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Minimum COL ?

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20 May 2003, 05:48
Minimum COL ?
I have just started loading for 223 rem. that will be used in my AR-15. My question is that I have found load data in several places for H4895 under 63gr. sierra SMP but non of them state minimum COL. I am new to reloading for gas guns and not sure how short is to short. Any responce is greatly appreciated.
20 May 2003, 11:55
Try the Accurate Arms reloading manuals they list the "tested COL" or I believe Hornady lists minimum COL's for the different calibers. You may also want to look into a taper crimp for this in your AR.
20 May 2003, 13:53
Ol` Joe

This is from Modern Reloading by Richard Lee.
223 Rem, Sierra 63 gr over H4895
Max COL; 2.260
Min COL; 2.165

I`m not sure how the Min COL is arrived at as it changes some due to bullet, or in other cases powder. I am thinking [Eek!] [Eek!] it is related to how the bullet depth affects chamber size in relation to powder vol but I`m assuming and you know where that gets ya.........
21 May 2003, 03:33
Thanks for the replies this will help me start to develop this load.