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Evil Crat on Rampage

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29 March 2006, 19:22
Evil Crat on Rampage
Crat Arrested

What a town full of pussies.

Libertatis Aequilibritas
29 March 2006, 22:56
I can't belive the crat is still walking around
Sounds like a good reason for a road trip.
Which member of this formum lives in this area?
Would love to read the story gunsmile

Perception is reality
regardless the truth!

Stupid people should not breed

NRA Life Member
Owner of USOC Adventure TV
29 March 2006, 23:02
That's what I'm talking about. I can't believe no one in the town has a .22 That would never happen in Texas.

Libertatis Aequilibritas
29 March 2006, 23:31
Another "It's OK, he's just acting like a cat" crat owner. She's being sued (which I don't necessarily agree with, but she deserves it) and don't you know if you harm a hair on her pussy's head, you'd get the same in return!

Just my kind of crat though--show up in my back yard and see how well you breathe through your mouth/nose, and the two new orifices in your chest wall.

An old pilot, not a bold pilot, aka "the pig murdering fool"
30 March 2006, 01:24
I fully agree with suing her. I am the last one to recommend a lawsiut in today's overly litigous society, but if more cat (and differnece) owners were made responsible, PERSONALLY and FINANICIALLY, we would have a lot less crap like this.

Of course, in most places down here the cops would never know...either the crat would be fertilizer or doggie tooth floss after the first incident. Or gator poop.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
30 March 2006, 02:12
Here is video of crat under house arrest

includes photos of people bitten by crat

I can;t belive more wasn't done gunsmile mgun gunsmile

Perception is reality
regardless the truth!

Stupid people should not breed

NRA Life Member
Owner of USOC Adventure TV
30 March 2006, 02:13
Maybe we should take up a collection and send those folks some CB caps and a can of tunafish

Libertatis Aequilibritas
30 March 2006, 02:35
yes Iagree but look what happens when you kill a crat

Perception is reality
regardless the truth!

Stupid people should not breed

NRA Life Member
Owner of USOC Adventure TV
30 March 2006, 02:41
yes Iagree but look what happens when you kill a crat

That's what happens when you get CAUGHT killing crats.

Libertatis Aequilibritas
30 March 2006, 04:17

Perception is reality
regardless the truth!

Stupid people should not breed

NRA Life Member
Owner of USOC Adventure TV
30 March 2006, 04:32
I've never trusted a crat named Lewis.
30 March 2006, 05:38
One of those people should have done the decadence dance on that piece of shit,,I really,,truly hate cats,,Clay
30 March 2006, 16:51
dustoffer is right. Just another crat lover, spouting the same tired old "He's just being a cat. What can we do? CRYBABY"
Question: When the neighbors were hosing or egging him, was he in their yard? Was he terrorizing their pets? Quit whining and be grateful he didn't run into one of the small game forum!
"Lewis" is under house arrest. Good time to burn the house down. Mad
31 March 2006, 11:34
The Feline is a Felon! OK, but a restraing order, house arrest? When does a felion,uh felon ever pay attention to those worthless pieces of paper. It is more likely to crap on it than read it! Roll Eyes
I like most crats. Really, I do, but I would treat that stupid animal the same way I did our Terrorist Rooster or the Attack Rabbit. Crack, one 22 behind the ear! thumb derf

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