The Accurate Reloading Forums
Loading the 8x60S
26 June 2019, 05:05
AtkinsonLoading the 8x60S
Ive been shooting the 8x57 for some years, mostly because the rifle I have is just awesome but I modifying a Brno mod. 21 with a single trigger, glass bedding, some iron sight work, and its really accurate and a great hunting round..Ive only delt with RL-15 and IMR-4895, but I bet IMR-4320 and IMR 4064 would be great powders..BTW Ive killed deer and elk with the 8x57 and loads that out perform any of the weak factory stuff loaded today..I feel its the full equal and a tad more than my favorite caliber, the 30-06, at least in the game field..The 8x60 has only been used on a few deer and one cow elk and a number of whitetail over the years, not all with the same gun btw...Its in the same class as the 30-06, 8x57 and 7x57 and a few more, but not much load data out there..Anybody used powders other than RL-15 and IMR-4895 in the 8x60. I would be interested in those loads if you don't mind sharing.
Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
26 June 2019, 17:43
snowmanRay I've used several other powders in my 8x60s.All has been with prvi cases and I like CCI 250 primers. While these loads were safe in my rifle I suggest you start 3 or 4 grs down. Most of these loads were with the 175 gr Sierra bullet. 51 grs of 4064 or 52 grs of 4320 both produce 1 to 1 1/4 inch groups. RL17 was good with about 55 grs. RL17 and the 195 gr Hornady were very good.About 53 grs max. The very best is Varget. 53 grs and the 175 Sierra produce 1/2 in groups. I quite testing with this rifle after I found the Varget load. I've shot nothing bigger than deer with this load but I wouldn't hesitate to use it on elk ,black bear or even a moose,although I would likely use the 195 gr on moose. Hope that helps
02 July 2019, 17:29
snowmanSo Ray, have you tried any other powders ? Any working to your satisfaction ?
05 December 2019, 22:40
AtkinsonI basically loaded 5% to standard 8x57 and got very near to max for the most part., but just got tired of the problems and the fact I have a 8x57 and the 8x60 didn't improve it much at all. add to that the 8x60 wouldn't sell in a 4 month add, and its a Brno mod. 21 so its a rare bird for sure...The final decision is its now a 8mm/06 Ackley IMp..If Ihad it to do over I would have gone with an 8mm/06..
Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
05 December 2019, 23:09
Originally posted by Atkinson:
I basically loaded 5% to standard 8x57 and got very near to max for the most part., but just got tired of the problems and the fact I have a 8x57 and the 8x60 didn't improve it much at all. add to that the 8x60 wouldn't sell in a 4 month add, and its a Brno mod. 21 so its a rare bird for sure...The final decision is its now a 8mm/06 Ackley IMp..If Ihad it to do over I would have gone with an 8mm/06..
I shoot the 8x60 a bunch, but to Ray's point, it doesn't offer much over the 8x57 cept maybe the novelty. In fact, the 8mm-06 is in the same boat. Nosler has some of what I consider the best data for the 8x57 and if you look, their 8x57 data bests the 8mm-06.
I own all three, the 8x57, 8x60, and the 8mm-06 and feel the best of the bunch is the 8x57.
The majority of my loads for the 60 have been with RL15. For the highest velocity, I'd look to IMR4350.
Aut vincere aut mori
21 December 2019, 03:23
I have, the snow is flying in Southern Idaho the temp has zerowed out, lots of time to play and shoot out the shop window, and piss off the new neighbor and his bride both born and raised in California..
The powder I have picked for the 8x57 is CFE-223, its a great powder in my rifle and picked up a couple of FPS over the other good powders, and RL-17 is another good powder, IM still working on these two powder as its tricky when flying by the seat of ones pants, going slow now in half grains back and fourth..would love to get some RWS brass to squeeze out that last drop, then back off a couple of grs. and go hunting..but I havn't even stuck a bolt or blown a primer as yet. Im getting 3100 fps and a tad with 150 gr. Speers, a mild load in my gun and see not reason to push the string.2900 with 180 Bal. tips and almost 2800 with 200 gr. Nosler partitions.
My new standard Load for my 8x57 Brno mod 21 L.R. Mauser (yes, LR) the 160 gr. TTSX plastic tip at 3133 FPS average with CFE223, that should work on deer and elk with ease, and if one of uncle Sams Grizley wants a piece of my pie, it should at least discourage him..

Note my chronograped loads are mostly one shot averages, I will chronograph with 5 and/or10 shot groups, when it warms up in the late spring..probably lose a little velocity over my quotes in the teens...
Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
30 December 2019, 22:26
AtkinsonAn update from 2002 to 2019 is CFE 223 was my powder of choice for the Brno 8x60 and 8x57 hands down, my deer load WAS 150 gr. Speer at almost 3100 fps plus, and it did the job on both whitetail and Mule deer..I liked the 160 gr. Barnes TTSX P on elk at a bit over 2900 all in long throated Brnos..
But alas in the meantime I punched it out to a 8mm-06 and picke up 100 to 150 FPS much to my surprise. again I liked 4895 and CFE223 and I was on run so I kept punching it out and its now a 8mm/06 Ackley and its in magnum class balistically now, both in recoil and velocity, nice handy hunting rifle and it appears to be as good as a 300 Winchester, an awesome killer of anything that gets in its way. firefroming brass is a pain in the butt, but I managed 300 fireformed, and there is wax, Kleenex and cornmeal all over my shop, and its my last wildcat!!

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
31 December 2019, 23:46
theback408/06 imp water capacity = 62.2
300 win = 83
given the same pressures you just cannot make up 20 grns capacity with the tiny bore increase.
04 January 2020, 14:36
ceweI used to shoot the 8x60 a lot, have a nice vintage BRNO that has taken everything from European moose to boar. If you need loads for Vihtavuori powders I can dig some up for you. Seems I do most of my shooting nowadays with my trusty 9.3x62
11 January 2020, 05:56
AtkinsonI had a bad day and rechambered my 8x60 to a 8mm/06 Ackley Imp..and been having some fun..If I had it to do over Id just go 8mm/06, the fireforming loads were accurate and killed with power to spare on deer and elk..Its also a Brno mod 21..It has a long throat and Im having a time reaching max, its approaching scary on the velocity Im sneaking up on it, I hope it doesn't blow my chronograph up!!

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
20 January 2020, 03:14
1894mk2I have that rarest thing a ZG47 in 8x60s. I love it dearly seeing as it was Swiss, has obviously been carried over a few mountains and was bought from a Swiss lady who favoured me over a German. Seeing as the 8x60s was a postwar reaction to preventing German ownership of military arms that made me laugh.
Anyhoo, power of choice seemed to be H380 and a dose midway between max for 8x57 and 8mm06 gave me 2,600fps with a 200gr partition. Job done. I hace no doubt N550or RL17 would give an extra 100fps but I am happy.
20 January 2020, 11:16
I'm only basing that on what comes up for sale. Ive seen many 30-06s, a few 9.3s, 8x57s but never an 8x60s other than mine. That said I'm only going on what I've seen in Sweden and the web.
21 January 2020, 01:15
1894mk2I've seen one 8x64S that did good work on moose until the owner lost the bolt in snow. A friend also had a mint 8x57 that was very nice.
I'd love a 9.3x62......