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Hows business?

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03 November 2017, 08:54
Hows business?
Mine is dead in the water + most folks in the same general category are saying the same. I have a sheet metal shop whose mainstay is building duct work for commercial + industrial applications.The problem that my customers are saying is that so many new contractors are moving into the Austin area that the competition has become fierce.Add to that the governments 'wisdom' to give 1st dibs on any fed jobs to the Vietnamese (our new wetbacks) because they are a minority.Hell,I'm a minority anymore;blonde,blue eyed,business owner + tax payer + scraping to get by. This country has gone to shit;I'm ashamed.

Never mistake motion for action.
03 November 2017, 18:54
And it is not going to get any better and that is the sad part.

The sadder part is that We, the American voter, allowed it to happen by not keeping an eye on what our elected Representatives were doing.

We all got too busy trying to make a life for ourselves/families and did not monitor what our politicians were doing.

We all got too complacent and just kept putting people back in office because they hadn't had a major Fuck Up!

Now we are paying for it, the whole country is paying for it.

Even the rocks don't last forever.

03 November 2017, 20:51
Originally posted by Crazyhorseconsulting:
And it is not going to get any better and that is the sad part.

The sadder part is that We, the American voter, allowed it to happen by not keeping an eye on what our elected Representatives were doing.

We all got too busy trying to make a life for ourselves/families and did not monitor what our politicians were doing.

We all got too complacent and just kept putting people back in office because they hadn't had a major Fuck Up!

Now we are paying for it, the whole country is paying for it.

That is so true. Very well said.
03 November 2017, 22:25
I design and build prototypes of small electronic systems; it's been real slow for two years. One of the projects looks like it might get revived after New Year's; I'll be spinning that one back up over the next couple of months. Three other ones evaporated once the guys found out what they were going to cost and realized that there weren't any VCs backing them. There doesn't seem to be much VC money chasing small hardware projects.


Our country, right or wrong. When right, to be kept right, when wrong to be put right.

Carl Schurz (1829 - 1906)
05 November 2017, 07:38
My eldest son has a welding company that puts up metal buildings,etc. + is doing well. My middle son has 3 businesses in the Austin area with video game development (who would have ever thought that there was money there?)+ he's raking in the bucks + doing nationwide seminars,etc.Don't ask me,when he tries to tell me my mind goes fallow.But ALL my boys are successful + that is what counts;good protestant work ethic.

Never mistake motion for action.
05 November 2017, 08:44
Does your eldest son need anyone to fabricate duct work for his metal building business? Wink

Originally posted by NormanConquest:
My eldest son has a welding company that puts up metal buildings,etc. + is doing well. My middle son has 3 businesses in the Austin area with video game development (who would have ever thought that there was money there?)+ he's raking in the bucks + doing nationwide seminars,etc.Don't ask me,when he tries to tell me my mind goes fallow.But ALL my boys are successful + that is what counts;good protestant work ethic.