The Accurate Reloading Forums
One Powder for multiple rifle cartridges
17 March 2009, 21:45
Alan ROne Powder for multiple rifle cartridges
With the scarce availability of my preferred powders, I want to purchase one, 8 lb "security" jug that will sufficiently cover reloading needs for the following cartridges:
7x57 Mauser - 140 gr
9.3x62 Mauser - 286 gr
30-06 - 180 gr
270 Win - 130 gr
300 WSM - 180 gr
What say you?
17 March 2009, 21:55
kreytenYou might be in luck w/ IMR 4350 or RL-19...
17 March 2009, 22:30
seafire2even with the WSM, I'd be stocking up either IMR 4895, RL 15, IMR 4064 , IMR 3031, W 748
I may give up a 100 fps or so, for max velocity, but I can also use less powder per load than powders in the 4350 burn rate...
plus I can load the above powders to lower velocity to conserve it, and not suffer accuracy problems, as compared to 4350, RL 19 etc...
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"Posterity — you will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it."
John Quincy Adams
A reporter did a human-interest piece on the Texas Rangers. The reporter recognized the Colt Model 1911 the Ranger was carrying and asked him "Why do you carry a 45?" The Ranger responded, "Because they don't make a 46."
Duhboy....Nuttier than Squirrel Poop...
17 March 2009, 22:35
RaySenderoI'd recommend IMR-4895 or 4064
17 March 2009, 22:52
K. W.VihtaVuori N-150 or N-550

17 March 2009, 22:56
plainsman456How about H-414.Good Luck
17 March 2009, 23:03
Lamarsince i shoot most of those and they like rl-19 i would say that one.
if you are gonna shoot cast too i would say 4895.
17 March 2009, 23:10
SR4759I pretty much agree with Seafire.
Not only for the rounds you list but probably 90% of centerfire rifle cartridges perform well with
4895 and 4350. Make sure you have plenty of these on hand.
17 March 2009, 23:25
Von GruffYou don't say what powders you are using for now and while Seafire makes a good point if you want the best that you cartridges are able to offer I would look at H4350.It works across the board in the 7x57 through 9.3x62 sized cases. It will also work with cast if you follow the formula for pressure reduction -BHN.
Von Gruff.
18 March 2009, 01:12
Alan RThanks for the feedback.
I currently use 4350 (both flavors), R-15, H4831sc. Have used H414 extensively for the '06 (workable) and 7x57 (useful). The 9.3x62 is new (old Husqvarna), still in transit from seller. The 7x57 prefers R-15 for best accuracy and velocity. H4350 for speed in the '06 and IMR4350 for accuracy. H4831sc makes the 270 sing. H4350 for the 300WSM.
I'm pretty much committed to the bullet weights listed for each cartridge.
18 March 2009, 03:49
fredj338Another vote for H4350. It will work the best across that broad spectrum of carts IMO. Faster powders will will also work, but you are going to give away a lot ov vel. in the 270 & 300.
18 March 2009, 05:46
tom hollandI'm using IMR-4350 in the 7x57,30-06,300WSM and H-4350 in the 270 and 30-06. I have more than one 30-06. Well good luck
18 March 2009, 10:07
303GuyI am watching this thread with great interest! No one has mentioned H4831SC. Is that too slow or bulky?