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Originally posted by shankspony:
What seems to be an even bigger issue, It the millions that decided not to vote for Kamala.

Let's not forget that millions did. More than you want to admit
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Originally posted by ledvm:
The total loss of all battlegrounds and removal of the blue wall.

The intelligent know that is a mandate. It was a shellacking.

Not really. About 36 percent of eligible voters did not bother to vote, in person or by mail.

Hardly a mandate when a third of the population is unenthused about either candidate.

Actually, now that I think about it, "None of the Above" won the election.
Neither candidate got as many votes, and the third-party vote was about 51,000 votes larger than the margin of victory...


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Carl Schurz (1829 - 1906)
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I have no problem with that. But from what I have seen, she lost a considerable number of voters who either didn't vote or voted for Trump.
I hope the left is asking itself why?
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You can not go by the numbers in the 2020 election. It has become obvious the large numbers for the democrats were fraudulent and the Obiden win was a obvious joke. Really a sad time in America.
Posts: 976 | Location: Western USA | Registered: 08 September 2018Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 4WD:
You can not go by the numbers in the 2020 election. It has become obvious the large numbers for the democrats were fraudulent and the Obiden win was a obvious joke. Really a sad time in America.

Those are 2024 numbers. No matter who cheated, "None of the Above" wins...

Trump 76,851,910
Harris 74,348,191

"None of the Above", about 89 million.

There is no mandate.


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Carl Schurz (1829 - 1906)
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About 36 percent of eligible voters did not bother to vote, in person or by mail.

Been that way all of my life.

Hardly a mandate when a third of the population is unenthused about either candidate.

That population just doesn’t give a crap. Fact of politics in the US.

Rationalize however you want for your own peace of mind. In the context of US Politics…it was a shellacking. Every political analyst recognizes it as such.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
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It's a matter of "on the one hand" solid electoral win ,on the other, percentage over pop vote and wins in swing states not much.
People seem to want change, how much they will stand for remains to be seen.
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So, tom, by your reckoning, all most every election in the modern era have never been a mandate, even 1984 where Reagan won everything but dc and Mondays home state?


The highest VEP was a little over 60%, tends to run 53-57% let's call it 55% VEP and roughly half vote for one party or the other, where 60% would be A HUGE landslide. .55 ×.60 = 33% of total possible votes

But, frankly, this is just as much BS as "winning " the "national popular vote" ... we only count ballots placed and properly executed

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Speaking of facts of life, in every presidential election the winning candidate claims "a mandate". With a handful of historical exceptions, such claims are utter nonsense and made just to bolster the legitimacy of the incoming administration . . . and it gives the simpletons on the winning side something to crow about like it is really true.

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As the BBC said, Trump’ win was “resounding” in the Electoral College “… and “…. that’s all that matters”. And the BBC is left of Chairman Mao.

60% or 312 to 226. And winning both houses… it’s a landslide all but to TDS sufferers. BTW, being “woke” isn’t being asleep to reality.

In recent years, Obama had larger mandates (and acted on them) with Reagan’s second margin being even bigger than either of BHO’s spread.

JudgeG ... just counting time 'til I am again finding balm in Gilead chilled out somewhere in the Selous.
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It was a shellacking any way you cut it.

But I am just happy that it proved all of Joshua’s theories wrong. Cool

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 39196 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Nope; you got by w 2-5 percent of the vote on 3 states. That would have gave the election to Harris.

Margin in Pennsylvania-Less than 2 percent. That is Official.

Margin in Michigan-Less than 1 percent. That is Official.

Margin in Wisconsin-Less than 1 percent. That is official.

Less than 3 percent of the vote across 3 states and Harris wins.

You act like it is about you and you have this sweeping mandate, your teeth will get kicked in.

Those numbers are not mandates. Go ahead, the Cabin picks have just demonstrated that Trump is going to govern like a jackass, the incoming Congress is going to surrender its role as a check and balance on the WH. The result will be a 3-5 percent swing back to the center.

The math does not agree w you.
Posts: 13391 | Location: Somewhere above Tennessee and below Kentucky  | Registered: 31 July 2016Reply With Quote
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jumping We’ll see!

