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More than 1 in 4 SA men admit to raping women

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08 May 2012, 03:01
More than 1 in 4 SA men admit to raping women


Hunting: Exercising dominion over creation at 2800 fps.
08 May 2012, 04:57
376 steyr
They get away with a lot there, don't they!
09 May 2012, 23:14
Yup! Justice and good governance is receding in my memory. African Deemorkrasie has seen to that. Two National Police Commisioners have been canned, one jailed and the second could be heading for the slammer. Loverly stuff.
11 May 2012, 01:12
<Andrew cempa>
Let me guess, legal concealed carry of arms (by the general, vetted populace) is prohibited?
11 May 2012, 09:43
Use Enough Gun
And aids is rampant. . . . .
21 May 2012, 13:52
Originally posted by Andrew cempa:
Let me guess, legal concealed carry of arms (by the general, vetted populace) is prohibited?

Not really, just damn difficult. My application for a licence to posses a .357 Magnum is a case in point. The first application just vanished. I have been informed that the second application has been approved after seven months. Aaahh Africa!
31 May 2012, 19:46
good thing this thread did not mention farm animals your name might have come up!!!! and that would have been embarrassing. to you and the chickens and sheep rotflmo rotflmo rotflmo
26 June 2012, 08:57
Norman Conquest
When Michael Hoare was fighting in the Congo in the early 60's,if one of his crew was guilty of rape,they shot off his two great toes
+ left him.You know the result.