46
Originally posted by MJines:
Eating the turd burgers the two parties serve up is largely what has gotten us into the mess we are in. A turd burger with cheese and one without cheese neither hold any appeal to me.

It was Hunter Thompson who said as long as we are willing to vote for the lesser of two evils, the evils will get worse. No shit...


Our country, right or wrong. When right, to be kept right, when wrong to be put right.

Carl Schurz (1829 - 1906)