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Interesting piece from Sports Afield

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24 December 2001, 14:50
Interesting piece from Sports Afield
From the Nov. 2001 issue pgs 46-48. the article is titled "Face to Face with a Grizzly" by A.V. "Slim" Randles.

Looks like a good piece on griz attacks, but the best quote is from the paragraph:

"One visitor to Alaska fell prey to Hollywood's version of grizzly bears. He was visiting southeast Alaska and set out with his back pack on a several-day hike through the mountains. Locals offered to lend him a rifle, but he just shook his pony tail and said that he had watched enough "Grizzly Adams" on television back home in San Francisco to know if you had the right karma and sent out the proper vibes nature worked with you, not against you. About a week later, searchers found his camera and his boots. The last three frames on the camera's film were of a grizzly sow and her two cubs. And the boots still had feet in them".

When in doubt, do a nuclear strike.

24 December 2001, 17:36
Ain't nature a beautiful thang?

Freedom works,


24 December 2001, 17:43
Nine out of ten Grizzlies poled say Karma tastes just like chicken!
Dang there are some stupid people out there. I wonder if there is any truth to this account.
X-Ring AKA Scooter

Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition!

24 December 2001, 18:02
I've never heard of this writer before, however, that was just one of several griz stories that made up the article. He seemed to know his stuff about most them.

as to nature, she kills the old, the weak and stupid...just not in great enough numbers.

When in doubt, do a nuclear strike.

24 December 2001, 18:15
D Humbarger
Nature works wonders! One less Clinton voter.

NRA Life member

25 December 2001, 02:41
<Gary Rihn>
Guess he left his karma (and his brain) back in SF that day.

He sounds like a contender for the Darwin Award.

I guess that grizzly sow didn't have any good "turn old boot leather into a meal" recipes with her!

25 December 2001, 05:19
<Paul Dustin>
I heard that Karma tastes just like chicken
25 December 2001, 06:54
Frank Nowakowski
Talk about BAD Karma...... Back in the early 80's a young couple were killed by a grizzly in Glacier Park, MT. The male victim had a brother who lived in Helena just a few blocks from where I resided. Met him one day and offered my condolences regarding the loss of his Brother. We got talking and he mentioned that several years before, while working as a Park Ranger in Glacier, he TOO had been mauled but had sustained only minor injuries! I don't think there has been another case of family members attacked by bears on seperate occasions.

I saw the photos on the investigation on this guys brothers death. Really makes you think when you are out in big bear country! We are kind of like those convenience store hot dogs under the heat lamps. All they have to do is want us and unless your armed, plus have a few seconds to get your act together, your lunch. Chilling stuff.

Frank N.

25 December 2001, 07:11
<Eagle Eye>
Never mind the grizzlies....a female olympic biathlon star was jogging a trail somewhere in Quebec last summer and a small black bear ate her for lunch. Actually, there are far more incidents with blacks than there has ever been with grizzlies.
25 December 2001, 09:46
Kewl, another bunny hugger that won't breed.

26 December 2001, 09:24
<Dan in Wa>
There is a God after all. There several thousand yuppies here that should take up nature study with him here in Washington State.
26 December 2001, 19:39
I'd bet money that any biathlon competitor, male or female,would get mighty upset if they were called a bunny hugger!

Besides, it is bad Karma to express glee at someone elses terrible tragedy.