When the Blue Wall and the Rio Grande Valley turn Red…It’s a shellacking. Not to mention the popular vote. Wink

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 39196 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by LHeym500:
Nope; you got by w 2-5 percent of the vote on 3 states. That would have gave the election to Harris.

Margin in Pennsylvania-Less than 2 percent. That is Official.

Margin in Michigan-Less than 1 percent. That is Official.

Margin in Wisconsin-Less than 1 percent. That is official.

Less than 3 percent of the vote across 3 states and Harris wins.

You act like it is about you and you have this sweeping mandate, your teeth will get kicked in.

Those numbers are not mandates. Go ahead, the Cabin picks have just demonstrated that Trump is going to govern like a jacka$$, the incoming Congress is going to surrender its role as a check and balance on the WH. The result will be a 3-5 percent swing back to the center.

The math does not agree w you.

you do understand that
1: you stipulation about the numbers are wrong -

2: i am WAY more concerned about the make-up of congress
3: plurality+1 is all it takes to win -- how many "important games" have been resolved by a single score, even it's a 1 pt difference ...

you can't hide from it, the GOP swept the field - popular, electoral, composition of congress, and state houses - anything else is a "retrograde march" .. that means retreat, but you still keep fighting

oh, oh , oh .. the whole 4b movement-- i'll say "dang, they may have traction" with quemala, killary, nasty, the view and the squad, oh, and "Dr Jill" all shave their heads -- till then, it's all noise from the infants

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J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 39196 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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. . . a powerful mandate, not.

Trump Has Lost His Popular-Vote Majority

Trump Has Lost His Popular-Vote Majority
By Ed Kilgore

On Election Night, with characteristic modesty, Donald Trump claimed an “unprecedented and powerful mandate.” He certainly won the contest legitimately, if more narrowly than many observers initially thought. His popular-vote margin over Kamala Harris has dropped from around 3 percent on the evening of November 5 (or about two-thirds of Joe Biden’s margin in 2020) to 1.58 percent today. That’s about a half-percent smaller than Hillary Clinton’s national popular-vote margin over Trump in 2016. To make some other comparisons: Barack Obama won the popular vote by 3.9 percent in 2012 and 7.2 percent in 2008, and George W. Bush won the popular vote by 2.4 percent in the very close 2004 election.

Unlike Obama and Bush, moreover, Trump did not win a majority of the national popular vote. Though it looked like he was over 50 percent on Election Night, the steady drip of late ballots has eroded his percentage to (currently) 49.87 percent, with further slippage very likely before all the votes are in.

Trump’s win in the Electoral College was more impressive, though his 316 electoral votes were less than Obama’s in either of his elections and just above Biden’s in 2020. In Pennsylvania, the “tipping point” state that clinched a second term for Trump, his margin over Harris was 1.8 percent, not exactly a landslide.

So by any measure, the claim of an “unprecedented” mandate simply isn’t true. Trump won a very close election and will govern a country where a near majority of people have voted against him three times. Yes, his party won control of Congress as well. But in the House, the margin of Republican control (with three contests still undecided) is so small that Trump’s appointment of three representatives to Cabinet positions could make any controversial votes extremely difficult for House Speaker Mike Johnson until special elections are held, and very difficult even then.

Given that perilous hold on power, Trump might want to reconsider his current strategy of ruling Washington like a devastated and occupied enemy city with a Cabinet largely composed of men and women who appear to hate the departments and agencies they are supposed to oversee, plus a governing plan that may rely on testing the tolerance of the federal judiciary for totally unparalleled assertions of supreme presidential powers. And Trump’s MAGA base should also cool its jets a bit. There’s certainly a degree of triumphalism in the air that really isn’t justified by the election returns. Consider this take from RealClearPolitics columnist Frank Miele, who suggests Trump follow the U.S. Civil War model for subduing enemies:

This time around, Trump knows he only has four years to fulfill his plans. So he’s moving with lightning speed to do exactly what Abraham Lincoln accomplished in his four years in the White House: unite the country by demonstrating strength, wisdom, and patriotism.

Lincoln’s Confederate enemies, to be clear, seceded from the Union and launched a violent attack on U.S. military facilities that led to a conflict that killed over 2 percent of the nation’s population, followed by the military occupation of rebel areas. If Trump and his supporters believe that’s the kind of mandate the 47th president has somehow been given by a minority of Americans, we are all in a lot of trouble

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wow, what an amazing dose of copium -

say, mike, where's "national popular vote" enumerated in the constitution? I suspect it's in the same clause as "democracy"? yeah?

so, since ZERO other parties, other than GOP and DNC, received in 3%, between the GOP and DNC, who received the most available votes?

your post says, but can you spit it out?

you know championing the left isn't going to change 2019, right?

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Originally posted by ledvm:
It was a shellacking any way you cut it.

But I am just happy that it proved all of Joshua’s theories wrong. Cool

"None of the Above", by the biggest margin in decades.


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Carl Schurz (1829 - 1906)
Posts: 15047 | Location: Moreno Valley CA USA | Registered: 20 November 2000Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by LHeym500:
Nope; you got by w 2-5 percent of the vote on 3 states. That would have gave the election to Harris.

Margin in Pennsylvania-Less than 2 percent. That is Official.

Margin in Michigan-Less than 1 percent. That is Official.

Margin in Wisconsin-Less than 1 percent. That is official.

Less than 3 percent of the vote across 3 states and Harris wins.

You act like it is about you and you have this sweeping mandate, your teeth will get kicked in.

Those numbers are not mandates. Go ahead, the Cabin picks have just demonstrated that Trump is going to govern like a jackass, the incoming Congress is going to surrender its role as a check and balance on the WH. The result will be a 3-5 percent swing back to the center.

The math does not agree w you.

The GOP wants to forget 2018. 2020, & 2022. Prepare for 2026 after trump fucks it up again.
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Originally posted by TomP:
Originally posted by ledvm:
It was a shellacking any way you cut it.

But I am just happy that it proved all of Joshua’s theories wrong. Cool

"None of the Above" won by the biggest margin in decades.

actually, no - that's NOT what the numbers say, i posted a link

look at the VEP (last column) -

Voting Eligible Population (VEP) is an attempt to make an even more precise definition of the population of people who have a legal right to vote—potential voters. Making the estimates of noncitizens and disfranchised felons has been carried out mostly by Professor Michael McDonald and data are published in the U.S. Elections Project website. In many instances, the Census reports identify the number of non-citizens included in the VAP. By our calculation, subtracting that report of the number of non-citizens from the reported VAP yields a smaller VEP than reported at the US Elections Project. The US Elections Project data are also based on census and survey reports.

for the last 44 years, VEP ranges from ~52%, with a high of "63%* -

i can lead you to water, but i can't make you think

oh, and since this is just as silly as "national popular vote" (not a thing) - "none of the above" is only a choice on a couple states -

non-participation is a CHOICE, it is NOT a vote .. and only votes are counted

where ya'll getting your copium from? my supplier ran out after 2012

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Originally posted by wymple:
Originally posted by LHeym500:
Nope; you got by w 2-5 percent of the vote on 3 states. That would have gave the election to Harris.

Margin in Pennsylvania-Less than 2 percent. That is Official.

Margin in Michigan-Less than 1 percent. That is Official.

Margin in Wisconsin-Less than 1 percent. That is official.

Less than 3 percent of the vote across 3 states and Harris wins.

You act like it is about you and you have this sweeping mandate, your teeth will get kicked in.

Those numbers are not mandates. Go ahead, the Cabin picks have just demonstrated that Trump is going to govern like a jackass, the incoming Congress is going to surrender its role as a check and balance on the WH. The result will be a 3-5 percent swing back to the center.

The math does not agree w you.

The GOP wants to forget 2018. 2020, & 2022. Prepare for 2026 after trump messes it up again.

blah blah blah - and dems want to forget the whole "we are the party of slavery" and "we are the only party that have actually put americans in concentration camps" oh oh oh, and "we are dead set against school integration" -- heck they event revolted against the country and elected the first "alternate facts" president, Jefferson Davis - and made up a whole congress over it -- then FDR put AMERICANS into concentration camps

symple, honey, go back to nursing your small flat white at your coffee klutch - i am sure roland will be along sooner or later to give you a huge

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Originally posted by jeffeosso:
Originally posted by TomP:
Originally posted by ledvm:
It was a shellacking any way you cut it.

