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Is This True?

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04 April 2024, 08:57
Is This True?
Sad if true!
Instagram : ganyana2000
04 April 2024, 13:38
Saeed, sorry to say it may be. I did a quick search and found a number of unrelated sources reporting it.

Hatred of wolves is fairly common here and ignorance is rampant. added together it wouldn't surprise me if this actually did happen.

They only decent thing that can be said about it is that it looks like someone witnessed some of this and called the Wyoming Department of Natural Resources and they investigated and issued a citation which is probably all they could do.
05 April 2024, 04:04
Once in awhile there is an idiot with “ great idea “
Wolves are predators and our prime competitors but there is a limit …
05 April 2024, 06:39
I think it could be a very big mistake to assume that wolves are our prime competitor when we have studies demonstrating that the wolf population and the deer population can track each other. The wolves can certainly influence how and where deer use land, but for both populations to rise and fall together? I have seen it work that way to a surprising degree that defies folklore. I have seen deer populations almost disappear when there were no wolves present at all.

I see then not as competitors, but until I have a solid explanation of why both populations can track each other I cannot exclude the possibility that they may be allies.
05 April 2024, 09:51
This individuals conduct was simply disgusting, period. I don’t have a problem with him using a snowmobile to hunt wolves, but shoot the wolf and be done with it. What he did by taping its mouth shut and parading it around is inexcusable.
05 April 2024, 14:06
300 win
05 April 2024, 14:07
300 win
05 April 2024, 16:20
p dog shooter
Innocent until found guilty.

At least that is suppose to be the standard in the USA.
05 April 2024, 16:26
Guilty of being a complete ass.

There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.
– John Green, author
06 April 2024, 04:20
I'll be the bad guy here-----other than shooting it outside behind the bar he did what many millions of people do here every day !!!


P.S. I'm printing this as my neighbors 5 dogs are barking like shit not more than 50 ft. from my window!
07 April 2024, 06:11
If it's true I hope he spends some quality time in jail.



"There's a saying in prize fighting, everyone's got a plan until they get hit"

Michael Douglas "The Ghost And The Darkness"
07 April 2024, 16:42
I don't care what you're taking you owe it to the animal to dispatch it quickly. It's not an exhibition. Next time he goes in that bar, they should take him out back and "thump his ass" and then bar him! Classic case of an idiot giving the anti's fodder they thrive on!

Zim 2006
Zim 2007
Namibia 2013
Brown Bear Togiak Nat'l Refuge Sep 2010
Argentina 2019
RSA 2023
SCI Life Member
07 April 2024, 20:38
Pretty sad if true. No animal deserves to be treated like that.

Having said that, I’m very much against the reintroduction of wolves back into Colorado. Never wanted them here. But it wasn’t the wolf’s fault they got transported here and released. That was the result of man’s decision, not the wolf’s. I also believe they should be allowed to be hunted, like the deer, elk and moose they hunt. We hunt those ungulates. Let us hunt the wolves.
07 April 2024, 23:01
07 April 2024, 23:01
08 April 2024, 17:06
Instagram : ganyana2000
08 April 2024, 18:06
No felony animal cruelty laws in Wyoming?
This guy will be the poster child for PETA, Humane
Society, etc. for years to come.
08 April 2024, 22:16
The first world concerns of people with lives which are too easy, leading to the Karen culture we have here today.

People muzzle aggressive dogs and parade them around towns all the time and nobody cares.

In reality, there is zero difference.

Wolves were extirpated from the landscape for a reason. Some people actually know the reason. Most people don't know that the wolves being introduced in the continental US, are not the subspecies which was formerly indigenous.

It's a slippery slope from speaking out against the guy in Wyoming to sport hunting. It seems most of the posters here are more than willing to cut their own throats on the matter.

All We Know Is All We Are
09 April 2024, 00:46
We exterminated the buffalo, wolves most of the whitetail deer amongst other things. The reason was greed. That guy ought to be whipped.



"There's a saying in prize fighting, everyone's got a plan until they get hit"

Michael Douglas "The Ghost And The Darkness"
09 April 2024, 03:11
That jackass just makes me nauseated. He should face some sort punishment. This is just plain cruelty.


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09 April 2024, 04:16
Hard to look at. This guy needs some prison time.
09 April 2024, 04:34
Matt Norman
What a dipshit. Just SSS. He will take a hit.
09 April 2024, 05:21
Michael Robinson
This son of a bitch needs a long prison sentence.



Wilderness is my cathedral, and hunting is my prayer.
10 April 2024, 01:38
p dog shooter
I think he paid a 250.00 dollar fine.
11 April 2024, 02:30
WPOS! I don’t mind that he finally killed it but the torture is beyond the pale. And he ran it down, he didn’t even hunt it, unless you consider a snowmobile at hunting weapon…..thumbdown barf

Vote Trump- Putin’s best friend…
11 April 2024, 15:11
p dog shooter
unless you consider a snowmobile at hunting weapon….

In Wyoming it is legal.
11 April 2024, 15:51
Originally posted by jdollar:
WPOS! I don’t mind that he finally killed it but the torture is beyond the pale. And he ran it down, he didn’t even hunt it, unless you consider a snowmobile at hunting weapon…..thumbdown barf

A video on the Net showing the wolf tied down with its mouth tapes in the pub.

Wolf wasn't looking very ha[[y!
Instagram : ganyana2000
11 April 2024, 18:20
11 April 2024, 19:12
Originally posted by p dog shooter:
unless you consider a snowmobile at hunting weapon….

In Wyoming it is legal.

Figures. When I lived in Montana in the 70s we called Colorado the Massachusetts of the Rockies and Wyoming the Missisippi of the Rockies. Let's not talk about North Dakota lol.



