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Wanted 16 ga drilling with oddball or damaged rifle caliber

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26 October 2021, 02:11
Wanted 16 ga drilling with oddball or damaged rifle caliber
I have several drillings but Tennessee doesn’t permit small game hunting with a centerfire. So I’d like to find a drilling with a shot out, neglected or oddball rifle caliber. I want to have a rimfire liner put in it. I’d like 16ga for weight, hammerless, without greener safety (I’m a lefty). Anyone have any candidates?

Quick, Cheap, or Good: Pick Two
26 October 2021, 04:35
Never understood why you can't hunt with a drilling. I buy a small game license and a fur bearer license for coyote which you can hunt with centerfire. So why shouldn't I be able to hunt small game with a drilling and be equipped for the yote that stands and looks at 80 yds.
26 October 2021, 07:44
I didn’t make the law. Even my 25-20, 32-20 and 22 centerfires like hornet and 218 bee are useless for small game. When I lived in PA I hunted rabbits with the Bee.

Quick, Cheap, or Good: Pick Two
10 February 2022, 19:13
Savage 24C, with Williams 5D sights.


Our country, right or wrong. When right, to be kept right, when wrong to be put right.

Carl Schurz (1829 - 1906)
14 February 2022, 17:24
p dog shooter
Laws are screwy some times.

Most likely why is they wanted to make it harder to shoot big game out of season.

Not that one could shoot and kill big game with a 22RF

I wouldn't know anybody that has done so.

Good luck with your quest
25 February 2022, 03:26
Just to share a couple of considerations.
The rifle barrel on most drillings have relatively small diameters. This limits how much offset you could build in. The Brownells liners are 8mm or at least the drill for the liner is 8mm.
The firing pin has to be relocated or the 22 barrel offset. Relocating firing pin easier said then done and again original barrel diameter comes into play if you offset the barrel.
Suggestion: Get a double barrel shotgun and get an insert barrel for the rimfire. Poor man's cape gun?
18 March 2022, 19:33

Suggestion: Get a double barrel shotgun and get an insert barrel for the rimfire. Poor man's cape gun?

................................... old MacD37

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
DRSS Charter member
"If I die today, I've had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"~ME 1982

Hands of Old Elmer Keith

13 April 2022, 18:52
Vintage doubles currently has a couple 16ga cape guns for sale.
15 April 2022, 14:34
I have a Simpson drilling, 12ga, 12ga, 9.3x74R, with a .22 mag insert already in one of the shotgun barrels, if that might be close enough.


RMEF Life Member
Chapuis 9,3/9,3 + 20/20
Simson 12/12/9,3
Zoli 7x57R/12
Kreighoff .470/.470

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The Few. The Pissed. The Taxpayers.

03 August 2022, 02:46
Get a Schienendrilling.
03 August 2022, 23:34
Try "Midsouth Guns" in Wagram, NC. They usually maintain quite the collection of drillings.

Originally posted by Vol717:
I have several drillings but Tennessee doesn’t permit small game hunting with a centerfire. So I’d like to find a drilling with a shot out, neglected or oddball rifle caliber. I want to have a rimfire liner put in it. I’d like 16ga for weight, hammerless, without greener safety (I’m a lefty). Anyone have any candidates?

04 August 2022, 22:10
Have you looked at Simpson's?

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me". John 14:6
02 October 2022, 22:47
My Sauer driller has an 11.65X65 rifle barrel that fits a .410 2 1/2" shell perfectly. With a .22 insert in the shotgun barrel, I can have two shotguns and a rifle, three shotguns, or any combination. The good thing is that I can shoot a deer, bear, or a big hog with the 11.65 barrel, and have two rifled slugs for backup.
27 January 2023, 07:17
Thanks for all the inputs. Many good ideas were shared. I own 4 drillings and all have 22 mag inserts, so I'm set in a conventional way. But I want two shotgun barrels and a rimfire barrel for early and late season small game hunting before and after deer season. I once had a rib drilling with a 22WRF between the barrels, but it was too worn out to function reliably. What I'm hoping to find is a drilling I can convert with a rimfire liner.

Quick, Cheap, or Good: Pick Two
04 January 2025, 06:37
I finally found a Heym o/u 16ga over 22 magnum. Claw mount scope and still zeroed when I received it.

Quick, Cheap, or Good: Pick Two