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Ramshot powders

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12 April 2004, 15:24
Ramshot powders
Now that I have twins, my reloading time is even less than before. My questin is; Are all of the Ramshot powders ball type, and how well to they meter in progressive presses. I have a dillon, a lee loadmaster with perfect powder measures and their pistol powder measure. What you think of the performance of their powders? I mostly would be loading for 223, 22-250, 220 swift, 257 Roberts, 308, and 45-70, 250 savage improved and standard, 7mm tcu and pistol 38 super 45 acp, 44 mag, 357 mag, 9mm, 30 luger and a few others. Help with their load information would be great. I don't know what is up with their web site, but I can't get any information from it. Thanks El
13 April 2004, 04:17
I've used three or four of their numbers. Their rifle powders are all ball powders, their shotgun powder is a flake, much like Clays or Titewad. Haven't used their pistol powders.

All of them have performed quite well for me. My accuracy load in my PPC is Tac. Magnum, at medium pressures, is more consistent than any other powder I have tried (shot to shot velocity, specifically).

If you need data, I am sure Steve's pages have the details. HTH, Dutch.
13 April 2004, 04:19
courtney plater
I split a 16 pound order with a buddy. He got TAC and another I cant remember and I got 4 pounds each or Big Game and Magnum. All are ball powder. Their web site is "under construction" and when I called, they were out of loading books. There is a PDF copy of the last manual available at Steves Reloading page 8. Right now I'm working on Big Game loads in a .250 Savage and find it right close to RL-15 so far. I used an estimated starting charge 33.0 with an 87 grain bullet and am working it up as range time allows. I found this charge safe for the 100 grain bullet too in my Savage 99. I'll use the Magnum for 7mm Mag. next.

Good luck
13 April 2004, 05:57
Ramshot Enforcer = AA#9 =H108 = WC820, which are all ball powders
Ramshot Zip = W231 = HP38
Ramshot True Blue = W540 = HS6
Ramshot Silhouette = WAP
13 April 2004, 11:31
Scout Master 54
Ramshot has published a new loading guide No.III. My copy arrived from them just last week. It notes promently on the cover that it is the REVISED LOADING Guide III. They claim several pistol & rifle loads exceeded SAAMI specs in their older editions and too toss them. They note a Revised Ramshot IV edition will be out in June 2004. I've tried Magnum with good results but its a hard powder to find around here.
13 April 2004, 15:07
Bob in TX
Has anyone used Big Game? I want to try some in my 22-250 and 7mm-08. I use RL-15 and would like to compare them.

14 April 2004, 04:14
courtney plater

Has anyone used Big Game? I want to try some in my 22-250 and 7mm-08. I use RL-15 and would like to compare them.


The burn rate chart shows it between AA2700 and RL-15. It may even be one of them like 296 and H110. I use it in a .250 Savage and in the last reloaders guide, there was 22-250 data for Big Game powder. You can find a copy here: Steve's reloading page 8b for downloading.
14 April 2004, 07:10
Scout Master 54

Ramshot's latest edition shows the following for their Big Game powder:

55g Nosler BT
max load 39.5g for 3,695 fps @ 62,860 psi
Win cases, Win WLR primers, OAL = 2.350

139g Hornady SP
max load 48.0g for 2842 fps @ 56557 psi
Win cases, Win WLR primers, OAL not listed
15 April 2004, 04:38
Bob in TX
Thanks guys. I appreciate the input. I do have their load information. I was wondering if anyone had actually used it in 22-250 or 7mm-08 yet and what results they got? I am having a lot of trouble finding any in this area.

08 July 2007, 05:32
I just got some Big Game to try in my .257AI As cheap as their line is I hope it works and I will try it in other calibers.

Don Nelson
Sw. PA.
11 July 2007, 03:55
Originally posted by Bob in TX:
Thanks guys. I appreciate the input. I do have their load information. I was wondering if anyone had actually used it in 22-250 or 7mm-08 yet and what results they got? I am having a lot of trouble finding any in this area.
<br />
<br />Bob

I just tried the Ramshot powders for the first time this spring. I love 'em!

They meter so smooooooth! The price is about three bucks a pound less than the competition, too. Big Game has given me my best groups in loads for my 9.3x62. I just bought a pound of Hunter and Magnum to try.

I've heard a lot of guys saying that Tac gave them best groups in their .223s.

I haven't heard anything specific about 22-250 or 7-08 loads, but I bet you won't be disappointed.

Good shooting,
11 July 2007, 19:15
The only one I have is Enforcer.
It causes the brass to fail [primer falls out] in 7.62x25mm 110 gr within 1% of the AA#9 charge.

