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7mm PPC / 7.62x39 necked to 7mm?

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06 June 2005, 11:23
7mm PPC / 7.62x39 necked to 7mm?
Any comments or experience with either the PPC case necked to up 7mm, or the 7.62x39 necked down to 7mm would be appreciated.


One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got into my pajamas I'll never know. - Groucho Marx
06 June 2005, 12:01
For several Years the Selous Scouts made use of AK rifles and RPK LMG's altered to take the standard 7.62x39 round necked down to 7mm. I carried an RPK briefly that had been so converted.

Gave superb accuracy - which was the reason for the conversons in the first place. We simply pulled the bullets on Yugoslarve AK ammo, Ran the case into a sizing die, Put the powder back and seated a 130grn 7mm bullet on top. I'm sure pressures were a bit high but everything seemed to work!

used Yugoslarve ammo as it was brass cased and the powder was very consistent. From a bench could guarantee a sub 3" group at 300m.
07 June 2005, 23:10
George Semel
Ganyana, seems like you guys in the Selous Scouts did what our guys are doing with the 6.8 SPEC. Trying to make AK-47's more accurate, and give the 16 a little more down range power. When it comes to rifles and cartridges, there is nothing that is really new or ground breaking, Like the 20 year period from 1890 to around 1910.
08 June 2005, 00:24
Paul H
I'd imagine carbine performance would be about the same as the pistol guys that shoot the 7-444, ie 120 gr around 2400 fps. That makes it a pretty good 200 yd deer rifle, maybe a touch more.

Then again, you can download a 7-08 to do anything a 7X39 will do, and you can also load it up full patch.

The AR series of rounds, ridding the world of 7mm rem mags, one gun at a time.
09 June 2005, 00:29
I am aware of two Russian factory cartridges derived from the 7,62x39:
- 5,6x39
- 9x39.


"Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither."

"Is the world less safe now than before you declared your Holy war? You bet!"
(DUK asking Americans, 14th June 2004)
14 August 2007, 07:33
I never heard that the selous scouts did that and i was considered an expert on the Rhodesian forces in my unit ,very ,very ,intersting as always ganyana teachs us something more,thanks my friend.By the way has anyone reports of the 6.8 in combat.juan FULL PROFESSIONAL MEMBER OF IPHA INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL HUNTERS ASOCIATION .
IPSC-FAT -argentine shooting federation cred number2-
14 August 2007, 08:02
Why not just go with a factory 7mmBR.


14 August 2007, 09:36
richj, good idea but it won't feed very well. The 7.62x39 case is designed for feeding. The 7mm BR is designed for accurate shooting with no regard to feeding abilities.

The only problem I can see, is the neck length after it's necked down.
14 August 2007, 18:22
alternative would be the 6.5 grendal which is the 7.62x39 necked to 6.5mm. seems to gaining quite a bit of popularity with the ar-15 crowd for yote shooting, and stuff is fairly readily available for it
15 August 2007, 07:18
If it hasn't ocurred, why not just the 7mm TCU? Unless you're wanting to stay with the larger boltface. It will have about the same powder capacity, & dies and brass are cheap.
I understand urges. I'm currently assembling a .35X39. But will be using a .35 Rem reamer & dies, simply because it doesn't require custom expenses.

It's the little things that matter.
16 August 2007, 17:10
Originally posted by .366torque:
richj, good idea but it won't feed very well. The 7.62x39 case is designed for feeding. The 7mm BR is designed for accurate shooting with no regard to feeding abilities.

The only problem I can see, is the neck length after it's necked down.

366, tell me about YOUR experience with feeding problems and the 7mm BR?

My model 7, custom barreled feeds ALL FIVE slick as grease! Using factory 260 mag box and spring, old style stamped 700 follower! And the BR will stomp the TCU and outdoes the PPC case.

Now a 6.5 Grendel comes w/in 1.5 grains case capacity of the BR case, more expensive brass and dies, etc.

The TCU is a great TC round, but in my 7BR rifle-21" bbl, I get 2868 fps with 120 last I clocked, and a TCU MIGHT do 2500-2600. Lot of difference.

If you NEED a PPC size boltface, I would do a Grendel. If you want a short squatty no fuss high performance round and can use a 308 head size bolt, look at the BR case! No brass forming, just load, go, enjoy!
20 August 2007, 20:57
Loudnboomer, PM me if you are interested in buying a rifle ready made.
21 August 2007, 08:13
Originally posted by 6.5BR:
366, tell me about YOUR experience with feeding problems and the 7mm BR?

My model 7, custom barreled feeds ALL FIVE slick as grease! Using factory 260 mag box and spring, old style stamped 700 follower! And the BR will stomp the TCU and outdoes the PPC case.

"Well, dip me in honey and throw me to the Lesbians!" Not the first time I was wrong. I've not seen a repeater on that cart. Was told, it's due to feeding problems.
22 August 2007, 06:14
[/QUOTE]"Well, dip me in honey and throw me to the Lesbians!" Not the first time I was wrong. I've not seen a repeater on that cart. Was told, it's due to feeding problems.[/QUOTE]

This works also..............
22 August 2007, 07:20
Originally posted by .366torque:
Originally posted by 6.5BR:
366, tell me about YOUR experience with feeding problems and the 7mm BR?

My model 7, custom barreled feeds ALL FIVE slick as grease! Using factory 260 mag box and spring, old style stamped 700 follower! And the BR will stomp the TCU and outdoes the PPC case.

"Well, dip me in honey and throw me to the Lesbians!" Not the first time I was wrong. I've not seen a repeater on that cart. Was told, it's due to feeding problems.

366, you are correct that Remington I heard decided to drop the 7BR in their custom shop Model 7's and that they did have trouble feeding reliably. Not the case with mine. I guess no absolutes. Amazing they could not figure out what I did, but then again, I tried customizing mag boxes, followers, etc. until I stumbled upon the factory parts working fine.

As to Remington, nothing ceases to amaze me, as I would not doubt they lost many good employees over the years in all their changes.

As to the link above, I had found that and was trying to replicate, but I had a model 7 so perhaps things are different.

If wanting a 6BR on a 700 action to feed, I'd do the work as above. FYI, my 6BR loads feed fine in the 7BR from mag.