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African mounts wall pedestal ideas

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10 February 2010, 04:40
African mounts wall pedestal ideas
I'm looking for some ideas for African plains game wall pedestal mount ideas that in corporate some "natural" looking vegatation or rocks ideas. I've seen some mounts on various taxidermists sites and general interenet searches on this subject, and most of what comes up along this line usually has deer (mostly white tails) that are mounted amidst a cluster of "rocks" at the base of the deer and some vegetation placed about it too. Some of these look pretty cool and I thought maybe I'd do one or two of my African animals (Eland, Red Haretebeast, Black Wildebeest and Waterbuck) in this same type of mounting. Just looking for something a little different than standard left or right looking shoulder mounts. Probably really won't do the Eland like this, since I think it looks pretty majestic on its own, but the others I mentioned are certainly being considered. Anyone have any pictures along these lines, even if its not the animals I memtioned early in this thread, just to give a perspective of the different ways this can be done. Heck show me your deer pics too if thats what you have. Thanks.

10 February 2010, 07:08
Here are a couple

14 February 2010, 23:57
Jeff Alexander
Here's my duiker and steinbok.

20 February 2010, 09:52
Who did your taxidermy on your steinbok and duiker. I like the work!!

Searcy 470 NE
23 February 2010, 05:50
Jeff Alexander
Mike Barry. He is going to have a similar mount with a steinbok and oribi at the San Diego SCI this weekend.
23 February 2010, 06:54
great looking mounts Grafton