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Bunny Hunting

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04 July 2006, 17:56
Crimson Mister
Bunny Hunting
I was out hoeing trees yesterday with my boy when I noticed a long ear sitting on its haunches about 15 yards away. He apparently was waiting for me to finish up with the trees so he could come in and prune them for me. Well I decided to chuck a rock at him and kinda shoo him away. Well I let the rock fly and missed my mark a little. While I was aimin' to hit him in the ass, the chunk of limestone caught him right below the ear. Thud, flop! Two kicks and DRT. Eeker Well the boy's jaw hit the ground (as did mine) and after my 7 y/o collected his thoughts he said, "Wow Dad, you're good!" "Well boy," I said "back when I was a kid, we couldn't afford .22 shells so that's the way we had to hunt bunnies when we were hungry."
So now I'm lookin' at a dead rabbit that has fleas and ticks jumping all over it and wonderin' what ethical thing would Sixgun do with this kill. bewildered Well since my boy was standing there, (and the fact that I have a wife and I'm not hard-up like him) I couldn't do as Old Puffy Sleeves would do. So I took out my knife, split it open and carried about 200 yds. out into the pasture. After I was done hoeing, I went to the house and grabbed a cooler, a lawn chair and the LVSF and did a little crow shooting. Well earned recreation for a hard days work. thumb

Rich Big Grin

Some people are a lot like Slinkies: They're not good for much but it's kind of fun to push them down a flight of stairs.
04 July 2006, 19:02
Very Good lesson for the youngen! Waste not!
Crow hunting by accident, hhmmm! beer



From Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery"
Winston Churchill
" does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.." Samuel Adams
Facts are immaterial to liberals. Twisted perceptions however are invaluable.
We Americans were tired of being thought of as dumb, by the rest of the world. So we went to the polls in November 2008 and removed all doubt.....let's not do it again in 2012 please.
04 July 2006, 21:10
Ihad a simila experience once with an armadillo/possum on the half shell. I was burning some reloads with friends at some of formidible bowling pins at the 25 yard line with a variety of different pistols and longs. My (at the time) brother in law saw an inverted halfshell at about the 10 oclock from downrange. soon there was a bit of wagering done on who could dispatch it. After a quick look thru the rangefinder,we agreed on 185 yards. The wager was 5 dollars a shot,open sights,pistols only,with the trusty BDL ready to dispatch a suffering critter with 125 grain nosler anesthetic. A vaquiero threw 2 puffs,a colt python threw a puff,a taurus threw 3-on down the line. When it got to me,I was "shamed" into shooting a Ruger 9mm with a stubby short barrel(since it was a pistol I hated-something about hitting a bullet with the broad side of a barn or some nonesense) I have a reputation of being a helluva rifle shot, but a bit wanting as a pistolero. I figured that I was about to donate a five spot, so I alligned the sights,added a healthy dose of kentucky windage,and let a double tap fly. OH LORD ITS HARD TO BE HUMBLE- especially when you roll an armadillo freehanded when you dont expect to even hit it. clap hollow points we trust...
05 July 2006, 06:30
Shot a bunny in a friends garden yesterday.
When I got to the garden I noticed that I had reduced the rabbit population by an extra half dozen.
I couldn't let the scattered almost offspring suffer so I made Alice Cooper proud.

I'm guessin they will get better 'maters from that spot.

"Policies making areas "gun free" provide a sense of safety to those who engage in magical thinking..." Glenn Harlan Reynolds
05 July 2006, 18:20
an so starts another saga - call it rock and roll Roll Eyes
06 July 2006, 12:01
I've never aborted half a dozen rabit fetuses before.
I can see where effeciency would require that a sweet corn commando would weed out the fattest rabbits first.

In this politically correct world no one would object to bunny abortions, would they?

"Policies making areas "gun free" provide a sense of safety to those who engage in magical thinking..." Glenn Harlan Reynolds