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Suggestions for removing stench from Oryx horns

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22 August 2017, 06:00
Open Carry
Suggestions for removing stench from Oryx horns

I recently opened some Oryx european mounts I had sent from Namibia. The inside of the horns has a strong stench. Does anyone have any suggestions for getting rid of the stench?

The skulls are bleached white and the horns appear very clean.
22 August 2017, 19:39
Dump some baking soda in and on them and let sit for a few days. The smell usually dissipates over time. Its very hot and humid out here, so being confined in the crate probably made it worst then it is.

Paul B
22 August 2017, 22:58
Jerry Huffaker
good advice from Paul, another thing you can do is spray some diluted bleach water into the horns.

Jerry Huffaker
State, National and World Champion Taxidermist

26 August 2017, 18:17
Open Carry
Thanks for the advice, gentlemen.

I sprayed some diluted bleach in the horns and let that soak for a few hours. I then rinsed the horns with water and let them dry in the sun. Now they are sitting in the garage with a dusting of baking soda.

The odor is mostly gone, at this point it is just a light smell.