23 November 2005, 21:48
Swede44magWill Redding bushings fit in Wilson bushing dies?
I have a set of Wilson Bench Rest dies that I just purchased and while looking at Midway they list Redding Titanium Nitride Neck Sizer Bushing.
http://www.midwayusa.com/eproductpage.exe/showproduct?saleitemid=888244Do you know if they will fit in the Wilson bushing dies. Have any of you tried this I hate to waste $20.00 plus shipping just to find out.
24 November 2005, 02:58
b beyerThey absolutly, posativly, definatly, moat certainly will.
Great spelling huh.
I have quite a few of these that are duplicates, just what size do you need? I have used both the tin and Tool steel and the steel are every bit as good if not a bit smoother. You will have to go like hell to wear one of the steel ones out. I don't have meny spare 30s but have 22s and 6mm.
24 November 2005, 09:36
Old Elk HunterJust a note on the subject - if you want bushing
dies and bushings for large calibers - contact