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Lee hand primer vrs RCBS....

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25 November 2005, 06:21
Lee hand primer vrs RCBS....
I've had a rcbs for years but must be getting lazy. Did a lot of small reloading jobs this fall for mag and regular cases. I thought I'd gear up a 2nd priming tool to just grab with a mag shellholder ready to go. The lee was priced I know why. It sure isn't made for hands my size. It gets the job done but it has so little feel compared to the rcbs. I thought maybe the rcbs was just a chevy. Now I think it's a Mercedes and the Lee is a YUGO. BTW--you know how the YUGO got it's name.....when the engineers were done with the first car and it was time for a test drive niether wanted to go. So, before the car was even named they had an argument......You Go...NO, you YUGO. Bad humor....I know.
25 November 2005, 06:55
Yes well, I had an old rcbs until it broke.
Replaced it with two Lees, one with a primer magazine. They look like cheap toys but get the job done, and miles better than any press related ones I've tried to use.
John L.
25 November 2005, 10:17
The RCBS unit is great unless like me , you happen to be left handed. Drove me nuts so I went back to the LEE and it does just as good a job. Changing shell holders is a pain with the RCBS unit. I like the simplicity of the LEE,it's just like changing shellholders in your press. I have worn out a LEE, but for the money it's still more cost effective to relace.

"the older I get, the better I was"
25 November 2005, 11:29
I love the Lee primer, have 2 of em, one each for large and small primers, don't have to swap parts when I switch primer sizes and I have a spare in case one goes south on me.
25 November 2005, 11:43
Had mine for nearly 11 years; never fails to get the job done. I have recently begun reloading the 300WSM and found that the opening is not large enough for the .555" maximum diameter of this shell. A simple job to grind it a little wider and we're off to the races.