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Is this really the new world record lion????????

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08 April 2004, 06:20
Giraffe Hunter
Is this really the new world record lion????????
I just found this on Ebay. I thought the current record was taken in Zimbabwe in the late 1990's. What do you guys think?

World Record Lion
08 April 2004, 06:29
Who knows, but if I shot a lion like that I certainly would not auction it off!
08 April 2004, 06:38
And a letter certifting this from the American Sportsmans Club?
08 April 2004, 06:47
Take it with a major dose of salt.

"World record lion" according to whom? Which record book?

Does the seller have all the supporting documentation?

Is the skull included in the auction?

08 April 2004, 07:34
For the starting bid price, I will go shoot my own.

08 April 2004, 08:05
Most probably killed with a "45-70 Mbogo Deluxe"
08 April 2004, 08:45
DB Bill
Measuring by length is a skill learned a long time ago by the brown bear guides in Alaska.
08 April 2004, 11:04
Adam Clements
Not even a chance that it is a "world record"! Hard to tell from a picture, but the skull on this lion would be around 25-26 SCI score. The #1 lion is 28 1/16 from Zimbabwe with Rusty and Safari Trackers from the last SCI Edition. Don't know if this has been beat yet for the next edition. I do know that one of our clients "Mike McDonald" who hunted with Harpreet and Rungwa Game Safaris in Selous last year took a #4 lion which had a 27" skull. I would put a picture of it, but do not know how to do the picture stuff here.
08 April 2004, 11:19

And a letter certifting this from the American Sportsmans Club?

My blood almost boiled when I saw that letterhead. the American Sportsmans Club was a total scam, and was shut down after a class action lawsuit was brought against them. I bought a "membership" in 1984 after a guy came to my house with photo albums showing all these neat properties with lakes, cabins, trophies taken, and a map covered in stars where all theese properties were.

After I gave them my money, I tried to book a weekend, and of course every property in the US was already booked for 6 months. I signed on to the closest one, and when I finally got there, it was nothing like the book described it.

It was a dry dirt lot with an overflowing trash can, shot gun shells all over the place, and a tree so full of lead it was half dead.

I tried to get my money back, and they folded up.

Obviously this guy is/was in cahoots, and they have NO credibility, or authority to authenticate anything. I'd kick his ass myself just for having that letterhead in his posession.
08 April 2004, 11:43
p dog shooter
Nice lion but for 25 grand I'll go and shoot a bunch of stuff myself.
08 April 2004, 12:49
Boss Kongoni
I'm hardy knowledgeable about Lions. That guy does seem to have much of a main? I just trophysare in te eye of the behoulder
08 April 2004, 13:12
Bravo five one
Anyone notice who is selling it?Hollysthings?She probably got it in the divorce and is selling it just to rub it in.

08 April 2004, 14:39
If Mr. St. Clair is claiming his lion is the new world record because the skull measurement finally broke the 17 inch length barrier, he is several years too late. According to Rowland Ward's 24th edition, the number 1 lion is 28 3/4, with a skull length of 18 1/4. Number 2 is 28 1/2. Rowland Ward's number 1 lion was taken in 1968.

08 April 2004, 16:13
That story and the letter from the American Sportsman Club are a nice touch! Do you spell lion S-C-A-M?