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375 on hogs

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05 October 2004, 22:11
375 on hogs
Any of you guys use a 375 H&H for hogs?

What bullet comes closest to preventing full penetration?

06 October 2004, 03:16
i LIKE full penetration on hogs... in a 375, even the 375 win or 38-55, any decent bullet will go through

hogs just aren't big enough, 99% of the time, to "bother" a 375

06 October 2004, 04:15
Karl I have a recovered 300 grain Federal RN.soft, from a 375h&h. The bullet traveled most of the body length before stopping in the pelvis. This was the second shot. The first shot hit him High on top of the head which knocked him out for 2 or 3 seconds,he was down and not moving. Then he jumped up and charged. The frontal chest shot stopped him, He was very large and very dead. In the late winter if the Flint River floods many hogs seek higher ground that is when we break out the dogs, Just thinking about it gets me excitied!
06 October 2004, 08:08
My favorite recipe is a 270 grain Speer spitzer at 2700 fps. And I�ve shot many, many hogs with it. No one traveled more than 9 paces. By the way, I suspect that the pig hit in the head which died and charged was sort of inmortal!.
06 October 2004, 12:37
I shot three of them this Spring with 260 grain Nosler Partitions at about 2600 fps initial velocity A bullet was recovered in the hind quarters of a 150 pound sow at 75 yds after passing through most of the length of the animal. Hog drop instantly. A small boar (75 pounds) at 90 yds was shot broadside in the chest and bullet exited. Animal dropped instantly. About a 140 pound boar at 190 yds was hit through the lungs. Bullet exited but animal ran about 100 yds into the brush before expiring.
06 October 2004, 06:56
Jeff Alexander
I've only shot one hog with a 375HH. I used a 270 Grain Hornady Interlock. Shot the piggie in the shoulder running right to left at about 75 yards. Dropped in its tracks like it was poleaxed. <---always wanted to use that word in a sentence .

Anyway, it didn't even wiggle afterward.

Come to think of it - I've never shot anything with my 375HH that took more than one shot (except of course my hippo, which took a whole box full of shells - but that's another story).

06 October 2004, 10:31
Shot 2 large bodied warthogs in Namibia with 375 H&H and 260 grain Accubond. 130 yards broadside thru both shoulders and 3/4" exit - dropped at the shot. 310 yards quartering away from right paunch out left shoulder; 3/4" exit - also dropped at the shot. Shot a large boar in Texas right in the side of the head with 6MM and 100 grain Winchester PSP which also exited the other side, so I think any caliber in the right spot works fine.
07 October 2004, 03:01
I've shot a number of hogs with a 375 H&H and 300 gr Hornady RN. Only bullet I've had fail to penetrate completely was the 260 Nosler BT at 2,850 fps. I shot one hog broadside and found the jacket under the skin on the off side. NO bones were struck. Also shot two deer with the load and the bullet also failed to penetrate. I've still own two boxes of these bullets.
07 October 2004, 03:44

I've shot a number of hogs with a 375 H&H and 300 gr Hornady RN. Only bullet I've had fail to penetrate completely was the 260 Nosler BT at 2,850 fps. I shot one hog broadside and found the jacket under the skin on the off side. NO bones were struck. Also shot two deer with the load and the bullet also failed to penetrate. I've still own two boxes of these bullets.

about my experience with BT's along the way... i am very happy my 376 shoots other bullets VERY well, and i dont have to try accubonds in it