Enforcer = AA#9 = H108 = WC820
13 July 2007, 19:21
desmobob tell me about your Ramshot loads in the 9.3.
I've been working on the same thing since I put my 9.3x62 together, my first mild load with 60 grains of Ramshot Big Game and 286 PRVI bullets, Graf brass and CCI large rifle primers shot under an inch in 3 shot groups, 62 grains are right at an inch and I have more loads ready to test but no time lately. I've heard of some guys going as high as 64 or 65 grains with that combo but I don't think I'll be pushing that hard.
What is your load like?
14 July 2007, 06:49
Originally posted by Snellstrom:
desmobob tell me about your Ramshot loads in the 9.3.
I've been working on the same thing since I put my 9.3x62 together, my first mild load with 60 grains of Ramshot Big Game and 286 PRVI bullets, Graf brass and CCI large rifle primers shot under an inch in 3 shot groups, 62 grains are right at an inch and I have more loads ready to test but no time lately. I've heard of some guys going as high as 64 or 65 grains with that combo but I don't think I'll be pushing that hard.
What is your load like?

It sounds like you're having the same experience I did. My accuracy with the PRVI 286-grain bullets (and Graf brass and CCI primers) was best with just 62 grains of Big Game. With Speer 270-gr. bullets, I had good luck with 64 grains. Same with the Nosler Partitions... 64 grains worked very well, although one of the guys who participates in this forum had excellent results with 65 grains (which is a grain over Ramshot's recommended max load, I believe...).

As Dutch mentioned in a post above, the consistency of this powder impressed me. I was getting SDs in the single digits in some loads.

Good shooting,
15 July 2007, 21:02
I have shot 65 grains of Big Game in the 9.3x62 a lot, goes 2450 fps and is not a hot load in my rifle with 286 NP or North Forks. this powder is slower than RL15. more like 4350, I've used a lot of it in the 9.3 and .338-06 and have been told it is a killer in .375 H&H and .220 Swift.

A shot not taken is always a miss
16 July 2007, 05:13
Originally posted by jstevens:
I have shot 65 grains of Big Game in the 9.3x62 a lot, goes 2450 fps and is not a hot load in my rifle with 286 NP or North Forks. .

16 July 2007, 05:36
Originally posted by steve4102:
Originally posted by jstevens:
I have shot 65 grains of Big Game in the 9.3x62 a lot, goes 2450 fps and is not a hot load in my rifle with 286 NP or North Forks. .


I was getting an average of 2433 fps with 64 grains of Ramshot under 285gr. PRVI bullets (Graf brass, CCI primers), so I stopped there. Absolutely no indications of approaching max pressure though.

Show Snellstrom that group your CZ shoots with 65grs. of Ramshot and partitions. :-)

Good shooting,
16 July 2007, 06:26
This was my first group out of my 9.3x62, very mild but I was very happy with it, my rifle has an ultra lightweight contoured barrel that is 20" long. I've stepped up to 62 grains of Ramshot Big Game now (just a little at a time for me) and I have a bunch of test loads in increasing amounts of powder ready to go I just need to get some range time.
Show me more results........

16 July 2007, 06:54
Originally posted by Snellstrom:

Show me more results........

Here are some three-shot groups from early load testing in my CZ550 American (free-floated and glass bedded):

61 grains of Big Game, 286gr. Partition, CCI primer, Graf case.

63 grains:

64 grains (notice the S.D.!) :

I forgot my "sissy bag" that day and my shoulder was pretty sore. It can do a little better on the group sizes, although these aren't really too bad....

If your rifle is shooting that well with the PRVIs, wait until you try the Noslers!

Good shooting,
16 July 2007, 08:10
Originally posted by desmobob900ss:

Show Snellstrom that group your CZ shoots with 65grs. of Ramshot and partitions. :-)

Good shooting,

OK, This is a three shot group @100 yards, 286gr Partitions, 65gr Ramshot BigGame.

This is a ten shot group @100 yards. The group on the left is five 270gr Speer and the group on the right is five 286gr Partitions both with 65gr Ramshot BigGame.

16 July 2007, 08:23
I've used all (I think) of the Ramshot powders and have no complaint with them at all.....all are good powders used in their correct environment.

Problem was that I had way way too many powders sitting on the reloading I decided that Hodgdon, Alliant and IMR was the only powders I would use and I gave a couple folks here on AR a helluva deal on 16 pounds of powder (unopened).

One has to draw the line somewhere.....and that's where it came down. I sure like the ball powders however for auto loading machines!

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
Winston Churchill
16 July 2007, 08:28
Very nice Steve.
With those kind of results I may keep pushing on up with the Ramshot Big Game loads. I am very impressed with your results.
I was pretty smug about my results from a short barreled rifle until I saw yours, I now have a little work to do!
17 July 2007, 06:09
I have a .338-06 that was a fairly poor shooter 1.5-1.75 at 100. Working up a load with Big Game brought it to just over an inch, switching to 210 TSX made the rifle into a consistent sub-MOA rifle.

A shot not taken is always a miss