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Will Redding bushings fit in Wilson bushing dies?

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23 November 2005, 21:48
Will Redding bushings fit in Wilson bushing dies?
I have a set of Wilson Bench Rest dies that I just purchased and while looking at Midway they list Redding Titanium Nitride Neck Sizer Bushing.

Do you know if they will fit in the Wilson bushing dies. Have any of you tried this I hate to waste $20.00 plus shipping just to find out.


NRA Life Member
24 November 2005, 02:58
b beyer
They absolutly, posativly, definatly, moat certainly will.

Great spelling huh.
I have quite a few of these that are duplicates, just what size do you need? I have used both the tin and Tool steel and the steel are every bit as good if not a bit smoother. You will have to go like hell to wear one of the steel ones out. I don't have meny spare 30s but have 22s and 6mm.

24 November 2005, 09:36
Old Elk Hunter
Just a note on the subject - if you want bushing
dies and bushings for large calibers - contact