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You don't know Jack.....

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28 February 2006, 19:57
N. S. Sherlock
You don't know Jack.....
You don't know Jack Dumashidt my neighbor a few doors down the street. He has one of those 5-ft. high blue above ground temporary pools about 20 feet across with redwood deck, access ladder, loungers, etc.. Throws a pool party in the spring. Well he was boasting he will be the first to open the pool in the whole town. He said the water would be cold though. I said "Why not heat the water up and really be first." While Jack was struggling with this thought, I hit him with "If you put about 6" of packing peanuts on top of the water the sun will heat the pool and the peanuts will super insulate it. You can use the pool scoop to dip out the peanuts before the water gets too hot in April. I will help you. I'm damn sure you will be first." When I got lome late from the hunt lease a few days later Jack was just finishing adding the last giant bag of peanuts. I congratulated him heartily of the fine work too. Now Jack and wifey Myrtle are cat likers. They like to keep a few around but never got particular about any one. Thus, living in my neighborhood they have had a lot of cats come and GO. Within days I start walking for exercise as I usually do, except my route now goes down the back alley past Jack's house at dusk. Pretty soon, I am tossing a handfull of frisky cat nuggets in Jack's yard. Then onto the pool deck and a few passes later when I have a furball audience lined up on the deck, I go to my special secret friskies with the catnip and tuna essence home made cat treats for the little *astards. Then I start cutting back a little so its a free-for-all on the deck, with a bit of a shortage. One eve when I figured the time was right and the furballs were in cocked and ready to rumble position I chucked a whole fistfull of my crat delights right on top of the peanuts in the middle of the pool and watched as four of 'em jumped in there at the same time. BIG SURPRISE!!!!!! Pretty soon they are at the pool side clawing the vinyl liner, yowling and hissing. The liner shreds almost instantaneously, the dam breaks in a burst of water and crats, just like you see in America's funnest videos. I'm running like hell up the alley 50, 60 feet to avoid the the deadly pool surge, as it wrecks the deck, pool furniture, picket fence surround, and slaps 4 cats into oblivion. I didn't see Jack for a few days but he had a helluva tale of woe about his cats destroying his backyard. Said he would never have another one no matter what Myrt said.

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
28 February 2006, 20:06
That's the funniest damn story I have read in a long time! Thank you for sharing that wonderful tale -- the only thing that could have made the situation a wee bit better would have been the drowning of a crat or two!! Damn that's funny!

"Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming.

Semper Fidelis

"Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time"
28 February 2006, 20:13
Being of the old surfer school, active during the transition from balsa and redwood to foam....or in other words, when men were steel and ships were wood...I'm wondering if any of the crats managed to hang ten on the wave front. Confused Probably their brains are not developed enough to recognize opportunity when it strikes. Seems to strike frequenly around Ned... rotflmo




If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

28 February 2006, 21:10
jumping cheers lol rotflmo
01 March 2006, 01:21
Old Elk Hunter
Excellent planning! Have the cat lover create the right environment, lure the cats in, let the cats kill themselves, and then let the cats be the target of the cat lover's wrath. I'd give you an 11 out of 10 for that one.

01 March 2006, 03:04
rotflmo Awesome!
01 March 2006, 05:57
By God, I need to live there. Smiler

Maybe get a'Summer Place'.

Would the neighbors care if I lived outta my car for awhile?

Are there any bridges that looked comfy underneath?*

*Stolen from DD.

My Strength Is That I Can Laugh At Myself,
My Weakness Is That I have No Choice.
01 March 2006, 15:00
N. S. Sherlock

Thank yuh! Thank yuh! I always try to be helpful around the neighborhood, whenever crats are involved. There's plenty of room aroung here for summer visitors and free lodging for the car campers in the deserted Martha Stewart-mart building parking lot right in the middle of our fast food alley. I myself have always heard of the most excellent fishing adventures available in wild, wonderful West Virginia, that I want to go there for the summer. Big bait, big fish, Pop always says, and I'm thinking if a big rat works, just think what a big crat will do.

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd