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Vihtavuori Powder

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10 December 2004, 14:54
Vihtavuori Powder
Does anyone know where I can get this in quantities less than 2 pounds? I have been told by several people that it is some excellent powder, however it would be frustrating to purchase 2lbs, only to find out my rifle doesn't like the stuff.
10 December 2004, 15:40
Well, I'm just a poor college student, and target shooting is a hobby, so I don't mind the expenditure for shooting, and experimenting, when powder costs $17 a pound, but $45 for two pounds is a bit steep for my budget.

And I wish I had someone who did alot of shooting that I could work on this with, everyone else I know reloads for handguns, no one does rifles, so I'm outta luck. Thanks for the input though.

10 December 2004, 16:29
Seems like rifle powders are only in 2+ lb cans, and pistol powders are in 1+lb cans.

If you happen to be in S. Texas (Corpus Christi area) I can share some VN560 or VN340 for a few dozen loads to see if you like it. It sure is pricey maybe you don't want to find out that you like it!?!?
10 December 2004, 16:23
What region are you located in?......DJ
10 December 2004, 15:37
You and a friend or two could go together for a 1 kilo package...and share...
10 December 2004, 15:36
wildcat junkie

Does anyone know where I can get this in quantities less than 2 pounds? I have been told by several people that it is some excellent powder, however it would be frustrating to purchase 2lbs, only to find out my rifle doesn't like the stuff.

If you buy N550 or N560, I can vouch for the performance,

N550 works in smaller case or light bullet aplications. (7mm-08/140gr bullets or 8x68S/180gr)while N560 works better for larger cases or heavier bullet combos. (280/140gr bullets or 8x68S/200gr)

N550 is a little "faster" than RL19, N560 is a little "faster" than RL22. Both work in similar applications, but one has to watch the pressure a little closer.

Both are "high energy" powders, and very accurate in the applications I have tried.

I get 2935fps with N550 in the 7mm-08/140, N560 gets 3133fps in the 280/140 loads. Both are "warm" but consistant.