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Travelling with Minors and Rifles

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07 May 2004, 10:51
Travelling with Minors and Rifles
In July my son and I are heading to Zambezi Valley. He would like to take his own rifle and shotgun along. We will have three rifles and at least one shotgun.

Baggage restrictions for KLM and then South African Air are 2 rifles and they both state they will allow one shotgun in the case as well. South Africa regulations have a minimum age of 18 for firearms.

Thinking of 2 cases and having the airlines check them through on the primary ticket, which is mine.

Going through Nairobi is an option I would rather not take and that is the only other way to avoid South Africa or a layover in Joberg. Using up miles on NWA.

Staying at Afton house and they should offer help when we land and then leave the next day.

Any experiences or thoughts on taking three rifles through South Africa with a 16 year old?
07 May 2004, 12:35
I believe it is the planes that put the restrictions on the number of guns, so you check some, your son the other. Then in RSA, the gov't puts an age restriction of 18, so you register them all. They don't care how they got there (with regard to who checked them on the airline). Problem solved, I believe.
07 May 2004, 12:57
Actually, South African regulations have a minimum age of 21 (both the old and new rules).

The old South African rules state that you can bring in only: 1 handgun, 2 rifles and 1 shotgun per person.

I don't know if the limitations are any different in the new rules.


07 May 2004, 13:25
All of this stuff seems pretty chaotic and has changed a couple of times during the last month. If the latest poop is correct, and you are just passing through RSA, you would just route your stuff straight through to your final destination and that country's laws would apply. If you are staying in South Africa any length of time, then you would have to follow their laws.
07 May 2004, 17:35
When I traveled to Namibia with my three sons last year, I was told that they (being minors) would not be able to import guns under their own names. Fortunately, my wife was with us and she was the "owner of record" for two rifles and a shotgun, and myself the other two rifles and a shotgun.

When we got to Windhoek, however, the guy registering guns was so overwhelmed that he just had me put all the guns on one permit. I slipped him twenty Rand, and we were on our way.

I always found it amazing what twenty Rand can do for you in Africa.
08 May 2004, 06:45
I have done this before, and will again in early June. My two sons (minors) and my wife will be taking (collectively) 5 rifles and one shotgun. On one trip to RSA, they put them all on my license. On another trip, they put some on my license and some on my wife's. This year, my PH in Zim has prepared the forms to put some on my licence, some on my wife's, and some on my oldest (16) son's license. In the end, they will do what they want at the airport. I wouldn't sweat it. No one ever seems to know the "real" law in Africa, and they don't appreciate your attempts to educate them. Just go with the flow when you get there.

08 May 2004, 06:59
I'm taking my 17-year old son to northern RSA in 6 weeks. All guns have to go on my license/permit. RSA will not issue any paperwork to anyone under 21, period. We are using the Hunter Support rep to get us through customs/police office. She confirmed that to me by e-mail. I don't know about transit through RSA, that might be another matter...
08 May 2004, 08:18

Air 2000 in SA will walk you through the whole gun permit process, tell you the current regs and meet you at JIA. It will be $70.00 well spent.

Since it seems that you have not decided on the best route to take to Zim perhaps you should give Kathi Klimes a call. Kathi has been to Zim many times herself and is intimiately familiar with safari travel. She will even help you set up travel with your mileage for a reasonable fee. Contact her at or 708-425-3552.

Let the pros help you and just sit back and enjoy your trip.


08 May 2004, 12:51
So someone 18 and under must have their firearms registered to an adult while hunting in Africa. Do the same rules apply in the US?

08 May 2004, 13:03
Don't know what you're getting at, but the answer is no, of course not. And the 21 year age deal is not Africa-wide, only RSA.
11 May 2004, 04:13
Thanks all for your input.

My first thoughts seem to be the best course of action.

Afton House has a meet and greet service so I don't think there is a need to hire Air 2000 on this segment of the trip. We have more than a 13 hour layover and are required to claim our bags. Besides if they dont arrive on KLM it may be a little easier to narrow down where the bags are.

Using Continental or Northwest in conjunction with KLM through Amsterdam brings you in to Joberg after the last flight to Harare. It is possible once KLM has the agreement in place with Air France we could utilize Air France and come in earlier.

I've looked at every way in and out of Harare using a number of dates and carriers. South African Air has greatly reduced the number of seats they provided to Delta. Two years ago I managed to get 5 seats in business class over and back on exactly the dates I needed.

For now the tickets are in place.

Kathi and other agents do wonderful jobs and where needed we will take full advantage of services fine professionals provide.

For me part of the enjoyment and experience of Africa, and any trip for that matter, has and is the organizing and planning.

Thank you all.