I really don't "get" sabots for rifles. The only thing you'll get is velocity. The .224 bullets will have a lower BC and shed that velocity pretty quickly. I also don't trust a bullet that is supposed to be spin-stabilized but does not make direct contact with the rifling.
You didn't state why you want Sabots. Whatever the reason, I am certain that another cartridge will work better. If it's for long-range, use the Sierra .30cal 168gr Match King or something similar. If you want it for short-range shooting or something with less power, use a centerfire .224 or a rimfire.
Here's why I don't like Sabots: I was an M1A1 Tanker in the US Army. We used Sabot rounds and fired them through a 120mm smoothbore barrel. The projectile itself was 25mm in diameter, fin stabilized, and pushed by 36 POUNDS of propellant. That's 252,000 grains of powder. In order to get the same power-to-weight ratio in a shoulder fired firearm, you would need a 20mm Vulcan case firing a fin-stabilized dart the same diameter as a .177 air rifle pellet.
About 30 years ago, the Army experimented with a sabot sniper rifle. It got 10foot groups at 600 yards.
Take my advice with a grain of salt. as I said before, I'm anal. Been called worse plenty of times too.