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Starving rebels eat lion from a Damascus zoo

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01 December 2013, 18:48
Mark Clark
Starving rebels eat lion from a Damascus zoo

"Starving Syrian rebels besieged in Damascus suburbs signalled their desperation yesterday by killing and eating a zoo’s lion.

Pictures of men butchering the visibly emaciated animal, said to have been taken from the Al-Qarya al-Shama Zoo, were widely disseminated on websites sympathetic to the rebels, although their authenticity could not be independently verified........"
13 December 2013, 02:34
Idaho Sharpshooter
Turnabout seems only fair, Lions have been eating them for millenia,..
15 December 2013, 00:42
Allan DeGroot
cat, the other white meat...

But is Lion Haram?

If I provoke you into thinking then I've done my good deed for the day!
Those who manage to provoke themselves into other activities have only themselves to blame.

*We Band of 45-70er's*

35 year Life Member of the NRA

NRA Life Member since 1984
16 December 2013, 16:25
Zoo predators tend to suffer from trichinosis acquired by eating sewer rats. Happened in some German cities in 1945, people died when eating killed bear and such.
27 December 2013, 02:12
Many videos circulate showing Syrians catching, killing and boiling cats. Looks like cats are quite fat with all these rats now that pest control is not on the priority list.
31 December 2013, 22:34
We've eaten many a lynx here,,I don't know if a rat eating lion would be high on our list of priorities!

I tend to use more than enough gun