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Re: No more pigs with 300wby

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18 August 2004, 15:35
Re: No more pigs with 300wby
Thanks. If you ever want to try out that thutty thutty on some argentine pigies give me a call. I'll take you to do some wingshooting too.

18 August 2004, 15:44

I have been really giving it some thought so a call may not be that far off (I have your website saved to favorites). Right now I am getting my trip to Alaska together, I leave the 30th and stay until the 16th and I just made plans with a couple friends in Alaska to hunt Kodiak, Island for deer in December (Thank God for frequent flier miles). So unfortunatly $$ will be tight for a few months.


17 August 2004, 01:13

Good to hear from you, Yes, sausage was on the menu but not quite that much. My processor cut me quite a few packs of chops, ribs, sausage and two 12lb hams that he had smoked at a local smoke house. My wife has been making pork seemingly daily and told me yesterday that I need to go shoot a couple more as she and my mother in-law are about out of chops,I will bet I can find the time to do that before my next trip.

Alaska again-14 days!

16 August 2004, 15:30
I have not bought it yet but I am going to leave or transform a 3030 to just open sight for this spot where I hunt. Throughout these woods it is all the same, close and personal. I have retired the 300 wby for hunting this area but I would use it again on a more open range hunt for pigs, although I have a nice 280 rem and an 06 that I would probably grab first. I will probably retire the 3oowby except for my yearly Alaska hunts or if I go after elk or a larger critter, it is a very faithful companion.

17 August 2004, 15:14

Here is a photo I just took of one of mine. Basically you take appx 4ft of 4" pvc pipe and then add a 4" Y fitting to one end of the pipe, you then cut a small piece of 4"pipe appx 2-3 inches or so and glue it into the bottom of the Y fitting and then cap it off so only the Y of the fitting is open and pointing up from the bottom of the pipe. Have another 4" cap on hand as you will want to cap off the pipe after you fill it with corn.

Drill a few small holes in the bottom cap to drain out any rain water.

The best way I have found is to strap it to a tree or a fence post, I have used rope and even duct tape in a pinch. You want it secured as tight as you can make it as hogs get rough around them and will try and knock them down. They work great.


18 August 2004, 00:47

Unfortunately with this setup you really can't control the coons. I have not had the chance to get back out and try the diesel fuel yet, but I plan too in the next week or so and I will let you know how it works out. I just secure the feeder to the tree and let it go. Despite the small critters that also have access to it I have never had any problems with them and they always work. I do not mind feeding a few small critters as I can certainly handle predator control . I bought a .17 cal for just this purpose.

BTW-Drill a few holes in the bottom cap to allow rain water to drain.

I would bet your corrugated pipe was just too thin, I have never had that problem with this setup as I use the thick wall pvc.

Good luck

17 August 2004, 23:30
dw, I was wondering if you hung it from a tree by a rope if you could slow down the coon problem. --- or use diesel
I tried this with a section of black 6 inch corrigated septic field hose---- the pigs ate right through it.
18 August 2004, 13:33
Thanks Doug. One more question. Do the pigs eat right out of the open end of the Y or does the corn pile up on the ground?
18 August 2004, 13:47

They will eat right out of the Y, I refill them appx: 2x a week or so and they are always near if not empty. Corn is cheap enough that even when I can't get out and hunt I try my best to keep them full so they will hopefully be around when I am ready. I have them placed only a few miles from my home.

Good luck