But I am just happy that it proved all of Joshua’s theories wrong. Cool

"None of the Above" won by the biggest margin in decades.

actually, no - that's NOT what the numbers say, i posted a link

look at the VEP (last column) -

Voting Eligible Population (VEP) is an attempt to make an even more precise definition of the population of people who have a legal right to vote—potential voters. Making the estimates of noncitizens and disfranchised felons has been carried out mostly by Professor Michael McDonald and data are published in the U.S. Elections Project website. In many instances, the Census reports identify the number of non-citizens included in the VAP. By our calculation, subtracting that report of the number of non-citizens from the reported VAP yields a smaller VEP than reported at the US Elections Project. The US Elections Project data are also based on census and survey reports.

for the last 44 years, VEP ranges from ~52%, with a high of "63%* -

i can lead you to water, but i can't make you think

oh, and since this is just as silly as "national popular vote" (not a thing) - "none of the above" is only a choice on a couple states -

non-participation is a CHOICE, it is NOT a vote .. and only votes are counted

where ya'll getting your copium from? my supplier ran out after 2012

Good link, and the 2024 VEP was about 64%, higher than previous elections. I was wrong about that.


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Carl Schurz (1829 - 1906)
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You are a good guy, Tom

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Originally posted by jeffeosso:
Originally posted by LHeym500:
Nope; you got by w 2-5 percent of the vote on 3 states. That would have gave the election to Harris.

Margin in Pennsylvania-Less than 2 percent. That is Official.

Margin in Michigan-Less than 1 percent. That is Official.

Margin in Wisconsin-Less than 1 percent. That is official.

Less than 3 percent of the vote across 3 states and Harris wins.

You act like it is about you and you have this sweeping mandate, your teeth will get kicked in.

Those numbers are not mandates. Go ahead, the Cabin picks have just demonstrated that Trump is going to govern like a jacka$$, the incoming Congress is going to surrender its role as a check and balance on the WH. The result will be a 3-5 percent swing back to the center.

The math does not agree w you.

you do understand that
1: you stipulation about the numbers are wrong -

2: i am WAY more concerned about the make-up of congress
3: plurality+1 is all it takes to win -- how many "important games" have been resolved by a single score, even it's a 1 pt difference ...

you can't hide from it, the GOP swept the field - popular, electoral, composition of congress, and state houses - anything else is a "retrograde march" .. that means retreat, but you still keep fighting

oh, oh , oh .. the whole 4b movement-- i'll say "dang, they may have traction" with quemala, killary, nasty, the view and the squad, oh, and "Dr Jill" all shave their heads -- till then, it's all noise from the infants

Wikipedia, I’ll take the reported official vote totals from those states.

This not a theory. It is just math.

My numbers for those 3 states are right. My conclusion is correct.
Posts: 13391 | Location: Somewhere above Tennessee and below Kentucky  | Registered: 31 July 2016Reply With Quote
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but it's not, Joshua
Penn went ~2% for trump .. firstly that's a wider gap than what went for biden in 2020 AND is nearly double the "swing" from biden to trump
penn 2020
Penn 2024

michigan by 1.4%, not less than 1%
mich 2020

michigan OFFICAL RESULTS (which match wikipedia exactly) 1.42% - a swing of over 4%

Wisk 2024 - you are correct, this was less than 1%

which was 50% higher than joe's win in 2020

representing ~1.65% swing ... or 3x the delta from biden's 2020 results

that's why they are called swing states - they swing -

remember when texas, ohio, and FLA were considered to be swing states?

Here's a neato set of slides, from that famously alt-right NPR company, to noodle on

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this is an AMAZING graphic, for the maths impaired

and at the bottom of the article, there's a chart showing the shift-right of the electorate

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Still does not show those state electoral numbers to be wrong.

KY has GOP resignation over 2:1 advantage over Dems.

We have a two term Dem Gov.

Only 30-40 percent of the electorate are political locks. The rest move back and fourth.

2 odd percent swing on election night in 3 states and Harris is president. That would not have been a beating either.

The numbers are right.
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