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The problems crat's cause.

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17 February 2006, 14:47
The problems crat's cause.

This happened about 6 miles from my house.


17 February 2006, 20:11
The peeing and pooping in the hallway part is a wonderful testimony to cat owners' responsible behavior.

An old pilot, not a bold pilot, aka "the pig murdering fool"
18 February 2006, 09:20
Old Elk Hunter
Maybe they shouldn't let women stay in the kitchen
with all those knives.......

18 February 2006, 14:59
Originally posted by dustoffer:
The peeing and pooping in the hallway part is a wonderful testimony to cat owners' responsible behavior.

You mean this owners IRresponsibility.

Blame the cat for this? Give me a break!

How about the cops? I'd fire a warning shot, use pepper spray, a taser, or if I must, shoot the person in the lower extremities first to drop them - my God, how can they just "shoot to kill"?

Neighbor problems sure can escalate out of hand - I've had my BP raised several times by bad neighbors!!

Bob Shaffer
18 February 2006, 16:56
Correct me if I'm wrong:
Law enforcement and other armed professionals are trained to use lethal force on perps armed with edged weapons if they are closer than 21 feet. This is the distance that a "dead but still moving" assailant can cover before dropping. She was well within that range, so when their training kicked in they knew they had NO time to screw around.
It speaks of their humanity that they still told her repeatedly to drop the weapon. They risked their lives to give her another chance.
Tasers and pepper spray are for stopping an ass whipping or if you don't have anything else. Deadly force must be met with like force.
If you want to stay alive, there are some luxuries you do not possess, like "fighting fair". That concept shouldn't be allowed to exist outside of kindergarten or sporting events.
18 February 2006, 17:08
Unfortunately Dickie lives to poop another day.




If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

18 February 2006, 17:08
sonofagun, we here at AR Small Game Forum don't hold cats responsible for ANYTHING but being the filthy vermin they are. We DO hold others responsible for allowing them to continue breathing.

I'd say the cops did well by putting them in the X-ring and putting paid to a psycho bitch.
18 February 2006, 20:17
Warning shot inside an apartment building? So you'd endanger others by firing through paper thin walls before shooting someone charging you with a knife!?!?!? Shoot to wound??? Come on....wake up into the real world. The cops walk up and are presented with a bleeding, badly injured person and a obviously psycho woman charging them with a knife held over her head. I'd say they did well to stop at 2 shots and not empty their magazines at her!

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
18 February 2006, 21:32
You do have to give the lady with the knfe some credit. She did cut up a cat and its irresponsible owner, after tolerating their f**ked up mess for some time. Having to walk through a cat poisoned environment day after day is enough to stress you past all reason. It's just sad that she ended up in a situation with no good outcome.
18 February 2006, 23:16
N. S. Sherlock
Generally speaking, there might be less crime of all types if the punishment was both swift and severe. How about the states that spend your money to get convicted felons college degrees? or send people to jail for 7 years for stealing more money from common working folks than a huge group of us will ever earn in a lifetime? And it goes right on to putting up with cat crap in your apartment building.

"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
19 February 2006, 01:07
In general I think the knife lady shouldn'a been shot, but there are circumstances and such where a gremlin's worst justice would come from Dan. The Criminal Justice Machinery is their friend compared to me. I know where the crabs live......and when the tide is low. Ferget the college degree and the joys of white collar crime. It all takes a crap if I get aholt of ya. N.S.




If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

19 February 2006, 03:15
Originally posted by sonofagun:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by dustoffer:
The peeing and pooping in the hallway part is a wonderful testimony to cat owners' responsible behavior.

You mean this owners IRresponsibility.

Blame the cat for this? Give me a break!

sonofagun--you missed my "dripping sarcasm" and that is quite possible as I am not as eloquent with the written word as DD, NS Sherlock, OEH, and others. Big Grin

An old pilot, not a bold pilot, aka "the pig murdering fool"
19 February 2006, 23:47
Here you go for eloquence DO! Big Grin IMNSHO, If that brain-damaged splittail had been kept chained to the stove like they should be, no one would have got hurt.
I said eloquent, not PC! Roll Eyes derf

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