A little Ditty!
Sung to the tune of "4 Leaf Clover"
I'm looking over
My dead crat Dover
That I hit with the power mower
One leg is missing
One leg is gone
The third leg is scattered all over the lawn
No need explaining
The one leg remaining
Is over on the carport floor
Oh, I looking over
My dead crat Dover
That I hit
With the power mower!
This may seem familiar to some of the old hands here, I think I posted this on the old board but there are so many rookies and new guys here

09 May 2005, 21:14
deciple-of-keithAuther ,Auther .Much applause (From the Cheap seats of course)

10 May 2005, 01:48
N. S. SherlockAdd Feloinious Poet Laureate to your other titles!
11 May 2005, 03:12
DigitalDanKudos to derf! ENCORE, ENCORE!!! John Deere! Honda! Contender! Murray!
Pres., TYHC
www.Lawnmower.ManOne little flash of intellegence does not a genius make!
