The Accurate Reloading Forums
16 December 2021, 19:45
As The title states---Anybody?
16 December 2021, 20:10
SaeedThe important part is the dimensions of the base.
If that fits, you can for any case to any other.
The amount of work required depended on what you wish to end up with.
16 December 2021, 20:26
WstrnhuntrIm sure someone will correct me if Im wrong. But I seem to recall an old thread on the subject stating that you will end up with a slightly shorter neck. ??
Ive formed a bunch of 35 Whelen from 06. It works fine.
The only Communist Idea that Liberals don't like.
17 December 2021, 00:26
AtkinsonThe practice results in a too short neck, or worse than that a shorter neck, but the real problem is the base of the 62 is larger than then base of the 30-06 that when fireformed leaves a bulge at the base of the newly formed 93x62 with a 06, and that is a weak spot, and may or many not be dangerous, but a weak spot has no pluses..not to mention that bulge has to be ironed out with every shot, so the brass is overworked to death..and the cost of 9.3x62 brass is about the same as 30-06 brass..I use PPU 9.3x62 brass with no complaints..
For a detailed report of this I suggest that one should read the chapter on the "9.3x62" in Pierre van der WALts, African Dangerous Game Cartridges, he goes into this in detail and American reloaders who tend to under load this great caliber..Very interresting read from page one to the last page in the book, with pages of loads for ever DG caliber. The finest book Ive ever read on DG rifles..An the load section is like buying a dozen reloading manuals, some from different countries and the use of foriegn powders and bullets...
Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
17 December 2021, 00:30
AtkinsonYes WSth,
The 35 Whelen is based on the std 30-06 case..You can even fireform 35 Whelen by shooting 06 factory rounds in your gun..The 9.3x62 is not a 30-06 case. close but no ceeeegarrr!
Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
17 December 2021, 04:42
HipshootI'm aware that the base on the 9.3 is wider than the .30-06! Just wondering if anyone ran into problems with it. After all when fire forming the base will expand to fit the chamber and then be resized normally. The same as the shoulder.
The 9.3 case is shorter than the 06 case but the shoulder is further forward. I'm wondering when fire forming and blowing the shoulder forward how much the case will shorten.
I tried 6 different sites and all were OUT OF STOCK of 9.3 brass.
P.S. Anyone got any good loads for 270 and 285 gr. bullets?
17 December 2021, 08:10
SaeedThese two are very close.
My advice is try a couple of cases yourself.
You have the dies, so it should not be that difficult.
17 December 2021, 18:09
FirearmdocHip shoot,
I sent you a pm regarding brass.
17 December 2021, 18:19
WstrnhuntrI think you will want to trim the case to 9,3X62 length anyway just to be able to fireform. Otherwise you may end up with loads that wont chamber. You will also either need to work up to a .375 expander to make a false shoulder or seat the bullet into the lands.
If it were me I think I would consider trying milsurp '06 as expanding the base is a recipe for premature case head separation. The thicker milsurp brass may be more resilient. YMMV.
The only Communist Idea that Liberals don't like.
17 December 2021, 20:27
HipshootI'm pretty familiar with case forming as I form my 9.3 x 57 from 8 x 57 brass, some .375 H&H Ackley out of .300 H&H and some .256 WM out of .357 mg. brass as well as many others.
I'm just trying to prevent/avoid any problems before they happen.
BECAUSE-----I don't know everything!
17 December 2021, 21:33
Originally posted by Hipshoot:
I'm wondering when fire forming and blowing the shoulder forward how much the case will shorten.
This ^^ was what I was responding to with the trimming comments. Just trying to be helpful.
Let us know how your endeavor works out.
The only Communist Idea that Liberals don't like.
18 December 2021, 02:18
AtkinsonI have seen some other cases that ended up with a slight buldge at the base, and the smith swore it was no problem, the owner of the rifle blew a hole in the buldge got a little smoke and gas in the face, ended up with a rechamber, rebore job to fix the problem, I suspect the constant shooting and resizing tends to overwork the brass, not all that complicated IMO..
If I wanted a 9.3x62 on 30-06 brass, Id use a 06 rreamer with a 9.3 cutter..The easy brass I got for years was PPU..Midway or Grafs..Today about anything short of 06 and 270 is hard t come by and even thats not all that common..
Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
18 December 2021, 22:20
Seems to me when resizing 06 brass that has been fired in the 62 chamber, you are sizing back to 62 dimensions NOT the 06 dimensions. In other you are not overworking the brass in that area.
18 December 2021, 22:34
dpcdThat is true; you won't have any problems other than a cosmetic buldge in the area above the web.
Use new brass; not old brittle stuff.
A bit short; who cares?
Everyone knows of one incident for every possible phenomenon. I know a guy who blew up a BB gun. Using match heads in it.
19 December 2021, 05:05
HipshootFunny you mention blowing up BB Guns----I read about blowing them up when using too much oil in them.
I use to put oil on the BB's to use as poison when shooting Starlings and the barrel would smoke!
I guess it was Dieseling some.
20 December 2021, 06:12
StonecreekAll of the references I can find show the 9.3x62 having the same .473" base diameter as the '06 and the Mauser cartridges (7x57, 8x57, 8x60, etc.) The .3006 case is longer (63.37mm), so will need trimmed
after reforming. Use a .375" expander, then resize with the .366" expander in place to leave a small "false shoulder" on the case for headspacing.
It ain't rocket science, but do use new brass (or carefully and properly annealed fired brass) since that's a lot of expanding and fired brass will be less ductile.
20 December 2021, 07:39
That .473 I believe is the rim diameter. Where the 62 case is large is the are just in front of the rim.
I have already done a few cases by annealing first then necking up in stages with the following dies .338, .358, 9.3(.366) and finally .375.
Just have to get the rifle back from DPCD to neck down in 9.3 die and fire form and trim.
Will keep everyone posted.
20 December 2021, 18:58
dpcdI found a couple of places that have it; just buy some. One was Dowdie Sports. The big places are out except for Norma, which is excellent brass. But twice the price.
For reference, the 9.3 base is .476; only a few thou larger than the 06 family; the slight bulge is just cosmetic. As for length, when you expand the necks, you will lose that length and it usually won't need trimming.
The rims are essentially the same so the bolt faces and extractors never need work.
20 December 2021, 20:26
HipshootYeh---I'm not worried about the looks! After all I'm not as handsome as I use o be---BUT CLOSE!
I'm hesitant to trim yet if I don't have to as I know the brass should shorten when I fire form!
THANX DPCD for the heads up on the brass. I will look into Dowdie Sports.
22 December 2021, 00:30
I'm hesitant to trim yet if I don't have to as I know the brass should shorten when I fire form!
Well, you can't properly chamber the round if the brass of the neck extends far enough forward to be squeezed by the slight taper between the chamber and the leade. So, you have to trim (if that situation exists) before fireforming. Regardless, I sincerely doubt the case length changing significantly upon firing.
Virtually ALL (factory) chambers are somewhat oversized and all once-fired cases will show a slight bulge (pressure ring) just ahead of the case head at the point where the brass of the case body becomes thin enough that it will not resist the internal pressure and expands until it hits the chamber's side walls.
I'll lay odds that, regardless of specifications, most factory chambers will be larger in diameter than a custom-reamed 9.3x62 chamber. Don't know whether yours is factory or custom, but at any rate the difference is insignificant.
22 December 2021, 03:17
theback40If I remember right.....
A friend use to wrap a piece of scotch tape around the base of his 06 brass. That would center the case in the chamber and make the bulge uniform around the case.
22 December 2021, 05:02
HipshootAs I said above, once the brass is fireformed in the chamber, you are no longer overworking the brass nearly as much as when you resize in the 9.3 sizing die! You are only expanding the base once to fit the chamber the same as blowing the taper out or changing the shoulder angle!
My brass is trimmed short initially on the .30-06 due to being lazy---I hate to trim brass.
26 December 2021, 19:46
AtkinsonAnytime you blow a bubble so to speak in a case and then resize it you are overworking brass and that is always a problem sooner or later..and that is what happens if you use 06 brass to make 9.3x62 ammo...To think otherwise IMO is ridiculas..a poor practice at best..If one desires to to that and some obviously do, I would highly recommend using a 30-06 reamer and build a 9.3x06..
