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Any thoughts on schools

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02 November 2007, 19:59
Duga Boy
Any thoughts on schools
I have seen that there are a lot of schools teaching Taxidermy. If you have had a good or bad experiace with one would you share it. I would hate to waist money or time as would we all.


Shoot strait and be safe
03 November 2007, 04:29
george roof
Brian, I'd suggest you save both and ignore the advertisements. "There's more than one way to skin a cat" likely had its start in taxidermy. But if you pay to attend a school, you can bet the guy running it won't show you any more than one: HIS. You're money ahead to get DVD's and videos and start with the simplest of creatures that are easily obtainable and replaceable. Thousands of us learned through a comic book like correspondence course during the 50's and 60's. Few of us use those exact methods, but the basics are still valid today as they were 50 years ago.

RETIRED Taxidermist