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Anyone want to Hunt the Congo

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19 May 2006, 17:50
Ted Gorsline
Anyone want to Hunt the Congo
I mentioned in one of the forums doing a game survey on the Bomakandi River in the Congo last April and not being able to survey other areas because of security problems.

Since then security has improved and we have had people down there full time doing game surveys in the areas, we could previously not enter, and looking at some other areas and we have found some good areas.

We are waiting for the election this June to see if the Congo can be made stable and if it can we will be there very quickly. We have one camp up already. We have not been using the clients' money for exploration.

If any one is interested in hunting the Democratic Republic of the Congo please send me a contact address and I will let you know as things progress.

Basically they will be bongo, buffalo, lion, duiker and plains game hunts in the beginning.


Ted Gorsline
19 May 2006, 19:20

I'd hunt in the DRC in a heartbeat if I had the finances. At least last time this subject came up a couple of years ago after I had received some info from George Angelides ( Hunting in the DRC ), it was quite expensive to say the least. I presume it won't be much cheaper this time around? Not to mention it appeared that the majority of people here didn't enjoy the same dream I have of exploring in central Africa, or like the thought of dealing with potential danger/difficulties.

As you know from our PMs, I even considered driving up thru west Africa a couple of years ago by myself, including the DRC, but put it off due to the arrival of our baby. But the thought is still in my mind, and I still chew on it at least once a week. Wink

I hope you'll keep us all posted on how things evolve with your hunting possibilites. Smiler
19 May 2006, 19:55
Ted Gorsline
Dear Eric,

We have exactly the right people in place in the Congo now and we are just waiting to see how the election goes.

I just got an e-mail today saying get ready to saddle up so I thought I would see if there is any interest at AR.

But this kind of thing has been going on for 20 years so we must just wait and see.

I see where 1,500 German paratroopers are now in Kinshasha to help keep the election stable.

Hope its not another false alarm. Fascinating country.


Ted Gorsline
19 May 2006, 20:36

Which region of the Congo would you be hunting? The North I guess ???


John H.

.. - the net's double rifle forum
19 May 2006, 20:38
Ted Gorsline
Dear Nitrox,

The north east. The Uele River and possibly around Garamba Park.


Ted Gorsline
20 May 2006, 12:47

So what would the countryside be like in that region? Mixed savannah, or thicker forest?

The "new" area sounds very interesting.


John H.

.. - the net's double rifle forum
20 May 2006, 12:57
Would it be roughly as expensive as CAR or Cameroon? More? Less?

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20 May 2006, 13:34
Ted Gorsline
Dear Nitrox,

The country is mixed big forest and savannah so you get bongo and lion in the same area. I do not know what the pricing will be yet.

The troops are developing a budget at the moment but it will depend upon the political situation. The election is important for many reasons.

For example, what I hope the election does is make it possible to enter the country from the Uganda or Kenya side. There are already daily flights from Kampala to Isiro. Also its not far from Kenya with all of its tourist and charter facilities.

Easy to get to hunting blocks and return from the Kenya or Uganda side. Its convenient and not too expensive. Lots of cheap flights with good airlines to Nairobi.

Isiro in Congo is a small town airport and everybody knows everybody. Our people have lived there for more than 40 years so they already know all the security and military people.

You can drive (300 km) or charter to the hunting blocks. Missionaries have already rebuilt the roads and bridges from Isiro to Sudan and they have been living there for decades now without being killed.

But because there was a turf dispute between Kinshasha and Orientale Province last year the central government wanted people to pass through Kinshasha, where the game department head office is, and get their gun and hunting permits there on their way to Isiro.

Kinshasha is not as well developed for tourists as Kampala and its a long way from the hunting area. There are two good hotels but the airports are chaotic, flights to Isiro are once a week, and if you use charters to Isiro they are very expensive.

So, for example, what happens after the election will determine how you enter and leave the country to go hunting and that will have alot to do with both costs and convenience.

If we can come in from the east it will be alot cheaper and more convenient than going to CAR or Cameroun because of the well developed tourist infrastructure in place in East Africa.

I imagine the daily rates will be about the same as Cameroun and CAR. Will depend on diesel costs and the costs of getting it there etc.


Ted Gorsline