20 September 2004, 15:56
Heritage ArmsRe: Idaho Black Bear Hunt
It was great to see you at the store, hope to talk to you soon
22 September 2004, 11:49
jaycocreekWay to go.I have several freinds that live in Elk City.Not far from here where I live.Times may have changed but the last report I saw was in the Council region with more Bear per square mile than any other part of the State.Elk City and the surrounding area is rich in game...But the best are on Horses where the better part can't get in Wilderness on each side of the road.I live about 100 yards from the Meat Processor in Grangeville and they have had alot come in this year and probably because of the weather.
Mostly Backcountry Hunters with horses and a few on the Nez-Pierce Road.
Way to go.
21 September 2004, 15:59
N E 450 No2Aleko,
As always, I enjoyed our visit. Looking foward to next time. I shot the 300 bbl today, I was impressed with the magnaport's reduction in recoil and it did not seem any louder than a regular bbl. Full report later. If you get any exotic Blaser stuff, including other magnaport bbls let me know.
PS. If that gal need any more advice on picking a purse, let me know.

21 September 2004, 16:01
N E 450 No2p dog shooter
I hope she gets a good one. I ate some bear meat last night at the deer lease ... Sure was good.

20 September 2004, 16:19
p dog shooterSounds like a great hunt. A freind of mine just shot a 416lber here in Wis. My wife is still looking to shoot hers lots of time left.
22 September 2004, 12:47
jaycocreekNext time give me a hollar.Maybe an old hillbillie born and raised in Idaho could save ya a buck or two.Grangeville ain't a bad spot considering how Idaho is changeing.Gotta love the Elk City boy's coming out for food and a Beer or two.Elk City is and can be a wild place...I love it and the people.
Rae Brothers Sporting Goods....The cabin looking store..
22 September 2004, 00:29
p dog shooterI find bear to some very fine eating
22 September 2004, 12:12
N E 450 No2Jayco
I have had both of my Idaho Bear [this year and last] checked at the "log cabin" looking gunstore in Grangeville. I have also eaten both years at the cafe on the main drag.
The people seem very nice.
22 September 2004, 23:30
Pete in IdahoYou gotta love those 8 month winters in Grangeville
