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Urban myths & Halloween

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30 October 2008, 01:05
Urban myths & Halloween
It is almost 31 October and "All Hallow's eve". So I thought I would ask, what uncanny, goose pimple inspiring stories people had?

There are a number, same story different location type tales of the Phantom Hitch Hiker.

The Hitch Hiker is invariably a pretty late teen to early twenties girl, who gets into the back seat of a car, It is generally either raining hard or foggy when the driver stops.

The passenger is very quiet and when the driver turns to talk to her, because she has been quiet for so long, finds she has disappeared. In the story, the car has been moving all the time she has been in the car.

The story revolves around the passenger 'disappearing' where she was knocked down and killed on the road, one dark night some time ago. Etc.

Most of these ghostly urban tales, tell us more about society's contemporary fears, as other urban myths I know of will illustrate. But I would like to 'hear' your stories.
30 October 2008, 05:09
The fourth and fifth lines gave me chills. I can see it in the DVD player in my mind. That would scare the dogclinton out of me. But then, I don't pick up hitchers...
30 October 2008, 18:33
This is the story around here...


Some Pictures from Namibia

Some Pictures from Zimbabwe

An Elephant Story

31 October 2008, 00:25
The 'wet footprint' epics are not that uncommon amongst urban myths.

A local, now decommissioned police station, built during the late Victorian - Edwardian period, say 1865 - 1910 ish era had a 'ghost story'.

Apparently, a series of internal doors were heard to open and close, accompanied by footsteps. The sound of footsteps led to the toilet block within the police station.

Anyway, a couple of police officers manning the station at night wondered who / what was going on. One went to investigate.

He followed the wet foot prints on the floor to the toilets. There was no one there, he checked etc. The corridor was 'blind' - only one way in and out and no one passed the policeman.

This 'event' happened a number of times at the station. If interested in the details, google ghosts in England and ghosts in Kent.

Other 'supernatural' happenings have been linked to places where a suicide or murder occurred. Up the road from me, the body of a young girl was found at the cross roads of an old, local lane / road system during road widening / improvements.

The body had a wooden stake piercing the rib cage. This was a common method of dispatching witches during Medieval times. Bodies were buried at cross roads because that was the place where devils were meant to meet up.

Old railway tunnels, some still in use and mines have their share of phantom lights and workers. There are a lots of ghost stories surrounding the underground train system in London.

Well, I have done structural surveys of the tunnels and sub surface station structures at night (when the trains stop running and the electric power is switched). It can be creepy - a normally crowded, busy area empty and quiet and there are the draughts from the ventillation system or adjacent tunnels, where an engineer's train is still running, but it is all explainable. People spook themselves.

( Note many tunnels are interconnected to alleviate the piston affect of air within a tunnel due to train movements. Rail tracks can be electrically isolated in sections or completely, while adjacent tracks are still energized. Obviously, you only work in areas where there are no train movements, but you can hear trains in nearby tunnels).