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Enemy at the gates.....

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12 November 2005, 10:34
Enemy at the gates.....

I have no where else to turn..... it seems a group of sympathizers has formed in my very own back yard......

Need help. Please advise.



minus 300 posts from my total
(for all the times I should have just kept my mouth shut......)
12 November 2005, 10:59
Spaying and neutering does not make them bulletproof. Quit whining and get back to anesthetising them in your Own way! Big Grin derf

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati
12 November 2005, 16:21

I think that...fella is smilin' a bit too much... Eeker Furthermore, if ya got a crat on the table and a knife in your hand....


Pres., TYHC


If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

12 November 2005, 17:00
Eeker Eeker Eeker Eeker Eeker

Seriously now! I mean it, seriously. What exactely are these people doing??? Trapping feral cats, operating them and releasing them? Releasing them to live on small birds, or starve to death unless they can hunt?

Is this the same kinds of people who are saying that trapping wild animals are cruel, when it id done by hunters!?

What would they have said if this treatment of the animals had been done in the name of science - as en experiment?

Who actually pays for all this???

Is this completely insane or have I missed something!?!?!?!

A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition. - R. Kipling
12 November 2005, 19:16
Lowrider 49
They have clearly lost their minds!!

These are the same people who think if we just leave the terrorist alone they won't bother us. Or the ones who just got done complaining about $3 gasoline and then voted against opening ANWR to drilling. Or the ones who voted to ban guns in San Francisco to make it D.C. or Detroit!!

They need to be spayed or neutered to ensure this lunacy caused by the obvious in-breeding of the insane liberal twits is stopped. They must not be allowed to reproduce!! LOOK what happened when their parents did!!!!

The year of the .30-06!!
100 years of mostly flawless performance on a new one!!
12 November 2005, 22:18
I must admit l hung my head in shame when l read the above tale. As some of you know l deal with the vermin round where l work and a few seasons back the small animal unit got to know about my activities and started to make a few waves. So l tried to strike a deal with them where l would "donate" any krittens l could catch to be re-homed well off site. So soon afterwards a nest of the little sods appeared and was duly sent to the unit ( makes me Frowner to think l did it) Well about 6 weeks later one of the staff thought it would be a good idea to let the lot out Mad Her explanation was thus "we've left the back door open so they can come back in to feed" Yeh right. Behind the unit was a game cover crop full of partridge ( it was carnage) lt took me a week to mgun, shovel and shut up about it.

Never again, never again!!!

13 November 2005, 00:57
They need to be spayed or neutered

I think a lobotomy would be more appropriate for the grinning guy.

An old pilot, not a bold pilot, aka "the pig murdering fool"
13 November 2005, 03:32
N. S. Sherlock
He has already had one. Just keep an entrenching tool in your truck, a cheap .22 behind the seat, and zip your lip unless you are telling "tall tails" here.

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
13 November 2005, 04:15
Marterius, you missed nothing, you are not insane. Have a bit of Finlandia and a fine cigar. thumbTomorrow's another day, the powder is dry and my arsenal grows as fast as crats, well, except in my neighborhood. They hardly get time to figure what happens when you put .2 & 2 together around here. BTW, evening special down at Peking Gardens tomorrow, bring the kids! clap


Pres., TYHC


If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

13 November 2005, 06:54
derf: your absolutely right. I am not sure what came over me. A friend of mine working on the Florida Panther project sent me that and he must have caught me at a weak moment.

I have some new 75 gr A-max's to try in the 224 TTH.....


minus 300 posts from my total
(for all the times I should have just kept my mouth shut......)
13 November 2005, 08:37
Lowrider 49

How do you like the TTH? Is it really much better than a .22-250 AI with an 8" twist??

The year of the .30-06!!
100 years of mostly flawless performance on a new one!!
13 November 2005, 12:28

I have a sudden urge to buy a nailgun...


13 November 2005, 18:20
N. S. Sherlock
I was thinking of a magneto with cats in series.

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
13 November 2005, 18:24
Leave it to Ned to spark the finale'! clap


Pres., TYHC


If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

13 November 2005, 19:37
Posted 13 November 2005 08:28

I have a sudden urge to buy a nailgun...

lol roflmas
im wondering what caliber would penatrate from one end of the crat line to the other.....50bmg mgun
14 November 2005, 00:42
L49: We have been very happy with the TTH, our 22-250's are all set up for 40's (1-12") I posted some pics of the results of the TTH on deer and it was pretty impressive. We are getting 3750 from a 26". (75 A-max's). I don't know how fast a 22-250 will push a 75gr??


minus 300 posts from my total
(for all the times I should have just kept my mouth shut......)
14 November 2005, 04:37
N. S. Sherlock
Think of a disassembly line for feral cats:....CLANG!...clang!...swish!(axe falling)...kerplunk!(cat head)... hitting the bucket.

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
14 November 2005, 08:00
Lowrider 49
Sounds like crab bait to me!!


I think 3450 fps is possible with 75 gr in the Ackley chamber, but certainly not 3750. Still I think that will do a number on deer. Where did you post the photos/info?

The year of the .30-06!!
100 years of mostly flawless performance on a new one!!
14 November 2005, 08:24
Just wire tie them all together,,tie one tail to the spark plug of your lawnmower,,the last one to the coil lead,,and watch'em dance!!!!!I watched 1/2 of my shop class hold hands and do that,,The motor started on the first pull and ran damn good,,Dumbasses,,,,,,Peace and roadkill grease!!!! Clay
14 November 2005, 09:12
L49: Here is the link: (The thread was eventually hijacked by someone with a personal vendetta against Texas Trophy Hunters??!!---like the name of the cartridge had anything to do with it??)

.224 TTH hunt results

His loads were also at 3450 but that was with min. loads. We had received the rifle from ER Shaw literally a week before!


minus 300 posts from my total
(for all the times I should have just kept my mouth shut......)
14 November 2005, 21:21
Lowrider 49
Thanks IV!!

The results are dramatic to say the least! After hunting season is over, I gotta work up some loads for my 8" twist .22-250 AI.

Seems they would make a fine long range crat dis-assembler (read shreader) with the 55 gr SX too. Anybody know the burst strength of crat skin?

The year of the .30-06!!
100 years of mostly flawless performance on a new one!!
15 November 2005, 05:20
I would think taking two of the recently neutered fellas and tying them together by the tails and then tossing them over a clothes line would make an interesting display of natural selection once they woke from their cat nap......

minus 300 posts from my total
(for all the times I should have just kept my mouth shut......)