22 March 2024, 19:36
Bill/OregonRabbit stick, anyone?
I know, not a spear, but ancient technology nonetheless. I confess I never paid much attention to this simple weapon system. Played with a few boomerangs, but never a hunting stick.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJGHu64Ni5g12 August 2024, 15:54
Bill/OregonPlease, guys and gals, can we tone down the enthusiasm?

12 October 2024, 15:02
p dog shooterI gave up such foolishness when I started using a 22rf.
It was kind of fun to try when I was a lad.
But a 22 works so much better.
Or even better yet a roll of picture wire. Snares work 24/7
12 October 2024, 21:09
rikkochetMay be just a rumour, but in parts of Southern England a 'throwing club' was supposedly used to knock rooks out of trees.
The Blackbird by the Wurzels (UK group) could be a song about one.