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Bombs away or cat's away

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04 February 2006, 05:55
Bombs away or cat's away
I was working a the house of a remote controll airplane builder today .
He and his partner build bombers .
Most are not toys , but BIG scale .
The B 52 they were working on had a wing span of 16' and nose to tail of about 24' and take 2 guys to fly , cost is well into the 6 figures .
It will break down to fit in a 14' trailer.

I ask dose it drop bombs , what kind ?
I was told Yes it will 6 basket ball sized flour bombs .
They hold compations to see how well you can do

I ask if they had ever droped any other type of bomb ?
He stated water bollons were fun in the summer and his sons diapers that had fermented a few days worked great ( no details).

I ask if he had ever droped any live ammo .
( Funny look ) I said a cat in a bag ( cat targets on the wall )

He about pee'ed himself laughing .
He stated he had never thought of that type of bomb , but he would have to try it .

I ask to vidio tape it .

I may get to watch 6 cats get it at 1 time .


NRA life
Pheasants Forever
Hunt as if your life depended on your results
04 February 2006, 06:28
We will HAVE to have copies of the video'

Lt. Robert J. Dole, 10th Mountain, Italy.
04 February 2006, 06:34
Make shure to forward a copy to the cat forum!!!Clay
04 February 2006, 06:39
Hog Killer
Lets see now, B-52, mission, dropping dumb bombs. There use to be Arc-Light mission with 52s, carpet bombing bad guys, was quite a sight I am told. Now large scale model dropping "dumb bombs", I guess this could qualify as a Arc-Crat or Crat-Light(the later with glow sticks).


Hog Killer

We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
05 February 2006, 00:57
Give your payloads parachutes, ribbons, bows, skunk oil, and send them to the bunny huggers as a gift from above! We want to see the video!!!

When catapults are outlawed, only outlaws will have catapults!
05 February 2006, 01:50
John, if your thoughtful in the cinematography department I'll cart the video up to the next Sundance Festival. I think it would be a real smash, er, success! thumb I'll even wait to accept the award on your behalf. I KNOW that some of those Hollywood types really hate crats, but until somebody breaks the ice it's hard to come out of the closet. WinkMebbe I'll get moslested. Maybe some of them aren't gay?

I like the Crat-Lite name. I recall some of the old war movies...the bombs whistled on the way down. Our unworthy foes in Nam called the Cobra "Muttering Death" always reminded me of a senile Anthony Perkins in the ladies locker room for some reason...anyway, "Pussies Away!" That's my suggestion for a feature name. thumb We need to get somebody to generate a computer caricature of the Duke with silk scarf and leather helmet..and those funky glass goggles too. He's the bombadier. Let Lawndart to the victory roll as it departs into the sunset. I want to be the tail gunner, just to make sure they don't survive the fall. clap




If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

05 February 2006, 06:52

Are there any large, outdoor, swimming pools in your area? A pond full of near nekkid kittyhuggers would be the perfect target.

Or NW Ohio? That's pretty close to Detroit right? You got anything planned for tomorrow evening rotflmo
05 February 2006, 07:30
Sounds like a variation on one of the relatively new shotgun games--Sporting Crats?

But you either got to drop them in pairs or I have to get a pump/auto with extended magazine (or maybe a second shotgun and gunbearer?).

An old pilot, not a bold pilot, aka "the pig murdering fool"
05 February 2006, 07:49
When the fun and games final plans are made I will have to put up the rifle and start live traping a few.
Sad days till I have enough .

As for targets , I am just the camera man .
I would like to use a local PETA do gooder's house or car for the target .
But I bet the pilots will want to remain unseen by the public , as they make a fair amount of $$ on the toys , so a open feild will probley be used .
And not all of the public are like minded as we are .

Oh BTW I will post a URL of the vido when I get to shoot it , end of March is the expected compleation date on the B 52


NRA life
Pheasants Forever
Hunt as if your life depended on your results
07 February 2006, 11:16
Old Elk Hunter
Call in CSI after the cat is dropped and see if there is any truth to the myth that cats always
land on their feet.

07 February 2006, 11:26
Hog Killer
Can they do a high altitude night drop? High shool football game would be a good place to drop them. Lots of spectaters, lighted drop zone, all most everybody in the DZ is wearing a helmet and pads. Could make one very special half-time show too.

Hog Killer

We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
08 February 2006, 08:15
Hog Killer I like your idea , they could aim for a tuba.


NRA life
Pheasants Forever
Hunt as if your life depended on your results
08 February 2006, 12:03
Hog Killer

Hog Killer

We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
08 February 2006, 22:51
Watched Star Wars, Revenge of the Sith for the first time last night (OK, OK, I'm a bit behind the times).

Remember those little robots that came out of the missiles at the beginning and started attacking the fighter ship? Clamped on and started drilling, shredding and mutilated the electrical systems?

Think about it!! Crat bombs. Missile delivery onto Iranian or North Korean aircraft or into radar tracking stations!!! (Except in the case of the NK's, we'd have to be careful we aren't providing aid and comfort to the enemy in the form of pre-packaged live rations.)

And the best thing is, they're all shipped OVER THERE!!! Into the giant crat litterbox!!!!

Quick, someone call the Pentagon!

Oh, yeah. Just remembered the part where Aniken Skywalker defeats Count Dooku in a Jedi battle, by cutting his hands off with his light saber. The Sith master tells Aniken to kill Dooku, which he does. Then, Aniken, in a funk about it, says "He was an unarmed prisoner!" rotflmo rotflmo rotflmo
09 February 2006, 02:00
N. S. Sherlock
Well, it was true.

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
09 February 2006, 03:17
There goes that Hollywood sense of humor. Making fun of the handicapped... Roll Eyes




If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

09 February 2006, 20:28
Since the folks in those big litterboxes are mostly Muslim maybe the drop should be done useing piglets. The little oinkers would be crapping all the way down, defiling the landscape and when on the ground those sand-niggers couldn't touch them because of thir screwed up religion! Psyc Warfare! thumb derf

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati