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Why buy a Bruno powder measure?

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01 June 2005, 22:51
bill r
Why buy a Bruno powder measure?
They work great cost a bunch but I feel worth it , I have head that if you use the same stroke they all work , this handles 4350 like you can not believe
01 June 2005, 23:49
If the Bruno has the "click" adjustments, there is your answer. Benchrest shooters use these because they load many rounds and do NOT weigh. For my load development and for hunting, I generally weigh everything, just to reduce another variable. If it handles stick powders well, then that is another plus.I will probably get a Harrell just because I really need to be able to take it to the range and the price is not excessive.

Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong;
02 June 2005, 02:33
bill r
To Peter!!!
I tried a Harrel did not like it I found that it was not a constant was all over the place i sent it back.
02 June 2005, 02:55
Paul H
What exactly will you be using the measure for? Is this for competitive shooting, hunting ammo, or experimental reloading?

Getting consistantly thrown charges is more dependant on the operator as the equipment, hmm, same goes for punching holes in paper.

The AR series of rounds, ridding the world of 7mm rem mags, one gun at a time.
02 June 2005, 03:02
Mr. BillR, I took the internals out of my Bruno Measure and replaced them with ones made by Jerry Hensler. It works great now. For benchrest powder the Harrels works just as well at a cheaper price. I think that you need to weigh the other powders for other disciplines and hunting. Butch
02 June 2005, 07:03
tom holland
Nesika made a click type powder measure and that's the one that Bruno purchase the right too. I know there has been some changes made by different gunsmiths.

02 June 2005, 07:39
bill r
To Buchlambert who made the product replacement for the bruno and do you have a contact , I do thank you in case I ever want to do as you have alreaqdy done
Thanks Bill
02 June 2005, 17:33
tom holland
Originally posted by bill r:
To Buchlambert who made the product replacement for the bruno and do you have a contact , I do thank you in case I ever want to do as you have alreaqdy done
Thanks Bill

I got to thinking about that after I posted and also would like to know. thanks Tom

02 June 2005, 17:58
Jerry Hensler's contact was Jerry redesigned the hopper and used a micrometer adjustment. The conversion is for a PPC case capacity only. Probably from 26-33 grains would be the max range. I believe that Bruno bought the rights to the measure from Rosenthal who first came out with it. Jerry is working with Jerry Stiller of Stiller Precision Firearms to manufacture a complete powder thrower. I don't know how far along that project is coming. Hensler was the idea man on Stiller's drop port receiver that I absolutley love for BR competition. Butch
03 June 2005, 15:14
tom holland
Thanks Butch you maybe right on just getting a Harrell powder measure if only going for the ppc case capacity. I saw a picture of the one that Speedy sold on I haven't had a problem with mine yet and I don't know if Bruno's new ones are like the orginal ones as he had an ad out trying to buy some of the old ones kind of figure he was trying to copy some parts or something. I've been known to be wrong but I was sure Nesika was the one that was making the measure that Bruno got maybe they made them under a license agreement. Not important anyway. Well good luck

04 June 2005, 00:04
Cal Sibley
I think Harrell's is probably the most popular, at least with benchrest shooters. Stick powders like IMR4064 and IMR4831 will always be problematic, but most powders meter very accurately in the Harrell. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal

Cal Sibley
04 June 2005, 08:18
Neil Jones powder measurer = pricy but worth every single penny. In the benchrest world it seems to be the one which others are judged against.
04 June 2005, 18:30
Mr. Outlawsix, I didn't know that! Butch
04 June 2005, 19:54
bill r
I can't find a Neil Jones in my searches , have you a address?
Thanks ,in fact I have never heard of him.
05 June 2005, 02:45
Billr, send me a PM and I will give you the contact that has 2or3 new Neil Jones measures. He may just like to get rid of one or more. Neil Jones company is called Custom Products. Butch