25 November 2005, 06:51
ScottLooking at operating pressures .......
Does anyone know what the operating pressures of the military m2 ball, 30-06 ammo was? And can someone also tell me what the standard pressures for a 30-06 are? And finally the big one, the operating pressures of a 6.5mm-06? Thanks.
25 November 2005, 07:19
Ol` JoeStd pressures for the `06 should be 50K CUP/60K psi as that`s SAAMIs working max for this cartridge. I would guess the military ball ammo runs real close to the same. The 6.5-06 has no set SAAMI or CIP std I know of. Pressure will be what ever one loads it to although keeping it within the parent cases pressure limits would be wise IMO.
25 November 2005, 18:32
lonniemikeAverage operating pressures should be considerably lower as the 50K CUP max is a limit to approach and not go over for any of the individual rounds. The 30-06 was originally designed with a 48K CUP limit but has been upped at some point. Best-o-Luck
25 November 2005, 18:52
El DeguelloThe M2 ball operating pressure is listed as 50,000 PSI in Army ammunition publications. But I am sure these pressures were determined using copper-crusher pressure guns back during WWII, so this would be C.U.P. in today's terminology....
25 November 2005, 20:29
vapodogI wouldn't use the .30-06 SAAMI specs as a guide to load the 6.5-06.
The case is as good as the .270 or .25-06 and will tolerate the same pressures as these rounds will in either the .30-06 or the 6.5-06.
IIRC the .30-06 is commercially loaded somewhat under this pressure...about 55,000 or so.
I load any round on the .30-06 (including the .30-06 itself) to (estimated) 63,000 PSI as I'm in the full belief that it's safe in modern bolt action rifles.