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LaPierre is liable

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24 February 2024, 02:50
LaPierre is liable
Thanks for wrecking the NRA Wayne, you asshole.

There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.
– John Green, author
24 February 2024, 03:01
Yep and not only that but he cut himself a sweet deal to pay himself something like 17 million when he left.
24 February 2024, 03:03
I was supporter of NRA. When my dollars were used to re-elect George W. Bush--no more dollars to NRA from me. Then I thought about it--NRA gets all this money but I don't see any NRA ranges which surely they could afford to open a few. Then NRA dollars are providing LaPierre a lavish lifestyle. I am happy with my decision after Bush.
24 February 2024, 03:38
Halle-fucking- lujah. About time WLP had to pay the piper instead instead of stealing from him. tu2

Vote Trump- Putin’s best friend…
To quote a former AND CURRENT Trumpiteer - DUMP TRUMP
24 February 2024, 03:42
LaPierre epitomizes the old saying, pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered.

24 February 2024, 03:43
Mike Mitchell
I'm guessing paying that $4.3mm isn't going to pose a problem for him.

-"I need ammunition, not a ride."

24 February 2024, 04:34
Originally posted by MtElkHunter:
Yep and not only that but he cut himself a sweet deal to pay himself something like 17 million when he left.

Not a cent of it mine I'm happy to say.

Give me a home where the buffalo roam and I'll show you a house full of buffalo shit.
24 February 2024, 05:10
The NRA was real close here to being judicial dissolved.
24 February 2024, 05:55
Originally posted by MJines:
LaPierre epitomizes the old saying, pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered.

Exactly right.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
24 February 2024, 18:41
But, he's upset because his clothing allowance was only $225'000 per wonder he had to steal more...these members can't be this stupid, they just can't.
24 February 2024, 20:44
We were. It took investigative reporting by the Washington Post to bring a lot of this to the eyes of the public.
24 February 2024, 23:39
The NRA never did anything for me. The money just went into a black hole and vanished. They ran their business based on fear. Fear of what might happen unless you send money. Brother Wayne was nothing more than a televangelist. "Send me money or you're going to Hell". Well, hopefully that's where he's headed. He's just another mini-Trump. Maybe Wayne will introduce a line of sneakers to help fund his legal battles.
25 February 2024, 02:27
No, he will just take the Trump route and declare bankruptcy… jumping

Vote Trump- Putin’s best friend…
To quote a former AND CURRENT Trumpiteer - DUMP TRUMP
25 February 2024, 02:41
Naw, he will form a 501c so folks can donate to the cause.

Maybe, he can get the RNC to pay it.
25 February 2024, 12:03
Originally posted by Mike Mitchell:
I'm guessing paying that $4.3mm isn't going to pose a problem for him.

He probably diverted more than that into a private account with false paperwork. My problem is he is not going to prison. He should.
25 February 2024, 16:22
Wayne had the last laugh. If you want to vomit all over yourself go to page 12 of the March issue of the American Rifleman and there's the son-of-a-bitch saying a "fond farewell" and God bless you, fellow brothers and sisters in arms -- and not a trace of contrition.
It is a final glossy, full-page kick in the teeth from this smarmy grifter and as usual, the clowns running the NRA let it happen.

There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.
– John Green, author
25 February 2024, 16:57
The NRA will not change into the entire NEA control is turned over.

I will never buy from Midway again. That is because Potterfield supported WLP to remain the EVP.

The issues w the NRA, like the GOP, are much more insidious than one man.
26 February 2024, 00:46
Prior to this revelation saying anything bad about NRA would have gotten you banned here. Well ok maybe not, Saeed is not an American.
26 February 2024, 03:58
I have to be an NRA member to remain in my gun club, but whenever the American Hunter magazine shows up, I throw it right in the trash.