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Let's all CHERISH the good ones.

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19 September 2001, 06:11
<Ken Howell>
Let's all CHERISH the good ones.
Just got this on forwarded e-mail:

"Through the last few days I have received too many messages against Muslims and the Middle East. Right now, I need to stand up and inform all of you of something. Do any of you have any idea how many Americans live in the middle east? At my base alone, we have 1500, and I am sure this is one of the smallest places in the Military.

"We have been threatened repeatedly by the same group we think is responsible for the actions against America. So do you know what happened within hours of the first strike? Muslim Turks surrounded our buildings. They closed off the street and built barricades. They put themselves between us and anyone who would attack us. They surrounded our school and ensured our children got home safe. Now they swarm about in plainclothes guarding all the places Americans frequently go. I?ve even noticed them outside our homes watching carefully for any sign that someone may be out to harm us.

"As the collapse of the buildings was shown on CNN, these MUSLIM Turks cried for us and our country. They are preparing to go to war with us and assist us in enacting our revenge. I can not walk across the street without someone apologizing and offering sympathy to me and my country. I want you all to know this is the same thing is happening all over the world. In our paper it told of our bases in Japan, Germany, Spain, and Italy being guarded more heavily. As I know, our bases in Saudi and United Arab Emirates, and Egypt are being. These people are guarding us against the evil that did this.

"No, these terrorists are not Muslims. They are evil using the face of religion just as it was used during the Spanish inquisition and countless other times throughout history. Please while you are praying for the victims and their families pray also for Arab Americans and American Muslims so they will not become victims as well. Ssgt Jamie Mallory"


19 September 2001, 06:16
I'll second that, AMEN.

19 September 2001, 08:15
Agreed. Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater, as we did with Americans of Japanese descent in WWII.

Also, look in on the right under "Features", click on "Tarek Masoud to American Muslims: Be American!"

Also, in, see Chris Ruddy's piece at:

[This message has been edited by BigIron (edited 09-18-2001).]

[This message has been edited by BigIron (edited 09-18-2001).]

19 September 2001, 12:49
<R. A. Berry>
Thanks. I hadn't even thought about the servicemen in Muslim countries currently. This is reassuring to hear of the protective stance the mainstream Muslim majority is taking regarding our servicemen and their families in Turkey.

I want to see if a link to the New York Times will work from here: