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After effects of Covid 19

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19 July 2021, 23:39
After effects of Covid 19
Well, my wife and I are now nearly 5 months out from our bout with CV19. She had memory loss and catatonia initially, but it has cleared. Now her hair is falling out by the handfuls! Doc said it will grow back but will take a year. This is common apparently when the immune system receives a severe shock. We both have been suffering joint and connective tissue pain up until the last couple of weeks. There were days when I had difficulty lifting a gallon milk jug. We both are hopeful for a full recovery but it is a slow go.
20 July 2021, 00:13
Well, a lot of COVID deniers here say it’s nothing but a bad cold/flu. I guess long haulers aren’t really that sick at all. FWIW, my nephew and his wife, aged 32, both had a realatively mild case last October. Neither has completely recovered their sense of taste or smell. I guess their problems are minor too. GET THE DAMN VACCINE, PEOPLE!

Vote Trump- Putin’s best friend…
20 July 2021, 00:47
Originally posted by jdollar:
Well, a lot of COVID deniers here say it’s nothing but a bad cold/flu. I guess long haulers aren’t really that at all. FWIW, my nephew and his wife, aged 32, both had a realatively mild case last October. Neither has completely recovered their sense of taste or smell. I guess their problems are minor too. GET THE DAMN VACCINE, PEOPLE!


Listen to a real professional trained and licensed retired doctor like Dr. Dollar than internet trolls.

20 July 2021, 00:49
Originally posted by Bobster:
Well, my wife and I are now nearly 5 months out from our bout with CV19. She had memory loss and catatonia initially, but it has cleared. Now her hair is falling out by the handfuls! Doc said it will grow back but will take a year. This is common apparently when the immune system receives a severe shock. We both have been suffering joint and connective tissue pain up until the last couple of weeks. There were days when I had difficulty lifting a gallon milk jug. We both are hopeful for a full recovery but it is a slow go.

I am sorry for the long haul after effects of covid. This is not the flue.

20 July 2021, 01:44
Jason P
Glad you are on the mend Bob.
I suspect that this illness will have an overall impact on the general population more so than we believe. I could be wrong, just my opinion.

I'm glad I got the vaccine and hope others will as well.
20 July 2021, 08:59
2 of my customers came down with it last year + they were sick as dogs. Their general consensus was that those naysayers need to get a dose to see how bad it really is. A good friend is an R.N. in the E.R. in New Braunfels + she said that at one point they had 13 admissions with covid + 3 of them lived. This is NOT the flu, this is serious. Now we have the new strain of Delta but no one seems too concerned, everybody running around unmasked. I have had my vacine but I still wear a mask when going to the grocery store, etc. If nothing else, just consider it common courtesy.

Never mistake motion for action.
20 July 2021, 10:04
Use Enough Gun
I had COVID last November and then received the two Moderna Shots 90 days later. Covid was mild. The day after each shot was worse than having COVID. I've had some residual effects and the doctor says that those can be expected from having COVID. It's no respecter of persons and can leave people with differing after effects. Get the shots.
20 July 2021, 14:53
Late 2019 I had a bad flu.

I lost my sense of smell, and my sense of taste for a while.

Two months later this bloody Chink virus came.

I had two Pfizer shots, never felt any effects.

Y wife had a rash, and fever from them.

I told this to a doctor friend.

The nitwit said this proves what he had known all along.

People who lack brains are not as effected as those with brains!

I hope I stay brainless! rotflmo
Instagram : ganyana2000
20 July 2021, 15:35

On May the 17th (1 week before it was my turn to get a vaccine) I got infected by Covid19. The whole family cought it - kids had fever for 2 days and my wife for 3 days. For me it wasn't bad at first, however on Sunday the 23rd I was feeling realy bad - weak, fever...blood saturation down to 86%.

So I went to the hospital and was expecting to get some O2 and be released was not to be.

At first I was given small amounts of oxygen that was later increased, but it didn't make any difference... My state was deteriorating further - fast. All that was left to do was to put me in induced coma and intubate me. I was hanging by the nails - was very close to death. I was in coma for 7 days when I started to respond to the therapy and was awaken in 2 days - I can't explain how horrible that period was - I was certain I would not make it and was just waiting to hope.

As I was in hospital I witnessed some terrible things - similar story like mine happened to a top athlete aged day the brought in a young pregnant woman (27 years old) and performed a casearean section while she was in coma words...

However as time passed I was getting shorten the strory - after one month in hospital I came home.
Now I am off the medicines (Medrol and other crap) and working on my stamina.

