31 October 2005, 19:30
SamRedding T-7 and Redding stuff
7 stations I'm thinking three sets of dies 30-06, .308, .223, and a universal decapper in the spare hole. Does this sound like a good plan? I have a progressive for pistol and a single that I've used for years. I've got a deal that I can't refuse for Redding equipment, but I haven't used there gear before. Any other opinions on their equipment not related to price would be appreciated.
31 October 2005, 19:36
StonecreekGood plan. If you load for more calibers, you can get extra turrets. The Redding T-7 is probably the best turret presently on the market. My only complaint is that it could easily be set up to move the handle to the right OR the left, which would make it a little more versatile.
01 November 2005, 01:48
MHC_TXI have had a Redding T-7 press now for about 1 year. The most slots I have used at any one time was 3 (resize, seat and crimp). I like to reload for only once cartridge at a time (don't want to confuse myself and mix stuff up). It's a great press, built like a John Deer tractor!!!
01 November 2005, 02:00
FjoldGood idea. I like turret presses and currently have three plus a Dillon 450B. I'm not sure if I even have a single stage press anymore.
I set my turret presses up with odd calibers so that I can't mix them up.
I have 22.250 and 375 H&H in one press, 223 and 300 WSM in another and 7 Mag and 308 in the third. Since I have to use different shell holders I can't mix up the cartridges.
Give me time though. Everytime I think that I have something foolproof, someone invents a better fool.
01 November 2005, 02:23
Cal SibleyI haven't used the T7 but have its predecessor the T25. I think the only real difference is mine is a 6 station press as opposed to the 7 stations of the newer one. It's a good general press but don't expect to get really accurate reloads. It rotates via a spring supported ball bearing in the head so certain tolerances have to be built in to allow the head to swivel. You'll get more run out from it than a regular Redding or RCBS press. It all depends on how accurate your reloads have to be. Best wishes.
Cal - Montreal
02 November 2005, 05:46
JALMy Redding 7 Holer had too much play, and the good people at Redding told me to gradually wear down the "spacer" under the big nut.
Told me not to go too far or it will be hard to turn.
Naturally I went too far but now have no play and it still turns well enough with the leverage of the extension handle.
Only other problem is the holes are a bit close together when adjusting dies with a spanner.
Overall, a good press imho.
John L.