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Pete Trujillo - High Mountain Outfitters?

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08 August 2007, 12:40
Pete Trujillo - High Mountain Outfitters?
I found this outfitter near taos (NM) that seems offering some interesting winter hunts:
Someone have heard something about them?

08 August 2007, 15:50

I know nothing about that outfitter.
I do know that west of Taos is the migration route for Elk as the move from Colorado south to New Mexico. I have a friend who is a gunsmith living in Chama, New Mexico which is west of Taos. He moved there because Chama is on the main Elk migration route. Chama is only a few miles south of the Colorado border. His name is Andy Manson. His brother Dave Manson makes chambering reamers here in Michigan where I live. Both of the brothers are avid Elk hunters.
I think that area is a good one for Elk hunting. Hopefully someone will know something about the outfitter you are interested in, and can advise you about their integrity.

Best of luck,


08 August 2007, 22:13

10 August 2007, 22:29
Ryan Campbell
I know Pete Trujillo. Actually my dad knows him better than I do. I haven't seen him in years but his friends call him "pancho". He is a hell of a hunter and will definately put you in the game. I can not speak for the lodging or ammenities, as I have not seen them, but you will definately be able to kill what you came for.
As far as his integrity, I have not known of, or ever heard of, anything that was sub-par.
If you would like to speak to my dad, as he knows him better than I do, pm me and I will give you his phone number.
I hope I have been helpful.

The Hunt goes on forever, the season never ends.

I didn't learn this by reading about it or seeing it on TV. I learned it by doing it.
11 August 2007, 22:30
PM sent

12 August 2007, 10:38
Ryan Campbell
have not recieved it yet. please feel free to email me at

The Hunt goes on forever, the season never ends.

I didn't learn this by reading about it or seeing it on TV. I learned it by doing it.
12 August 2007, 13:33
e.mail sent