I suggest one reads the chapter on the 9.3x62 by Pierre van der Walt in African Dangerous Game Cartridges, as he addresses this very subject.
Ive personally seen the ill side effects of this practice on one ocassion, and Ive seen it work for others, probably has to do with the chamber reamer and the smith I suppose..Anyway jsut my two bits...All brass today is all but impossible to get and lets hope its temprory..I bought all my 9.3x62 brass from PPU and RWS as I recall. Ive owned a number of that fine caliber..
Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
27 December 2021, 02:08
theback40I agree with using the correct brass, but...
If you use 9.3 dies after blowing an 06 case out, you are NOT sizing it back down to 30-06 dia. and blowing it out each time.
If you look at the oversized chamber of most Hornet rifles, that is ironing out a larger bulge by comparison then 06/9.3. Once fired, both of those cases benefit from neck sizing for case life.
27 December 2021, 04:43
HipshootThe first paragraph is what I said above!
No offence Ray

But I don't to build a whole new rifle. I just want to shoot the rifle I have and find some brass to shoot in it!
29 December 2021, 21:36
Originally posted by theback40:
If I remember right.....
A friend use to wrap a piece of scotch tape around the base of his 06 brass. That would center the case in the chamber and make the bulge uniform around the case.
Used also when fire forming 7.7 Jap from '06 diameter cases.
29 December 2021, 21:56
dpcdThis is exactly what you do when you make a wildcat with a sharp shoulder; you first blow out the shoulder to fit the new chamber. You don't then, each time, size it back down to the parent case do you?
Understand the concept. Not that complicated.
Scotch tape? Yes it will keep the case centered and prevent bulging, but when you resize it, you will have a mess.
30 December 2021, 22:11
AtkinsonBottom line is there is no such thing as a "COSMETIC BULGE" WTF. You fireform a case and get a bulge, you resize the bulge, fire it and blow the bulge out again, After a few reloads the case splits as its weakening the brass..
I sugest you buy 9.3x62 PPU or RWS, Maybe NOrma, Ive not had problems buying 9.3x62, mostly I like PPU, but I have not bought any in awhile, DP says he found some?? and yes I know of one rifle that split the brass the shooter got some smokey curly ques in his pink cheeks, so cut silly add ons DP!

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
30 December 2021, 22:59
cal30 1906Hipshoot,
Did you ever locate any properly headstamped 9.3x62 brass?
If it cant be Grown it has to be Mined! Devoted member of Newmont mining company Underground Mine rescue team. Carlin East,Deep Star ,Leeville,Deep Post ,Chukar and now Exodus Where next? Pete Bajo to train newbies on long hole stoping and proper blasting techniques.
Back to Exodus mine again learning teaching and operating autonomous loaders in the underground. Bringing everyday life to most individuals 8' at a time!
31 December 2021, 04:45
HipshootYes, I got some once fired RWS brass.
A fine gentleman, a member of this site, contacted me and sent me 120 pieces.
It was very kind of him!
I still made up 10 cases out of FC .30-06 brass. When I get the rifle back I will size it down from .375 for a crush fit in my chamber, fire form and use some of it for dummy bullet seating and trim length rounds.
P.S. The gentleman is a fellow New Yorker----SEE WE ARENT ALL BAD!
31 December 2021, 09:14
Originally posted by dpcd:
Scotch tape? Yes it will keep the case centered and prevent bulging, but when you resize it, you will have a mess.
No mess, the body will have blown out a little, concentrically, when fireforming. The tape is the removed before resizing, and never needs to be used again. The expanded body diameter is not resized to the original body diameter, but only to the new, 9.3x62 body diameter.
01 January 2022, 02:50
dpcdThat is precisely what I have been saying; of course you are not sizing it back to 30-06 OD. Some do not grasp that concept. I have used tape before, on a 577-500 DR I had way back.
01 January 2022, 23:02
AtkinsonOK let me grasp, you can fix the so called "Cosmetic bulge" with scotch tape!!

yehawwww! Maybe best to buy 9.3x62 brass, its still available just hard to find sometimes doncha think..
Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
18 January 2022, 07:50
eagle27Please nobody reply I can't stand the suspense of what's coming next.