"There's a saying in prize fighting, everyone's got a plan until they get hit"

Michael Douglas "The Ghost And The Darkness"
12 April 2024, 17:35
Originally posted by TREE 'EM:
The first world concerns of people with lives which are too easy, leading to the Karen culture we have here today.

People muzzle aggressive dogs and parade them around towns all the time and nobody cares.

In reality, there is zero difference.

Wolves were extirpated from the landscape for a reason. Some people actually know the reason. Most people don't know that the wolves being introduced in the continental US, are not the subspecies which was formerly indigenous.

It's a slippery slope from speaking out against the guy in Wyoming to sport hunting. It seems most of the posters here are more than willing to cut their own throats on the matter.

dancing tu2 tu2
I shoot every fucking wolf I can!

12 April 2024, 19:08
Not sticking up for this guy----But he isn't any worse than any and all of our elected officials

12 April 2024, 20:51
This was disgusting.
12 April 2024, 21:35
Steve Bertram
Originally posted by crbutler:
This was disgusting.

Agree 100%.
13 April 2024, 07:29
Grizzly Adams1
Classic Banff story, late 1800s : A guy named bill Peyto trapped a lynx, tied it up and then released it in a local bar, details what happened after are vague. Big Grin

When the horse has been eliminated, human life may be extended an average of five or more years.
James R. Doolitle

I think they've been misunderstood. Timothy Tredwell
14 April 2024, 00:51
p dog shooter
I heard a couple of guys put a bob cat in a nice suit case.

The set the suit case at a down town Milw. bus stop.

Some gentlemen in a Cadillac stopped and took it. A half block later doors flew open. Ass holes and elbows were flying.
14 April 2024, 04:24
Originally posted by TREE 'EM:
The first world concerns of people with lives which are too easy, leading to the Karen culture we have here today.

People muzzle aggressive dogs and parade them around towns all the time and nobody cares.

In reality, there is zero difference.

Wolves were extirpated from the landscape for a reason. Some people actually know the reason. Most people don't know that the wolves being introduced in the continental US, are not the subspecies which was formerly indigenous.

It's a slippery slope from speaking out against the guy in Wyoming to sport hunting. It seems most of the posters here are more than willing to cut their own throats on the matter.

They don’t hold down an animal typing its mouth shut, and parade it around for the crime if bring a wolf. Which is an animal that is natural to Wyoming before we killed then all off.

Your state is stupid. Like I said in the Elephant post. There are a lot of here who do not deserve to be called hunter conservationists. They just want things to exist fur our killing. Wolves need managed like any other animal in a concentrated range. This is not management. It is someone acting like the anti hunters claim we all are.

I hope he got a felony.

One of my co-workers told me about a guy who ran over but did not kill a coyote. Guy brought it into a bar to show off. He gives us hunters in the office Hell over this stuff.

Oh my, this is the same incident. The sicko ran the wolf down, hit it, and did not kill it. He then Typed the mouth shut and drug it around the bar.

In a less legal and civilized world, we would just break his leg.
14 April 2024, 19:57
24 April 2024, 01:55

For Immediate Release, April 23, 2024


Amaroq Weiss, (707) 779-9613,

Letters Urge Federal Agencies to Prohibit Killing of Wildlife With Snowmobiles

WASHINGTON— More than 60 conservation groups from across North America filed letters today urging the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management to immediately prohibit the use of snowmobiles or other vehicles to run down, injure or kill wildlife on all federal lands they manage.

Today’s letters were spurred by a recent incident in which a man from Daniel, Wyoming, ran over a yearling female wolf with his snowmobile. This is a hunting practice that states like Wyoming and Idaho authorize for wolves and other predators.

Instead of immediately putting the wolf out of her misery, media reports indicate that the man took her to his home and then to a bar. Shocking photos, videos and witness statements resulted in him being convicted of a misdemeanor under state law for possession of a live wolf. The penalty was a $250 fine.

“This obscene cruelty to wolves and other wildlife is legal under state law, so federal officials need to step in and stop it,” said Amaroq Weiss, a senior wolf advocate with the Center for Biological Diversity. “It’s disgusting that Wyoming and Idaho allow coyotes and wolves to be chased, bludgeoned and run over by snowmobiles. But the American people own the federal lands throughout the country, and we won’t stop until federal agencies ban this horrific practice where they can.”

Public pressure finally resulted in the state wildlife agency, state wildlife commission and governor’s office condemning the man’s actions. Their statements, however, reflect a tendency by state officials to paint the incident as a “one-off,” even though it stems from the state’s anti-predator laws, which authorize running down wolves with snowmobiles and other brutal hunting practices.

“The facts belie state officials’ claims that running over wildlife with snowmobiles and further torturing them doesn’t exemplify Wyoming values,” said Weiss. “By allowing wolves and other predators to be killed by any and all means in most of the state, Wyoming has created an outdoors torture chamber for wildlife. I hope the federal agencies step up to ban this atrocious practice on the lands they manage in Wyoming and across the country.”

In Wyoming 85% of the state is designated as a “Predator Zone,” where wolves and other wildlife classified as predators — including coyotes, jackrabbits, porcupines, raccoons, red fox, skunks and stray cats — may be killed without limits at any time of year by any means with no license requirement.


"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page."
28 April 2024, 04:09
28 April 2024, 08:29
This is what happens when people from States like California and New York impose their political will on other States. It breeds resentment. Wyoming didnt want Wolves back, but they got them crammed down their throats.
What he did is something I would never do, and Im not defending it either. I'm just saying that this was brought on by political strong arming from people who don't even live in Wyoming and don't give a shit about the consequences of THEIR actions.