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Re: Powder recomendations for my 270 weatherby

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11 December 2003, 03:13
Re: Powder recomendations for my 270 weatherby
445: here's the 270 data out of the Weatherby guide:
130gr Hornady or 140gr Nosler Partition:
73.3gr MRP MV: 3375

154gr Hornady or 150 NP:
68.5 MRP MV: 3245

Hope this helps. jorge
11 December 2003, 17:32
Here's a little something I dredged up from the IMR Smokeless Powder Guide dated 7/97. They only list data for IMR 7828.
.270 Wby with F215 primers, Wby cases, and 26" barrel:
Nosler Partition 130g- 76.0gr@3500fps COL: 3.25"
Hornady BTSP 140g- 73.5gr@3325fps COL: 3.295"
Nosler Partition 150g- 72.0gr@3215fps COL: 3.250"
12 December 2003, 13:56
IMR7828 !!!!!!!
13 December 2003, 05:55

IMR7828 !!!!!!!

Absolutely or Retumbo or RL 25!
14 December 2003, 20:31

Any one else have any pet loads to share?

If you can find a copy of the IMR Handloader's Guide For Smokeless Powders (I have two copies; the date 1/89 is given on the back cover. The booklet is about 8 x 10 1/2 inches, on buff-colored paper, and is a total of 52 pages.), it contains an entire page (p. 45) entitled "IMR 7828 WEATHERBY CARTRIDGES RELOADING DATA." Loading data is given there using that powder for every Weatherby Mag. cartridge from .240 to .460, and with a variety of bullets and bullet weights for every one except the .460.