I am 51, never had any illness whatsoever - none. Before hospital I was running 3 times/week for 5 km regulary without problems.

Now the walking on the flat terrain is no problem (did 11 km yesterday, going uphill makes me some problems - one of the side effects of my treatment is high heart rate - and as soon as I try to go uphill it goes quickly to 150 Beats/minute, but this will also come down later - so they said.
21 July 2021, 06:37
That’s impossible. The deniers/anti vaxxers on the political forum assure us that only sick old people have a problem. They can’t seem to fathom that just because you don’t die, you can be thoroughly and miserably sick- and rack up dandy hospital costs. Fools..... 2020

Vote Trump- Putin’s best friend…
21 July 2021, 18:49
One of my friends poo-pooed the virus until it was his turn to close his shop for three weeks to go home and cough his guts out.
He's still a Trump Republican but a wiser one...


Our country, right or wrong. When right, to be kept right, when wrong to be put right.

Carl Schurz (1829 - 1906)
22 July 2021, 06:30
My cousin, 58 years old died from it few months back. He had other health issues, but would still be alive had he not had covid.

NRA Patron member
22 July 2021, 08:41
Originally posted by df06:
My cousin, 58 years old died from it few months back. He had other health issues, but would still be alive had he not had covid.

Not necessarily true.
Instagram : ganyana2000
22 July 2021, 19:49
I took the Moderna shots and quite frankly worried that I might have gotten no vaccine in the injection. I never felt a thing. I even asked the pharmacist why I didn't even feel the needle prick. He bragged on his skill and the size of the needle. For the second shot, I felt the injection and had zero reaction, same as the first. It's a very individual-specific vaccine. Whether you have a bad reaction or not, it's better than the alternative.

Things have certainly changed from the time I was in the second grade and we all lined-up to take the polio vaccine, without question.

It seems we are all geniuses these day. We know more than the experts, more than the doctors. We're so smart this go-round that over 610,000 of us have died, most now from our own stupidity, by refusing to take the vaccine.
22 July 2021, 22:42
Aspen Hill Adventures
most now from our own stupidity, by refusing to take the vaccine.

I do not think that is true. Millions died before they could get a vaccine. I am glad you did get yours. It should be an individual choice.


23 July 2021, 05:26
Jason P
Originally posted by jdollar:
That’s impossible. The deniers/anti vaxxers on the political forum assure us that only sick old people have a problem. They can’t seem to fathom that just because you don’t die, you can be thoroughly and miserably sick- and rack up dandy hospital costs. Fools..... 2020

You are spot on!!

My former neighbor is anti vaccine - all vaccine. Fine sending her grandkids to school without immunizations. It’s stupidity at best.

My 73 year old mother, with diabetes was ready to get her vaccination and her idiot coworker tried to talk her out of it (of course she does not have the medical background to apply a bandaid). I about came unglued and her common sense took over and she received both shots, along with my father.

They are grateful that they did.
23 July 2021, 08:26
As the old saying goes, "You don't have to vaccinate all your children; just the ones you want to keep."

Never mistake motion for action.
23 July 2021, 08:53
Originally posted by NormanConquest:
As the old saying goes, "You don't have to vaccinate all your children; just the ones you want to keep."


I like the old saying.

23 July 2021, 10:00
The effects of the so called “free world”

Ruled by the fringe idiots.

Countries that mass vaccinated are living normal lives.

Countries run by deranged commies, like Australia, are locking up!

Caitlin can get into Australia, but Australians cannot??
Instagram : ganyana2000
23 July 2021, 10:50
Originally posted by Saeed:
The effects of the so called “free world”

Ruled by the fringe idiots.

Countries that mass vaccinated are living normal lives.

Countries run by deranged commies, like Australia, are locking up!

Caitlin can get into Australia, but Australians cannot??

Talk about a third rate citizenship. Australia.

Australia abandoned its overseas citizens in a pandemic. Pathetic.

23 July 2021, 16:30
Originally posted by Beretta682E:
Originally posted by Saeed:
The effects of the so called “free world”

Ruled by the fringe idiots.

Countries that mass vaccinated are living normal lives.

Countries run by deranged commies, like Australia, are locking up!

Caitlin can get into Australia, but Australians cannot??

Talk about a third rate citizenship. Australia.

Australia abandoned its overseas citizens in a pandemic. Pathetic.


Hand picked by Her Majesty’s Judges!

One of their rulers is called Dan Andrews.

That is the sort of idiots who should have been aborted! rotflmo
Instagram : ganyana2000