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Squirrel Problems

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22 January 2006, 18:01
Squirrel Problems
Squirrel hunters might be interested in this .I had no idea the greys were introduced from America.
22 January 2006, 20:09
N. S. Sherlock
The introduction of the squillers to G.B. is true. Unfortunately the remedies proposed to save the reds are as fine an example of wooly-minded thinking as is feral colony sterilization. Relentless killing is what will destroy or nearly so a species, where other conditions are also favorable to the extinction, as in buffalo, wolves, and yeti.
23 January 2006, 16:17

My Strength Is That I Can Laugh At Myself,
My Weakness Is That I have No Choice.
23 January 2006, 16:52
With Rhetoric like that Mr Elk Hunter, we'd be glad to see you on a squill hunt over here anytime. I think one of the sentences should say 'some brits have weak resolve'
and we ain't got the monopoly on in-breeding neither.

Coming to a state near you soon!

23 January 2006, 17:11
I think Brits in general have been stuck on that little island too long and the in-breeding is having its effect on their mental health.

I got a couple of neighbors from that place resembling that statement... In the main I would have preferred they had not immigrated.




If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

23 January 2006, 18:14
zaitsev, don't ya hunt squills over there.
Over here in Hillbilly Heaven we like our gray squills too.Right beside the mashed potatoes. Smiler

We also have Reds in our hardwood forests.The small ones,yearlings, are the most desirable cos the old ones are so tough you would think you were trying to skin a catfish.

BTW, these guys are just having fun with ya. WinkYou're more than welcome to come over and hunt squills with us anytime.The most fun is watching the dog treeing and the young hunters following thru.Ahhh, what fun it was to be young.

My Strength Is That I Can Laugh At Myself,
My Weakness Is That I have No Choice.
23 January 2006, 21:14
Hi poletax, I know these guys are just having fun. So was I, I was just shaking old elk hunters tree a little....
Man I was serious about that inbreeding thing but I go to some places over here and I think we definitely have it worse than you.
Alcohol was invented so ugly people can breed!
Anyway, yes we do hunt Squills the more the better. As a forester I have a dislike of them bordering on insanity, and yes they are good eating. I like them dipped in flour and deep fried. With mashed taters and greens
Hunting squills in hillbilly heaven, try and stop me.
Our method for them was either the .22 and sit and wait up or if I was going for numbers I used the 12. Best old score was a dozen in 1/2 hr.

Best to all.
23 January 2006, 22:02
One think about squill; them bastids is tough!!! I don't know how many times I've shot a squill, solidly in the boiler room when that little bastid crawled back up into the nest, and/or just died hangin' onto a branch. I got one squill with a .45 roundball that cut his hindquarters off, and he climbed back up the tree with his forelegs.

What the world needs now is a good squill-round. Of course, by definition, anything good on squill would be good on crat.
24 January 2006, 00:38
Old Elk Hunter

As you can see, I have retracted my comments about Brits. This is no place to post negative things about any group of people just because you have a moments reflections on the events of the distant past. Mine was a bad attempt at humor.

As for you grey squirrels, remember Concord Bridge!

24 January 2006, 01:27
Panzerguy,,You seem awful familiar,,,Can't quite think of where from though bewildered.Any how,,there was this claims adjuster that worked for the railroad,,went by the name of mortie,He swore by the 30/06 springfield for squill,Said he came home with a bushel basket full every night,,and from the looks of the pic. of his wife he posted one time,,He was'nt joking,,It would take a hell of a lot of bacon fat and gravy to,,,,well,,,just leave it at that. As for the U.K.,,I wish we could swap the squirrels for the freakin birds they sent over here,,at least you can eat the squills!!!Kill'em ALL!!!!!!!!!Clay
24 January 2006, 02:23
My Grandfather's favorite meal in the world was squill brains and scrambled eggs. Handed a pocket full of .22 cartridges, instructions were to bring back as many squills as shells, or on a bad day less the number of squills in unfired rounds from the beginning total. No head shots, as that tended to mess up the table fare for him. I perfected my shooting on deer with these, as I personally love them little buggers fried, and a shot through the shoulder leaves only the back legs and back, so I learned to place the bullet through the ribs behind the shoulder. Later on in my college years, I was lucky enough to live near Union City, TN, and that fine old gentleman, Turner Kirkland, would front you the parts to build custom muzzleloaders for sale at his Dixie Gun Works store. We would share the profit, a really nice way to pick up a few dollars, for he and I both. A particularly fine looking tiger stripped .36 cal. Pennsylvania rifle was handed back to me by the afore mentioned mentor, and I used that rifle to take may a squill to feed my burgeoning family during the school years. Get a bunch of single shot .22's and a bunch of 12 year olds, and that should take care of the problem.

"It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress." Mark Twain