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8x57R vs. 8x57RS

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29 October 2003, 15:40
8x57R vs. 8x57RS
Just picked up a very nice German dropblock, said by seller to be 8x57R for the .318" bullet, marked under the barrel "7.8mm57" "St.m.G. 10gr" and 7.35 which I guess means July 1935. Any way to tell from the markings if it is for the 8x57R or for the .323" bullet 8x57RS? I know I can get it slugged but am wondering if the marks tell the story by themselves.
29 October 2003, 16:25
It's the .318 as denoted by the 7.8 mm marking. The .323 barrels are marked as 7.9 mm.
30 October 2003, 08:12
Thanks, have located 4 boxes of 8x57R and will now buy it. Interesting rifle by H. Leue, Charlottenberg, has comparatively low mounted 2 3/4x scope sight, close pistol grip, full long forend, and made without any iron sights. Looks rather modern for 1935.
24 July 2007, 00:20
Proofed with a 10 grams bullet? That can hardly be a 8x57 IR, which were proofed with heavier bullets. More likely a 8x57 R 360.


"Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither."

"Is the world less safe now than before you declared your Holy war? You bet!"
(DUK asking Americans, 14th June 2004)
24 July 2007, 02:33

"St.m.G. 10gr"

St.m.G. 10gr = Stahl Mantel Geschoß 10 grams = 154 grain Steel Jacketed Bullet.

Have fun with your new Boomer.


Number 10