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Pay it forward

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18 February 2014, 07:10
Pay it forward
I just had my faith in humanity restored, if for just a little while.
I have a lot on my mind with my wife's upcoming surgery and my dad's fight with pancreatic cancer. Needless to say I have a lot on my mind.

I stopped at the grocery store to pick up just a few ingredients to cook dinner with.
I went to the express lane because I only had four items.
A lady and her daughter were in front of me. I was staring off into space and I heard the lady say, "put his on my bill."
I guess I looked at her like she had three heads and tried to tell her she didn't need to do that
The lady replied, "We are doing a random act of kindness. We are paying it forward. Some one did it for us now we are doing it for you."
I just about broke down there and manged to say thank you to her and her daughter. I told them about Suzanne's surgery and dad's cancer and tried to tell her how much this meant. However my mouth and tongue did not want to work and my eyes got a little watery.

It was such a humbling experience for a total stranger to do that. It was not the dollar amount because the four items were less than $10.00. It was just the fact that she did it.

It was such a simple thing for her to do but it touched me today in an unique way.
I need to look around and realize there are so many little random acts of kindness I could and should do everyday.

Pay it forward, you will never know how much it touches the person you reach out to.

D R S S member as of 4/30/2014.
20 February 2014, 01:08
Alberta Canuck
Done that a few times myself...usually when some poor soul has a bunch of groceries and less money than what the final bill comes to. The cashier will say "pick the items you can do without and we'll get the total down to what money you have". That always really pisses me off, so I'll either just hand the person $20 or more in cash, or say to the grocery clerk.. "she or he's with me, just check mine on through too, and we'll do it on just one tab, mine".

Of course if they are buying booze too along with their groceries, I'll just set that aside.

If I wouldn't help my fellow humans eat (including their kids?), what the hell use would I be on this earth?
24 February 2014, 02:27
We reap what we sow...
25 February 2014, 10:59
Yes we do;but we don't do it for that reason. We do it because it is right.

Never mistake motion for action.
02 March 2014, 13:26
True that.