09 October 2002, 07:19
mstarlingToo Much for Deer?
Finally got the .375 H&H Weatherby Mark V scoped and to its first range day. Used Leupold QR mounts and rings with a 3-9 Zeiss Conquest. Total weight of rifle is 9 pounds 6 oz with scope and sling. A little heavy, but probably not a bad thing in this case.
I loaded some 235 Speers in two groups ... some with H450 trying to achieve a 2600 fps load, and some with the starting load of 76.0 gr of Reloder 15 which the Speer manual indicates should yield about 2850 fps.
The rifle needs some recoil to get the scope to sight the impact point high enough ... so the load that was in the best range of the scope's adjustment was the R15 stuff.
Last group was a 3 round clover leaf 1" high at 100 yards. Certainly accurate enough!
Question is:
Is the 2850 fps estimated velocity just too high to use on big white tails with Speer 235s?
Would appreciate the benefit of others experience here.
09 October 2002, 07:46
Terry BlauwkampThe 235 Speeris fine for Deer if you keep it around 2200 fps. above that it becomes a varmint bullet.
09 October 2002, 13:27
Frank NowakowskiTry the Nosler 260 gr ballistic tips or Sierra 250 grain Game Kings. You'll find that they work quite well on smaller species, especially the Sierras.
What do you mean?? "The rifle needs some recoil to get the scope to sight the impact point high enough" ??? I'm puzzled by that one.
FN in MT